Hotspot Question & Analysis | QuestionPro (2024)

There are no correct or incorrect answers to the hotspot analysis question. Researchers use the hotspot question to know what part of the image is most popular among the respondents and appealing to them.

Hotspot Question & Analysis | QuestionPro (1)

Example of a hotspot question

Consider a consumer goods company that wants to launch a new product in the market. A media agency creates some billboard ads and distributes its images internally to gather the feedback of respondents. They can ask them which ad they like most and why. They can also use a hotspot quiz to determine whether they want specific elements in the images.

Hotspot Question & Analysis | QuestionPro (2)

Hotspot questions in surveys

A hotspot question in a survey shows one or more selected regions to respondents. On clicking that area, respondents will be able to share their views both graphically and textually. A pop-up box appears over the questionnaire with a 'thumbs up' and 'thumbs down' button for 'like' and 'dislike.'

Respondents can also leave their comments in the text box. It gives researchers more insights about what they think of the image. The hotspot quiz offers options to either force respondents to answer the question or request a response. You can also customize the border color of the area selected, which needs participants' feedback.

Data analysis of hotspot questions

Once you collect the responses, QuestionPro offers many ways to analyze your data. You can create a Hotspot analysis report from the Analytics tab.

Hotspot report gives below insights to the market researchers.

  • Count of responses: The number of times each region was selected.

  • Percent of responses: The number of times each region was selected out of the total number of responses * 100.

  • Comments: Respondents' comments for each region.

  • Export as xls: Export results in the form of excel.

  • Sharing options: Share the hotspot report by sharing a web link or embedding code.

Uses of hotspot testing in online surveys

  • Concept testing: Researchers use Hotspot testing to experiment with different ideas. Researchers can go ahead with the images with the highest number of 'likes'.

  • Usability testing: Developers use the hotspot question to conduct website usability testing. You can show different variants of website designs and ask respondents whether they like specific elements in a particular design or not.

  • Feedback surveys: Hot spot quizzes can be used in any feedback surveys when you need to gather feedback on visual elements. There can be instances when people completely ignored sections in the background image. Researchers use this question type to get explicit feedback.

Advantages of hotspot image testing

  • Gather feedback early: With hotspot survey questions, you can collect feedback from the target audience early in the process.

  • Know what exactly respondents like: Instead of guessing what customers may like, you can collect data on what exactly they want. It's always better to get specific feedback versus general feedback.

  • Save time: Once you know your respondents' likes and dislikes, you need to work on only specific elements. It saves time as compared to reworking the complete design.

  • Increase respondent engagement: The hotspot question offers a break to the respondents answering many multiple-choice questions. They can be a good change, and all the respondents have to do is click a button.

How to create a hotspot question for your surveys?

Learn how to set up and use this feature with our help file on the Hotspot question.

Hotspot Question & Analysis | QuestionPro (2024)


What is an example of a hot spot question? ›

With Hot Spot questions, students are presented with an image and select a particular area as the answer. Examples of Hot Spot questions include these: Anatomy: Locate parts of the body. Geography: Locate areas on a map.

What does hotspot analysis mean? ›

Hotspot analysis is a spatial analysis and mapping technique interested in the identification of clustering of spatial phenomena. These spatial phenomena are depicted as points in a map and refer to locations of events or objects.

What is a hotspot question in Canvas? ›

Hot Spot questions allow teachers to upload images and have their students identify a specific area in that image.

What is the hotspot type of exam? ›

Hotspot is a question type where the candidates, on the basis of the given instruction(s), indicate the correct answer by clicking on a point/area inside an image or illustration. It is possible to click on the image and the selection appears as a cross. The answer can be changed by moving the cross (x).

What are 3 examples of hotspots? ›

Major hot spots include the Iceland hot spot, under the island of Iceland in the North Atlantic; the Réunion hot spot, under the island of Réunion in the Indian Ocean; and the Afar hot spot, located under northeastern Ethiopia.

What is the hotspot type of question? ›

A hotspot question is a cool type of question that lets test takers mark a certain area of an image. When creating the question, you can specify what area of the picture acts as the answer and customize its size.

Does Canvas detect cheating? ›

Canvas, like many learning management systems, offers some tools to help detect cheating on quizzes. These may include features like browser monitoring, which tracks if students navigate away from the quiz page, or time monitoring to flag unusually fast completion times.

What is a hotspot for students? ›

Hotspots are physical locations where people can access a Wi-Fi network to connect to the Internet. Mobile hotspots are designed to turn a cellular data connection into a Wi-Fi network.

How do you explain what a hotspot is? ›

Hotspot: A hotspot is a physical location where people can access the Internet, typically using Wi-Fi, via a wireless local area network (WLAN) with a router connected to an Internet service provider.

How to create a hotspot question? ›

How to create hotspot questions
  1. Start by selecting the “Hotspot Question” from the left-hand menu and add it to your section.
  2. Enter a question title and provide instructions for your learners.
  3. Upload a background image. ...
  4. To create a hotspot, click on the image and drag to select the area of interest.

What are hot spot questions on the GED? ›

Hot-spot questions will present you with a graphic image relevant to the specific subject area of the test. There will be something called virtual 'sensors' at different places across the image. These sensors are placed strategically, and you will be asked to complete tasks that make use of the sensors.

What are spot questions? ›

What does it mean to 'spot questions'? Also known as predicting questions, this is usually done during the exam period when students and tutors predict the questions that will come out in the exam in order to concentrate students' revision time on specific topics or areas of study.

Which is a good example of a hot spot? ›

The Hawaiian Islands are a good example of this. The island of Hawai'i currently sits above the active hotspot, while a chain of older (and no longer active) island volcanoes extend to the northwest, in the direction of plate movement.

What is a hotspot give an example? ›

A hotspot can be in a private location or a public one, such as in a coffee shop, a hotel, an airport, or even an airplane. While many public hotspots offer free wireless access on an open network, others require payment.

What are good hot questions? ›

Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS)
  • What do you think could have happened next?
  • Do you know of another instance where...?
  • What would you change in the story?
  • From the information given, develop a set of instructions about ...?
  • What do you see as possible outcomes? ...
  • Why did ..... ...
  • What was the turning point?


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Author: Aron Pacocha

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Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

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Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.