5 Common Mistakes Everyone Makes When Buying Glasses Online (2024)


The world of e-commerce has truly transformed our shopping habits. Gone are the days when buying something meant dedicating an entire day to navigating through crowded stores. Today, from electronics to apparel, and even groceries, almost anything can be delivered to our doorstep with a few clicks.

5 Common Mistakes Everyone Makes When Buying Glasses Online (1)

The rise of online shopping

The surge in online shopping isn't just about convenience; it's also about the breadth of choices available. Think about it: we can access international brands without ever setting foot on a plane. We have reviews at our fingertips, helping to inform our purchase decisions based on others' experiences. It's not just about buying; it's about being part of a larger global consumer community.

Why glasses are a unique purchase online

But here's the kicker: not all purchases are created equal. While buying a book or a gadget online is fairly straightforward, glasses are a whole different ball game. Eyeglasses are deeply personal. They rest on our faces, a part of our daily identity, influencing not just how we see the world, but also how the world sees us. The fit needs to be perfect, the style reflective of our personality, and the lenses, of course, should correct our vision accurately. All these nuances make purchasing glasses online a unique experience, filled with both opportunities and challenges.

Buying glasses online offers unparalleled variety and often better pricing. However, the absence of physically trying them on and speaking to an optometrist face-to-face can lead to uncertainties. That's why, as we delve into the common mistakes people make when venturing into the online world of eyewear, it's essential to keep in mind the distinctiveness of this purchase.

Mistake #1: Not Checking Frame Size

Glasses are not a one-size-fits-all item. Just like with clothing or shoes, the fit of your glasses is paramount to their function and comfort. While an ill-fitting shirt might be uncomfortable, ill-fitting glasses can be a headache—literally.

5 Common Mistakes Everyone Makes When Buying Glasses Online (2)

Importance of size for comfort

The width of the frame, the size of the bridge, and the length of the arms all play crucial roles in how glasses fit on your face. If the bridge is too tight, you could end up with unsightly red marks on the sides of your nose. If the arms are too short, they may not sit securely over your ears. And if the frames are too wide or narrow, they can distort vision and look disproportionate to your face. In essence, size isn't just about comfort; it can also impact the functionality of your eyewear.

How to correctly measure frame size

Measuring frame size is not as daunting as it sounds. If you have an old pair of glasses that fit well, they can be your starting point. Frames usually have numbers printed on the inside of the temple arm. These numbers reflect lens width, bridge width, and temple length, all in millimeters.

But if you're a first-time buyer or want to ensure utmost accuracy, here's a simple guide:

  • Lens width: The width of one lens, ranging typically between 40-60mm. Consider your face width: those with narrower faces should stick to the lower end, while those with wider faces might lean towards the higher end.
  • Bridge width: The distance between the two lenses. It's the part resting on your nose, so be sure this isn't too tight or too loose. A typical range is 14-24mm.
  • Temple length: The length of the arm piece on the glasses, generally between 120-150mm.

You can use a ruler to measure your face, or even better, a digital caliper for precision. Additionally, many online eyewear shops offer printable size guides or interactive tools to assist in this process.

Mistake #2: Ignoring Lens Specifications

Eyeglasses serve a dual purpose: they correct our vision and protect our eyes. While frames contribute significantly to our style and comfort, lenses determine the clarity of our vision and the health of our eyes. Hence, understanding lens specifications is just as essential as choosing the right frame.

5 Common Mistakes Everyone Makes When Buying Glasses Online (3)

Different lens types and their roles

Lenses aren't just a piece of clear material; they come with a range of types and treatments, each designed for specific needs:

- Single Vision Lenses: These are the most common type of prescription lens, designed to correct a single vision problem, such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism.

- Bifocal Lenses: These lenses have two distinct viewing areas: the main part of the eyeglass lens contains a prescription for nearsightedness or farsightedness, while the lower part has the prescription for reading.

- Progressive Lenses: Also known as multifocal lenses, these provide a seamless transition between distance, intermediate, and reading prescriptions in one lens without any visible line.

