Developing and Refining your Thesis (2024)

Resources for Writers:The Thesis

The thesis in college-level writing
Most papers you write in college will require a thesis becausethe purpose of college level writing is not simply to report on what youhave read, but to interpret it and begin to add your own contribution tothe field of knowledge. For some students this can be a little intimidatingat first, but ultimately it is rewarding to know that you are writing papersin order to add to our overall knowledge rather than simply to reportthat you've done your homework! A thesis is not simply "an opinion,"though. It is an informed opinion.
Developing and Refining your Thesis (1) What isa thesis anyway?Developing and Refining your Thesis (2) Whatis a Thesis Enthymeme?
Developing and Refining your Thesis (3) How doesa thesis differ from a topic?Developing and Refining your Thesis (4) Why ShouldI make one?
Developing and Refining your Thesis (5) How DoI Develop a Thesis?Developing and Refining your Thesis (6) How do Imake one?
Developing and Refining your Thesis (7) Peer Editingfor the Perfect ThesisDeveloping and Refining your Thesis (8) Now what?

What is a thesis anyway?
Basically, a thesis is an assertion that a paper or argument is designedto prove/support. At the research stage, a thesis is the reasonableassumption (based on what is already known) that an experiment or observationwill seek to prove or disprove. To avoid confusion, composition teacherstend to call this the working thesis. The final thesis is the conclusionthat is reached at the end of the research: a reasonable interpretationof the available evidence. A thesis is not a statement of fact.A thesis is not an assertion that no reasonable person would accept basedon the evidence at hand. Nor is a thesis something that most reasonablepeople would conclude based on the evidence at hand. A thesis isan interpretation that explains the data but that could be reasonably disputedby others who have also studied the data.

How does a thesis differfrom a topic?
The topic of your paper is the subject you are exploring. Yourtopic might be "Wicca." You might introduce your topic by saying"I am exploring Wicca in this paper." But that isn't a thesis.Nor is "This paper will explore Wicca, an increasingly popular religion."Even though some might debate Wicca's increasing popularity and othersmight argue that it isn't a religion, the previous statement isn't a thesis,it is a promise (about what the paper will do). A thesis on the topicmight be "Although some refuse to acknowledge that Wicca is a religion,it is one because it meets what we generally accept to be the major characteristicsof a religion." The thesis does not need to be written out as onesentence, but by the time readers have reached the end of the introduction,they should be able to write out the thesis in pretty much the same wayas the author did [see reviewing papers for thesis].The introduction to the paper described here should list the characteristicsthat the writer believes characterize a religion, and the paper would addresseach one to show how the writer came to the conclusion that Wicca is areligion.

How does one develop athesis?
In order to write an effective thesis, a writer must consider severalfeatures of what we call the rhetorical situation. According to JohnT. Gage, the rhetorical situation consists of the following:
1) a question at issue
2) a stance
3) a strategy
4) assumptions
Gage argues that (1) and (4) are determined by the audience, and (2) and(3) are determined by the writer ("A General Theory of the Enthymeme" 168-69).Notice that in the description below these features are written in thisorder rather than in the order listed above:
  • (1) THE QUESTION: The question is thething that has driven the research, whether it is a point of disagreementbetween two groups (like the Wicca argument above, which began "Why mightone believe that Wicca is a religion?") or something that several peoplemight like to understand ("why is Wicca growing in popularity?").The audience determines what are appropriate questions ("Should I joina coven?" is not an appropriate question for a college-level research paper,for example), so authors must have a good sense of the expectations oftheir audience before they begin developing questions.
  • Once you have a good sense ofthe material relating to your topic (perhaps as a result of writing a backgroundsynthesis or an annotatedbibliography), make a list of questions that one might ask about thatmaterial. Select one or two, and reread your research material tryingto find an answer. Don't pick questions that lead to yes/no answers("do Wiccan's worship specific gods or goddesses?") or statements of fact("what are the names of the major god and goddesses in Wicca?").Instead, select questions that will encourage interpretation ("why mightone believe that Wicca is a religion?" or "why is Wicca growing in popularity?").
  • (4) ASSUMPTIONS: Just as they mustunderstand what constitutes an appropriate question according to theiraudience, authors must also understand their audiences' assumptions aboutother things related to the topic and the larger society in which theylive. Arguments draw on the shared assumptions of the author andhis or her audience for their success (in the Wicca case, for example,audience and author must assume that it is possible for there to be morethan one religion, that discussing what constitutes a religion is a worthwhileexpenditure of time, and that the nature of things can be determined bylooking at their parts). When the author and the audience share assumptions,the author can depend on a certain logical framework as he or she developsthe paper. Students who are learning to write for academic audiencesneed to spend some time learning what assumptions they can assume theirreaders share, and they need to bear this in mind as they develop a thesisand a strategy for writing the paper.
  • (2) STANCE: The author determines a stanceon the topic based on the answers he or she found to the question (in theexample being given here, the stance is "Wicca is a religion"). Thisstance then becomes the thesis. As you are thinking about your materialand continuing your research always ask "what question am I trying to answerhere?" If you keep your research question in mind you will read witha view to answering it. If you develop a thesis too soon, you willread only to prove what you already believe. That isn't research(re-search); it is looking for proof.
  • (3) STRATEGY: The author develops astrategy to support the thesis, in the form of the layout of the paperand the evidence that will be used in it. However, in doing so, theauthor must always keep (1) and (4) in mind, or the paper runs the riskof failing to achieve its goal of both informing and persuading.
Whatis a Thesis Enthymeme?

