ChatGPT for Writing a Business Plan (2024)

In the dynamic world of business, a robust and strategically created business plan can significantly contribute to triumph. Organizations are strongly encouraged to integrate ChatGPT for Writing a Business Plan in their content generation process, offering them a competitive edge, as explored in the latest publication titled, ‘ChatGPT Business Course.’ This tool has been designed to assist in producing high-quality, relevant business plans and other crucial content.

Here are the key points addressed in this article:

SectionKey Findings
IntroductionChatGPT, an advanced language model, can be used as a tool to create a well-structured, detailed, and insightful business plan.
Understanding the Function of ChatGPTCompanies can use ChatGPT as an executive assistant to help craft business plans. For the best results, detailed descriptions of the business should be provided instead of brief prompts.
Recognizing the Constraints of ChatGPTChatGPT is indeed an impressive tool, yet it cannot entirely supplant human input and expertise. It grapples with limitations such as a deficiency in customization, a confined pool of knowledge, a potential to generate inaccurate data, and an inability to fully replicate human judgement. Despite these constraints, it serves as a significant asset for various professions, particularly those in education.
Using a Business Plan Template and Improving it with ChatGPTTo start, use an existing business plan template related to your industry, then ask ChatGPT to analyze and improve it. Customize it based on the AI’s suggestions and your knowledge about your company. Finally, let ChatGPT review the final version for logical consistency, clarity, and comprehensiveness.
Using AIRPM Extension with ChatGPTThe AIRPM extension for ChatGPT can be used to aid in writing a business plan. It offers prompts and templates, but it’s important to customize the results it generates and to not rely solely on it.
Using an Advanced Business Plan PromptThe author provides an advanced prompt that you can use to engage ChatGPT in creating an extensive business plan, which covers all critical sections, such as Executive Summary, Company Description, Market Analysis, Sales and Marketing Strategy, Operational Details, Financial Projections, and an Appendix.

Table of Contents

Introduction – ChatGPT for Writing a Business Plan

ChatGPT presents many opportunities for creating an effective business plan to aid a company during its initial stage significantly. This guide outlines five tips to harness the power of ChatGPT for writing your business plan. While some tips are straightforward and widely recognized, others are unique and less understood. Utilize this guide as a foundation for constructing a business plan using ChatGPT, and augment it with your personal strategies and techniques to perfect your plan.

Ready to unfold the seamless symphony of human and machine intelligence? Let’s delve into the world where ChatGPT becomes the cornerstone of your business planning.

1. Understand the Function of ChatGPT in Writing a Business Plan

ChatGPT is a cutting-edge language model, powered by advanced machine learning algorithms. According to a recent CNBC interview with former Google president Eric Schmidt, training a language model akin to ChatGPT roughly costs one billion USD.

However, numerous businesses fail to grasp the capabilities and potential of ChatGPT, thus neglecting to leverage its maximum potential fully. Picture ChatGPT as a highly trained executive assistant who has scrutinized all existing business plan templates and is adept at formulating each section of a meticulously crafted business plan. Creating a business plan from scratch can be intimidating, with many business owners spending innumerable hours trying to structure and present their ideas logically. ChatGPT offers a well-structured, detailed, and insightful starting point, making the process easier and more achievable.

Special Note: Instead of using brief prompts like “write me a business plan” on ChatGPT, provide a detailed description of your business. The more comprehensive your prompts are, the better the outcome. Further in this article, I provide my recommended prompts for crafting a flawless business plan using ChatGPT.’

2. Recognizing the Constraints of Utilizing ChatGPT

While ChatGPT possesses impressive capabilities, it is not without its shortcomings. Optimal utilization of ChatGPT requires a blend of its automated assistance, your inputs, careful adjustments, and diligent fact verification. Sole reliance on ChatGPT without any human guidance is not advisable.

Consider the following critical constraints of employing ChatGPT for crafting a business plan:

  • Customization Deficiency: The advice provided by ChatGPT is rooted in broad business tenets, which might not correspond precisely with your unique business requirements.
  • Knowledge Boundary: ChatGPT possesses a vast pool of data, but its knowledge is limited. It may struggle with inquiries about highly specialized or obscure subjects, or it may not be up-to-date with recent evolutions in specific fields.
  • Fact Verification: There’s a potential for ChatGPT to generate inaccurate data, necessitating the importance of fact-checking.
  • Inadequate Replacement for Human Expertise: While ChatGPT can be a valuable resource for idea and content generation, it still needs to replace human expertise or discernment. It’s crucial to employ ChatGPT to augment your existing knowledge and experience rather than being wholly dependent on it.