- Computer Lenses: Specifically designed for the digital age, these reduce eye strain caused by looking at digital screens by optimizing your vision for the distance from which you view your devices.

The pitfall of UV protection assumption

One dangerous assumption many make is that all clear prescription lenses provide UV protection. While it's true that some do, it's not a universal feature. Prolonged exposure to UV rays can have harmful effects on the eyes, including cataracts and other eye diseases. Therefore, it's crucial to ensure your lenses offer 100% UV protection, especially if you spend a lot of time outdoors.

Moreover, other specifications like anti-reflective coatings, blue light filters, and photochromic (or transition) capabilities can be beneficial for specific lifestyles. For instance, if you're working on computers for extended hours, a blue light filter can help reduce digital eye strain.

Mistake #3: Overlooking Virtual Try-Ons

The digital transformation has indeed revolutionized our shopping experiences. But when it comes to buying eyewear, there's always a tinge of hesitation. After all, how do we know if those snazzy frames will look as good on us as they do on the screen? The answer lies in leveraging the power of virtual try-ons.

Advancements in virtual try-on technology

Virtual try-on technology isn't just a futuristic concept anymore; it's here and has made leaps and bounds in recent years. Many online eyewear retailers now incorporate sophisticated augmented reality (AR) and facial recognition technology, allowing you to see how different frames fit and look on your face in real-time.

This technology creates a 3D model of your face, which makes the try-on experience even more accurate. Some advanced platforms can even factor in how the glasses will sit on your face based on your nose's shape and the distance between your eyes.

The difference between in-person vs. online fittings

While in-person fittings allow you to physically feel the weight and texture of the frames, and perhaps even get feedback from a friend or store assistant, they come with limitations. You're confined to the collection available in that particular store, and trying on too many options can sometimes be overwhelming.

Virtual try-ons, on the other hand, let you experiment with a vast array of options from the comfort of your home. Want to see how those vintage round glasses look on you? Or perhaps those sleek cat-eye frames? It's all possible with a click. Plus, you can take screenshots, share with friends and family, and take your time to decide without a salesperson hovering over you.

However, a significant aspect to remember is that while virtual try-ons give you a visual idea, they can't replicate the physical feel of the frames. Thus, while they are a fantastic tool to narrow down your options, always ensure you read about the material and weight, ensuring you're comfortable with your final choice.

In essence, overlooking virtual try-ons is bypassing one of the major advantages of online glasses shopping. It's not just about choosing a style that suits you, but also about making an informed decision with a blend of technology and your intuition.

Mistake #4: Not Understanding Return Policies

When shopping online for anything, especially something as personal and specific as eyeglasses, understanding the return policy is vital. Unlike a brick-and-mortar store where you can voice immediate concerns, online shopping requires a bit of waiting before the product reaches you. What if the frames aren't quite the shade of blue you thought they were? Or what if they pinch behind the ears? Here's where a solid understanding of return policies comes into play.

5 Common Mistakes Everyone Makes When Buying Glasses Online (4)

The unpredictability of online shopping

While online shopping offers convenience and variety, it does come with the element of surprise. Product photos, no matter how high the resolution, can sometimes be misleading due to lighting or screen color settings. And with eyeglasses, even a minor discrepancy in size or shade can make a big difference in comfort and aesthetics.

Why eyeglass return policies may differ

Return policies for eyeglasses can be slightly more complex than other products. Because many glasses are prescription-based and customized for the buyer, some retailers may have restrictions on returns. They might offer a partial refund or store credit instead of a full refund. Others might allow returns but charge a restocking fee.

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Reading the fine print

It's essential to delve deep into the return policy specifics:

- Duration: Most companies offer a 30-day return policy, but this can vary. Some might offer extended periods, while others could have shorter windows for returns.

- Condition of the product: Some retailers may require the product to be returned in "like-new" condition with all original packaging.

-Refund method: As mentioned, some might offer store credit instead of a refund, while others might deduct a restocking fee.

- Prescription issues: If the mistake is on the company's part, such as an incorrect prescription, most reputable companies will offer a free redo. However, if you provided the wrong prescription, the policies can differ.

