Cosmetic Iris Implants Carry Risk of Permanent Eye Damage, Vision Loss (2024)

Cosmetic Iris Implants Carry Risk of Permanent Eye Damage, Vision Loss

From Van Morrison ("Brown Eyed Girl") to Elton John ("Blue Eyes") to Erykah Badu ("Green Eyes"), eye color has given many people something to sing about. Yet not everyone is happy with the way their eye color defines them.Colored contact lenses are a popular way to at least temporarily make your brown eyes blue, green or another color. Until recently, permanent eye-color change has not been possible, but now a new procedure does more than just change the eyes' color, it frequently damages them just as permanently.

Eye color is determined by the iris, a colored ring of muscle fibers behind the clear cornea and in front of the lens. Iris implants are marketed on the Internet as a safe way to change your eye color, but studies of people who've had the procedure show iris implants can seriously damage eyes and vision. In one case, a patient lost most of her natural irises in both eyes. As a result, she suffered severe light sensitivity and lost much of her vision.

"Some online discussions say the procedure is safe, claiming that 'the technology used is similar to that used to treat cataracts.' This is inaccurate as well as misleading," says ophthalmologist James Tsai, M.D., a clinical spokesperson for the American Academy of Ophthalmology who has published research on the medical complications of iris implants. "We strongly caution people against having cosmetic iris implant surgery."

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About Iris Implant Surgery

During iris implant surgery, an artificial iris made of silicone is folded and inserted into a slit that has been cut into the cornea. Then the iris is unfolded and adjusted to cover the natural iris. Local anesthesia is used.

Iris implant surgery was developed to treat people who have an iris that did not develop normally (for example, in conditions such as aniridia or coloboma) or who lack a natural iris, most often seen after a traumatic injury to the eye. These patients also risk complications from implant surgery, but the benefits of gaining an iris may outweigh their risks. Complications appear to be more common in people who have functional natural irises and yet chose implants for cosmetic reasons.

What You Need to Know

Studies show that serious complications of the iris-implant procedure can include:

  • Reduced vision or blindness;
  • Elevated pressure inside the eye that can lead to glaucoma, a potentially blinding disease;
  • Cataract(clouding of the eye's naturally clear lens);
  • Injury to the cornea, the clear outer area of the eye that focuses light and makes vision possible. If severe enough, acorneal transplant may be needed;
  • Inflammation of the iris or areas around it, leading to pain, blurred vision and tearing.

When complications occur, the implants often must be removed via additional surgery, which carries its own risks of damaging the eye. In one study, nine of 14 patients needed their implants removed.

Cosmetic iris implants have not been evaluated by any U.S. regulatory agency or tested for safety in clinical trials. They are not approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Currently, Americans who want the surgery travel to Panama, where the procedure is performed by several doctors.

The American Academy of Ophthalmology, the American Glaucoma Society and the Contact Lens Association of Ophthalmologists strongly discourage consumers from undergoing this surgery, due to the documented potential damage to healthy vision.

Anyone interested in changing their eye color – for whatever reason – should talk to an ophthalmologist before undergoing any procedure or purchasingcolored contact lenses (which, by law, require a prescription).

Cosmetic Iris Implants Carry Risk of Permanent Eye Damage, Vision Loss (2024)


Cosmetic Iris Implants Carry Risk of Permanent Eye Damage, Vision Loss? ›

Studies show that serious complications of the iris-implant procedure can include: Reduced vision or blindness; Elevated pressure inside the eye that can lead to glaucoma, a potentially blinding disease; Cataract (clouding of the eye's naturally clear lens);

What are cosmetic iris implants? ›

Artificial Iris Implant Procedure

It can be done as a single procedure in which an incision is made into the limbus (the junction between the sclera or white part of the eye and the cornea or clear window of the eye) and the iris is inserted into the eye and sutured into position.

What is the success rate of the iris implant? ›

Thirty-eight procedures (74.5%) had an uneventful follow-up after artificial iris implantation. The overall complication rate after surgery included 13 out of 51 patients (25.5%), and the complications were further subclassified into mild, moderate, and severe.

Is iris implant permanent? ›

Iris Implant Surgery is a surgical procedure to get a permanent eye color change. It was initially built in order to treat eye injuries and eye ailments which were very traumatic. The permanent eye color change surgery is an artificial medical-grade silicone implant to cover up the natural iris.

How much does iris implant surgery cost? ›

The procedure costs $12,000 and is not covered by insurance. Yet the risks and cost doesn't deter some people. Just before the new year, actor and model Jessica White revealed on Instagram that she permanently changed her eye color with KERATO from dark brown to hazel.

What are the risks of iris implants? ›

Studies show that serious complications of the iris-implant procedure can include: Reduced vision or blindness; Elevated pressure inside the eye that can lead to glaucoma, a potentially blinding disease; Cataract (clouding of the eye's naturally clear lens);

How long do eye implants last? ›

IOLs don't need to be replaced because they don't break down over time like natural lenses. A replacement may occur if it's necessary for patient satisfaction or technological advancements. Once you have laser cataract surgery with a premium lens, you are set for the rest of your life!

What is the implant that restores vision? ›

The Intracortical Visual Prosthesis System is the first intracortical visual implant to use a group of fully implanted miniaturized wireless stimulators to explore whether individuals with blindness can utilize the artificial vision provided by this approach.

How much does it cost to get an artificial eye implant? ›

What is the price of the treatment in India? The price of a single prosthetic eye in India can be around Rs 15,000 to Rs 30,000 and above. However, the cost of the surgery also gets counted in.

How safe are eye implants? ›

Answer: Once your IOL (or artificial intraocular lens) has been placed inside of your eye there is very little chance that any damage can occur to it, especially a year and a half after surgery. There are a few very uncommon conditions that can harm your implant, but they are very unlikely.

What is the most rare eye color? ›

Gray: The Rarest Eye Color

With this change, gray now tops the list as the rarest eye color. Gray eyes may contain just enough melanin in the front layer to dim the blue wavelengths of light that are reflected back by the tissue of the eye. Dark gray eyes have a bit more melanin in the front layer than pale gray eyes.

Is iris implant surgery reversible? ›

Importantly, these purely cosmetic implants are associated with significant and often irreversible, potentially blinding, complications,[13,14] and their use is strongly discouraged by the authors. A wide spectrum of postoperative complications has been reported in association with artificial iris insertion.

How to change eye color naturally? ›

Some people promote the use of honey and tepid water to change the color of the eyes gradually. No scientific evidence supports this method, and it is not considered safe. Tap water and honey are not sterile and can cause infection.

Are iris implants FDA approved? ›

The FDA granted approval of the CustomFlex Artificial Iris to Clinical Research Consultants, Inc..

What is the success rate of iris replacement surgery? ›

More than 70 percent of subjects receiving the implant reported a significant decrease in light sensitivity and glare, and significant improvements in health-related quality of life. Furthermore, 94 percent reported satisfaction with the outcome.

What is the most expensive eye surgery in the world? ›

Contoura Guided All-Laser LASIK

This is the most expensive procedure, with an average cost of $2,300 for one eye and $4,600 for both. It is not indicated for all patients and usually has a specialized application.

What do people with retinal implants see? ›

Next, the antenna sends instructions to the implant, emitting small pulses of electricity that convey visual information to the surviving cells in the retina. These cells send signals to the brain, and the patient sees patterns of light.


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