3. Put Business Plan Template to ChatGPT and Improve it

Start by conducting comprehensive research on pre-made business plan templates about your industry. Use online materials or expert platforms to identify a plan that most aptly satisfies your requirements. Some of the top resources that I suggest include:

  •, a website hosting over 500 complimentary sample plans, encompassing everything from traditional models to pitch decks and elevator pitch guides. They also furnish a rich selection of educational blog posts and videos to guide you in establishing and financing your enterprise.
  • Smartsheetsoffers numerous valuable materials to aid your venture planning process. These include a one-page business plan template, a straightforward scheme tailored for startups, a succinct small-business plan template, an extensive business plan structure, etc.
  • Shopify continues its trend of providing high-quality free resources. Here is their list of different business plan templates.

After selecting an apt template for your business: Transfer it to ChatGPT with the prompt:

“read this business plan template and analyze it.

Let me know how it can be improved.

-Write a new improved version.” This action will elicit a bespoke, enhanced prompt from ChatGPT. “

You can also identify particular sections you wish to enhance, such as:

“please analyze this business plan and suggest improvements on the market analysis and financial projections sections.”

Utilizing its deep learning capacities, ChatGPT will propose amendments, considering contemporary market trends and financial modeling methods. Here, you gain from AI’s core competencies: data scrutiny and predictive abilities.

Upon receipt of the modified business plan template, it’s time to personalize it. Utilize your understanding of the company, its products, and unique selling points to tailor the business plan. Insert specific details and plans of your company, ensuring the set goals are realistic and achievable.

Every plan segment, including the executive summary, company description, market analysis, organizational and management structure, service or product line, marketing and sales strategies, and funding request (if needed) should be exhaustive and detailed.

Once you’ve made your revisions, send the business plan back to ChatGPT one final time before circulating it amongst your team. Seek feedback by asking: “ChatGPT, please review this business plan for logical consistency, clarity of presentation, and comprehensiveness.” The AI will assess your plan for cohesiveness, ensuring a logical flow of information and the presence of all crucial details.

Lastly, disseminate the refined business plan amongst your team. Remember that the plan should remain flexible, welcoming feedback and necessary modifications. This approach yields a rigorously reviewed, high-quality business plan that fuses AI-driven insights with your business insight, establishing it as a powerful instrument for directing your business’s growth.

4. Use AIRPM Extension To Write Business Plan

The AIPRM for ChatGPT extension is instrumental in crafting a business strategy using ChatGPT. It’s the leading free extension for ChatGPT, boasting over a million users and a supportive community that votes for the most usable business prompts.

To begin with, AIRPM, follow these steps:

  1. Add the AIPRM for ChatGPT extension for ChatGPT to your browser.
  2. Set up an AIRPM account and synchronize it with your OpenAI account.
  3. Explore the AIRPM extension’s library, where you’ll find an array of prompts and templates targeting marketing, sales, operations, productivity, and customer support.
  4. Search for “business plan” in the search bar.
  5. Among the most favored business plan prompts in AIRPM are “your business development manager” and “Y Combinator Business Plan Outline.” You can just experiment with both to find out which one best suits your needs.
ChatGPT for Writing a Business Plan (1)

Leverage the additional prompts and templates within AIRPM to expedite your use of ChatGPT since it absolves you from formulating prompts yourself. The AIRPM extension is an invaluable resource for business plan development via ChatGPT, facilitating idea generation, offering a fundamental business plan structure, and pinpointing areas requiring enhancement. Despite this, it’s crucial to remain aware of ChatGPT’s limitations and to use it as a writing supplement rather than a standalone solution. When properly implemented, the AIRPM extension can significantly formulate a comprehensive and efficient business plan.

Special note:Be sure to customize the business plan AIRPM generates for you. You can also ask ChatGPT to make the business plan section more complete and detailed.

5. Use This Advance Business Plan Prompt

For an ideal business plan, engage ChatGPT with a clear and precise advanced prompt. I’ve formulated an optimal prompt for you, which you may copy and use. It’s compatible with the freely available ChatGPT (GPT 3.5) and the paid version (GPT-4).

Here is the prompt:

As an experienced professional specializing in business plan development, we invite you to construct a thorough, well-structured business plan that demonstrates the viability and potential of the proposed business concept. The business plan should be written in English, encompassing all essential sections, and embody an original and innovative approach that distinguishes it from generic templates and online resources.