To make the most out of online eyewear shopping, always factor in the return policy. It provides a safety net, ensuring that even if your choice doesn't turn out perfect, you have options to amend the situation. By thoroughly understanding return policies, you not only protect your investment but also enjoy a more stress-free shopping experience.

Mistake #5: Choosing Price Over Quality

The allure of discounted prices and unbelievable deals can be tempting, especially when shopping online. And in the realm of eyewear, the price spectrum is vast. You could grab a pair for as low as $10 or splurge on a luxury brand that costs several hundred dollars. But as the age-old saying goes, "You get what you pay for." So, when it comes to eyeglasses, which are both a style statement and a functional necessity, should price be the only determinant?

5 Common Mistakes Everyone Makes When Buying Glasses Online (8)

Understanding the real value of eyeglasses

Eyeglasses aren't just about looking good; they play a pivotal role in our daily lives. From reading to driving and recognizing faces, they impact our world view—literally. Hence, their value isn't in their price but in their quality. A well-made pair can last years, resist scratches, and provide optimal vision correction, ensuring comfort and clarity.

Materials Matter

The difference in price often boils down to the materials used:

  • Frames: Quality frames, often made of acetate, titanium, or stainless steel, are durable, lightweight, and hypoallergenic. Cheaper ones might use inferior materials, which can cause allergies, discolor over time, or break easily.
  • Lenses: High-quality lenses usually come with anti-reflective coatings, UV protection, and are made of materials that are resistant to scratches and impact. On the other hand, cheaper lenses might lack these features, affecting vision clarity and eye protection.

The hidden costs of cheap eyewear

Opting for a cheaper pair might seem like a saving, but it could cost more in the long run. Inferior quality glasses might need frequent replacements. Plus, if they don't correct vision adequately or strain the eyes, they might lead to eye issues or regular visits to the optometrist, adding to expenses.

Striking a balance

While the cheapest option might not always be the best, it doesn't mean you need to empty your wallet for quality glasses. Many online retailers offer high-quality eyewear at mid-range prices, leveraging direct-to-consumer models to cut out middleman costs. The key is to research, read reviews, and prioritize quality over flashy discounts.

In the end, remember: your vision is priceless. While budgeting is essential, compromising on quality for the sake of saving a few dollars can be a short-sighted decision, pun intended.


Navigating the realm of online eyeglass shopping brings with it the allure of endless choices from the comfort of one's couch and the promise of potential savings. Yet, it's equally laden with pitfalls. Overlooking frame sizes, underestimating lens specifications, or letting price overshadow quality can all culminate in disappointment or unnecessary expenses. In this digital age, while we're endowed with unparalleled access to information, the onus is on us to harness this knowledge wisely, especially when it pertains to our invaluable sense of sight. As technology continues to evolve—offering tools like virtual try-ons to AI-powered frame suggestions—it promises a more seamless shopping experience. However, as consumers, sticking to the fundamentals and steering clear of common mistakes remains our best strategy for a clear and comfortable vision. After all, aren't glasses fundamentally about seeing the world more clearly?

5 Common Mistakes Everyone Makes When Buying Glasses Online (2024)


What are the issues with buying glasses online? ›

Reasons Not to Buy Glasses Online

Some experts say it's like trying to cut your own hair. It may be difficult to return the glasses. A large study found about half the online glasses had the wrong prescription or other problems. An incorrect prescription may give you blurred vision or make your eyes feel uncomfortable.

What to look for when buying glasses online? ›

After determining your frame style, size, color, prescription, and frame measurements, you will want to finish up by considering a few final things. Depending on the type or brand of the eyewear you choose, you could get some added features like UV protection, photochromatic lenses, or anti-fog lenses.

What to avoid when buying glasses? ›

If the arms are too short, they may not sit securely over your ears. And if the frames are too wide or narrow, they can distort vision and look disproportionate to your face. In essence, size isn't just about comfort; it can also impact the functionality of your eyewear.

What to think about when buying glasses? ›

5 Factors to Consider When Choosing your First Pair of Glasses
  • Get a professional to prescribe the right glasses. ...
  • Find the frame that complements your shape and personality. ...
  • Get your glasses professionally measured and adjusted. ...
  • Consider getting a special coating. ...
  • Find glasses that match your lifestyle and daily activities.