An enthymeme is a form of syllogism known as a truncated syllogism.Syllogisms are used in logic in structures like "(a) virtues are praiseworthy;(b) kindness is a virtue; (c) therefore, kindness is
praiseworthy." As long as (a) and (b) are true, then (c) mustbe true as well. This kind of certainty might be reassuring, butit doesn't help you write a thesis-driven paper because there is nothingto dispute. A truncated syllogism is a syllogism in which one of the premises(a) or (b) is implied ("kindness is a virtue; therefore kindness is praiseworthy,"for example, assumes that virtues are praiseworthy, but doesn't say so).But enthymemes are much more than just logical structures. Indeed,rhetorician John Gage argues that we should think of syllogisms as justa kind of enthymeme, and perceive enthymemes to be at the heart of rhetoric.

Why should I make one(how will it help me)?

The value of using enthymemes as you think about writing papers is thatthey help you to explore all the parts of the rhetorical situation beforeyou start writing. In order to make a thesis enthymeme, you mustthink about your question, your thesis, your audience, and your assumptions.Once you have considered all of these things you are well on the way towriting a good paper.

How do I make one?

An enthymeme has four parts:
1) An implied question (this is your basic research question,but it is implied
because you don't write it out in thepaper)
2) An Assertion (i.e.: a thesis)
3) A "because" clause (like the strategy discussed before,a list of the reasons
you will cite to support your thesis)
4) An implied premise (i.e.: an assumption thatreaders will share with the writer)

You make one by writing out what your implied question, assertion, "because"clause, and implied premise are. For example,

1) An implied question: Why do some people thinkthat Wicca is a religion?
2) An Assertion: Wicca is a religion
3) A "because" clause: Wicca meets the definitionof "religion" offered by other
major religions that I have studied because itis a group of people who join together
to serve or worship a god or supernatural force,it has shared practices and
observances relating to this deity, it demandsa commitment to its deities from those
who follow it, etc.
4) An implied premise: Religion can be definedas a group of people who
join together to serve, etc., etc. (I assumethat the audience will share
my definition of religion, especially if I showthem that others share it too)

Now What?

Once you have made a thesis enthymeme, you are ready to develop an outlineof some sort (formal or not) based on the items listed in your "'because'clause." [Check out "NotYour Usual Outline" for a discussion of this.]

Peer Editing for the PerfectThesis

I am indebted in this discussion to the argument proposed by John T.Gage in "A General Theory of the Enthymeme" (Teaching Advanced Composition,ed. Katherine H. Adams and John L. Adams, Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook,1991. 161-178).

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C. Sandra Jamieson, Drew University. 1999
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Developing and Refining your Thesis (2024)


What should you do when refining and polishing a thesis statement? ›

Refine and polish the thesis statement
  1. Ask if your draft thesis addresses the assignment.
  2. Question each part of your draft thesis.
  3. Clarify vague phrases and assertions.
  4. Investigate alternatives to your draft thesis.