  1. Executive Summary:This section should briefly introduce the business and elucidate its core purpose. Illuminate your unique selling proposition (USP) that sets your business apart from others in the marketplace. Summarize your financial forecasts, clearly showing expected returns and profitability.
  2. Company Description:Give a comprehensive overview of your business, explaining its nature, operations, and sector of operation. Clarify your mission statement and core values, specifying how they align with your business objectives. Enumerate your products or services, detailing their unique features and benefits.
  3. Market Analysis:This section should include robust market research identifying your target audience, needs, preferences, and behaviors. Assess your competitors meticulously, delineating their strengths and weaknesses and what sets your business apart. Highlight prevalent market trends and uncover opportunities that your business can capitalize on.
  4. Sales and Marketing Strategy:Craft a comprehensive marketing plan demonstrating how you intend to reach and engage your target audience. Explain your sales strategy, including how you’ll convert leads into customers and generate revenue. Disclose your pricing strategy, compare it with competitors, and justify any disparities based on value proposition or market positioning.
  5. Operational and Company Details:This segment should describe your organizational structure, detailing roles and responsibilities within your management team. Explain your daily operations and critical processes that ensure smooth functioning. Identify any legal or regulatory considerations that might impact your business, showcasing how you intend to comply with them.
  6. Financial Projections:Prepare a thorough financial plan incorporating income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements to display the business’s financial health and growth projections. Identify your funding needs, outlining how these funds will be allocated to various aspects of the company. Furnish a break-even analysis, and estimate the return on investment (ROI), proving the business’s financial feasibility.
  7. Appendix:This section can include any additional supportive documents such as market research data, patent certificates, resumes of key team members, etc.

Remember, the business plan should be persuasive yet realistic, reflecting your comprehension of the business environment, competition, and strategies for success. It should be original, detailed, and sufficiently compelling to attract potential investors and stakeholders.

Write this business plan for a company:

The product is:

You can always ask ChatGPT to explain some sections in more specific and explicit language. I hope you enjoy this prompt, and let me know how it worked for you in the comments.


Leveraging AI technology like ChatGPT in business plan development proves to be a compelling and streamlined method. You can craft a comprehensive, detailed, and persuasive business plan by comprehending its operations, acknowledging its limitations, and capitalizing on its abilities with targeted prompts and tools such as the AIRPM extension. This approach amalgamates human understanding with artificial intelligence, generating a carefully crafted plan that caters to bespoke business needs and prevalent market trends and anticipates financial futures.

Nonetheless, it’s crucial to remember that despite AI’s considerable assistance, the ultimate responsibility of customization and fact-checking lies with you. This ensures the creation of a robust, precise, and resonant business plan aligned with your company’s vision and objectives. Leverage the power of AI as a pivotal partner in your planning process, and witness the transformation in your business approach through the seamless integration of human and machine intelligence.

Frequently Asked Questions About using ChatGPT for Writing a Business Plan

Question 1:How does ChatGPT assist in business planning?

Answer 1:ChatGPT serves as an efficient executive assistant in business planning, crafting each section of a well-thought-out business plan. It offers a well-organized, comprehensive starting point that simplifies generating a business plan from the ground up. It also provides suggestions to enhance a business plan template, creates a refined version, and reviews the final plan for logical coherence, presentation clarity, and thoroughness.

Question 2:What are the challenges of using ChatGPT for business planning, and what are the solutions?

Answer 2:Despite its capabilities, ChatGPT could be more flawless. It might need help handling queries about highly specialized or niche subjects or may need updates on the latest advancements in specific sectors. There’s also a risk of it producing inaccurate data, emphasizing the need for careful fact-checking. Utilizing ChatGPT as a supplement to human expertise rather than a replacement is crucial. Aligning AI-generated content with your business needs and rigorous fact-checking are essential for data accuracy.

Question 3:What is the AIRPM extension, and how is it beneficial for business planning using ChatGPT?

Answer 3:The AIRPM extension is a helpful tool in strategizing business plans using ChatGPT. It’s a free extension used by over a million users that provides a multitude of prompts and templates for various business aspects, including business planning. Once the AIRPM extension is installed and an account is set up, users can browse its extensive library for different business plan prompts. These prompts streamline the business planning process with ChatGPT and enhance the precision and effectiveness of the output.

Question 4:Could you offer an example of an advanced business plan prompt that can be used with ChatGPT?

Answer 4:The article offers an instance of an advanced prompt designed for a thorough business plan. It commences with an instruction to build a complete, well-organized business plan, showcasing the feasibility and potential of the proposed business idea. The prompt further defines seven vital sections of the business plan: Executive Summary, Company Description, Market Analysis, Sales and Marketing Strategy, Operational and Company Details, Financial Projections, and Appendix. Each section contains particular instructions and details to be included. One can craft a detailed and persuasive business plan with ChatGPT by adhering to this prompt.

Now it is your turn to test these business plan writing technics with ChatGPT. Let me know in the comments which one you like the best.

If you are interested in my ChatGPT Business course, contact me here.

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ChatGPT for Writing a Business Plan (2024)


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