Is it safe to try on glasses online? ›

While it's safe to order glasses online, getting a proper fit is essential so that your frames are doing their job. Virtual try-on has made it possible to see how you'll look in your new frames, but an in-person fitting is required for the best results.

Are glasses bought online accurate? ›

Even if you order your glasses from an online source, you will still need to visit an optometrist or ophthalmologist for an eye exam and a prescription for corrective lenses. Many times, glasses ordered online do not fit correctly or the prescription is off.

What is the highest quality eyeglass lens? ›

Essilor is the world leader in eyeglass lenses. Essilor created the first and finest progressive lenses (Varilux lenses, Varilux Definity®, Varilux Comfort®, Varilux Physio®, Varilux Ellipse®), the finest lens coating (Crizal), and the finest single vision lenses on the market today (Orma, Thin&Lite, and Airwear).

How to choose glasses online? ›

  1. Find a pair of glasses you like by browsing our categories. ...
  2. Once you've found a pair, simply click the 'Try on Female/Male' link under the glasses to activate the virtual mirror.
  3. Use our video mode (with webcam) to see how they look at all angles or upload a photo.

How to pick a pair of glasses? ›

Choosing Your Frames
  1. Consider Your Face Shape. ...
  2. Pick a Material. ...
  3. Decide on a Color. ...
  4. Choose the Correct Size Frame for Your Face. ...
  5. Think About Your Prescription. ...
  6. Channel Your Personality. ...
  7. Consider Your Lifestyle. ...
  8. Ask an Expert.

Is it cheaper to buy prescription glasses online? ›

Can I get affordable prescription glasses online? Absolutely! At Eyebuydirect, we pride ourselves on offering stylish, high-quality frames starting at just $6. That means you can get the clear vision you deserve without breaking the bank.

What makes a good pair of glasses? ›

The use of high-quality materials and attention to detail can result in a pair of glasses that not only look great but also last longer. When choosing glasses, it's important to look for a design that not only suits the wearer's personal style but also fits their lifestyle and daily needs.

What is the best month to buy eyeglasses? ›

Many online and brick-and-mortar glasses retailers offer big seasonal sales several times a year. The best times to get deals on glasses include late summer and early fall for back-to-school, major holidays, Black Friday and Cyber Monday. The best time to buy sunglasses is summer and winter.

How do I choose the right glasses for me? ›

Four Factors to Choosing Eyeglass Frames
  1. Find Frames that Fit Your Face Shape. Is your face round, oval, square, diamond, or heart-shaped? ...
  2. Choose a Frame Color That Matches Your Skin Tone. ...
  3. Consider Your Lifestyle. ...
  4. What's Your Personality?

How to choose an optical frame? ›

Top 5 Things to Consider When Selecting Your Optical Frames
  1. Your style. Think of eyeglasses as a way to show the world what drives your style. ...
  2. Your personality. Optical frames are a fun way to express your personality. ...
  3. The shape and size of your face. ...
  4. The color of your hair and skin. ...
  5. Type of lenses.

Why are glasses more expensive in store than online? ›

Most, if not all, online vendors price their glasses at a lower price than actual retail shops do. And you might've heard the reason for this, but it's primarily because online vendors tend to cut out the middleman in the supply chain.

Can I order glasses online if I have my prescription? ›

Is It Ok to Get Prescription Glasses Online? Yes! With an accurate prescription and pupillary distance, a pair of prescription glasses ordered online are the same as glasses you'd buy in a store.

How accurate are online glasses? ›

According to The American Optometric Association, glasses ordered online have a 44.8% of error. This means that almost half of the glasses ordered online do not match the customer's prescription, the measurements are off, or the lenses do not meet the required safety impact rating.

Is it okay to buy progressive lenses online? ›

Online progressive lenses are not customized to your individual needs and preferences. They use a predictive “one size fits all” measurement for progressives ordered online, instead of taking the actual measurement in the store. This can result in poor fit, alignment and comfort.


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Name: Carmelo Roob

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Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.