What are the different ways you can refine your thesis statement? ›

If you are able to:
  • Make an argument.
  • Answer 'so what? '
  • Be specific.
  • Have only one idea.
  • Make it supportable.

What does it mean to refine your research? ›


Once you have read some background information, you can refine your broad research topic into a narrow, focused topic. The sooner you can develop a broad subject into a focused topic, the sooner you can shape your research into a finished paper.

How to develop a good thesis statement? ›

A strong thesis statement takes some sort of stand.
  1. Remember that your thesis needs to show your conclusions about a subject. ...
  2. Your thesis should indicate the point of the discussion. ...
  3. A thesis statement should show exactly what your paper will be about, and will help you keep your paper to a manageable topic.

What are the 3 ways you can revise your thesis statement? ›

Ways to Revise Your Thesis
  • Pinpoint and replace all nonspecific words, such as people, everything, society, or life, with more precise words in order to reduce any vagueness. ...
  • Clarify ideas that need explanation by asking yourself questions that narrow your thesis. ...
  • Replace any linking verbs with action verbs.
Sep 6, 2022

How do you refine a research statement? ›

Research Process :: Step by Step
  1. Introduction.
  2. Step 1: Develop a Topic. Select Topic. ...
  3. Step 2: Locate Information. Search Strategy. ...
  4. Step 3: Evaluate Information. Evaluate Sources. ...
  5. Step 4: Write. Organize / Take Notes. ...
  6. Step 5: Cite Sources. Citation Styles. ...
  7. Step 6: Legal / Ethical Use. Copyright. ...
  8. 5-STEP HOW-TOs. Research Process.
Jun 13, 2024

What are some examples of refinement? ›

With refinement, things and people become more acceptable: the sugar's refinement makes it appropriate to serve at a fancy party, and your refinement makes you a perfect guest there. the process of removing impurities (as from oil or metals or sugar etc.)

Which is an example of refinement? ›

Refinement refers to modifications of husbandry or experimental procedures that minimize or eliminate animals' pain and distress and improve their welfare. A few examples of refinement are anesthetics and analgesics, humane animal handling, environmental enrichments, and humane endpoints.

How to refine a research idea? ›

Start doing some exploratory, in-depth research. As you look for relevant sources, such as scholarly articles and books, refine your topic based on what you find. While examining sources, consider how others discuss the topic. How might the sources inform or challenge your approach to your research question?

What 3 things must a thesis statement have? ›

A thesis statement is a sentence (sometimes more than one sentence) in the introduction that tells the reader the following information: What the topic of the paper is. How the writer intends to discuss that topic. It gives a blueprint for how the essay will be structured.

What is an example of a strong thesis statement? ›

Example: Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are the best type of sandwich because they are versatile, easy to make, and taste good. In this persuasive thesis statement, you see that I state my opinion (the best type of sandwich), which means I have chosen a stance.

What is a good sentence starter for a thesis? ›

For these, we recommend using one of the following sentence starters to write your thesis with: In this essay, I will … [Subject] is interesting/relevant/my favorite because … Through my research, I learned that …

What is the polishing process in writing? ›

The polishing stage includes a more detailed editing of mechanics, spelling, grammar, typos, style, and format. You might have improved some of these areas during the revision process, but now, you will focus specifically on these finer details. This is an aspect of writing that can be greatly aided by technology.

What is an effective way to clarify the thesis statement? ›

Tip: The best way to revise your thesis statement is to ask questions about it and then examine the answers to those questions. By challenging your own ideas and forming definite reasons for those ideas, you grow closer to a more precise point of view, which you can then incorporate into your thesis statement.

What is your understanding of refining the research problem? ›

Usually this means narrowing the scope. This makes it a more targeted piece of research, yields better results and saves the writer a lot of time (and later, pages) going over old ground. In essence, refining a research question requires you to ask yourself questions about your topic and you want to know.

What is the correct order of the 5 steps to selecting and refining a research topic? ›

Five Steps of the Research Process
  • Step 1: Develop Your Topic.
  • Step 2: Find Your Sources.
  • Step 3: Evaluate Your Sources.
  • Step 4: Incorporate Your Sources into Your Paper.
  • Step 5: Cite Your Sources.
Feb 23, 2024


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