How Do We See Colour? (2024)

How Do We See Colour? (1)

Colourful sunglasses (PashaIgnatov, iStockphoto)

How Do We See Colour? (2)

Colourful sunglasses (PashaIgnatov, iStockphoto)


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How does the human eye see visible light as colour? And why do some people see more colours than others?

How many different colours can you name off the top of your head? Ten? Twenty? Fifty? I bet that no matter how many colours you listed, it’s not even close to the number of colours your eyes can see.

Misconception Alert

Seeing and perceiving do not mean the same thing. Seeing is the process that your eyes use to collect information and send it to your brain. Perceiving is how your brain takes that information and makes sense of it.

Scientists estimate that the average human can distinguish over a million different colours. But that is not true for everyone. Some people can only see a few hundred different colours. Others can see up to 100 million!
Why is this? What exactly is colour? And how do we see it?

How Do We See Colour? (3)

What Is Colour?

When light hits an object, the object reflects some of that light and absorbs the rest of it. Some objects reflect more of a certain wavelength of light than others. That’s why you see a certain colour. For example, a lemon reflects mainly yellow light. A strawberry reflects mainly red light.

Objects that absorb all wavelengths of light appear black. Objects that reflect all wavelengths of light appear white.

What happens when light hits a transparent object, like water or glass? When light travels from one medium to another, the light is not reflected like it would be on a solid object. Instead, it bends. That’s because light travels at different speeds in different mediums. This is called refraction.

When light travels through a glass prism at an angle, the different wavelengths of light are slowed down by different degrees so that each colour has a different angle of refraction. As a result, you can see all of the colours contained in white light.

But the reflection and refraction of light on an object is just one part of the story. Let’s look at what happens in our eyes and brains when we see colour.

How Do We See Colour?

A layer called the retina sits at the back of the human eye. Your retinas are home to two types of photoreceptor cells: rods and cones. These specialized cells convert light into signals that are sent to the brain. This allows you to see.

You have 20 times more rods than cones. Rods allow you to see in low light. Cones are 100% responsible for colour vision. Have you ever noticed how hard it is to see colour in the dark? That’s because only the rods work in low light.

How Do We See Colour? (4)

There are three types of cones: red, green and blue. Each type respond to different wavelengths of light. Long wavelengths stimulate red cones. Short wavelengths stimulate blue cones. Medium wavelengths stimulate green cones. When different combinations of cones are activated, you see the world in colour.

What Is Colour Blindness?

Colour vision deficiency, often called colour blindness, occurs when one type of cone is completely missing from the retina or simply doesn’t work.

As you just learned, there are three types of cones. That means there are also three types of colour blindness. The type depends on which type of cone that is missing or not working.

The loss of red cones is called protanopia. The loss of green cones is called deuteranopia. We usually refer to both of these conditions as “red-green” colour blindness. They make it very difficult to distinguish between shades of red, yellow, orange and green. This is the most common type of colour blindness.

Did you know?

The genes that make cones are on the X chromosome. This explains why 8% of men have red-green colour blindness, while less than 1% of women do.

A person with protanopia is less sensitive to red light. Remember that rainbow you saw earlier on? A person with protanopia might see it as yellows and blues, like this:

How Do We See Colour? (5)

People with deuteranopia are less sensitive to green light. They’ll also see the rainbow as yellows and blues. However, the colours will be different. A person with deuteranopia might see the rainbow like this:

How Do We See Colour? (6)

Tritanopia is a form of colour blindness where a person can’t distinguish between yellows and blues. It’s also called “blue-yellow” colour blindness. It’s a very rare condition that results from the loss of blue cones. People with this condition have difficulty distinguishing blue from green and yellow from purple. A person with tritanopia might see the rainbow as shades of red, pink and green.

How Do We See Colour? (7)

Another rare form of colour blindness is called achromatopsia.

Incomplete achromatopsia involves the loss of two out of the three cone types. Since the brain needs to compare signals from at least two different cones to properly identify colours, people with this condition have severely limited colour vision.

Complete achromatopsia is the loss of all three cone types. People with complete achromatopsia see the world entirely in shades of grey.

How Do We See Colour? (8)

Did you know?

People with typical vision are called trichromats. That’s because their eyes have three types of functional cone cells. People with only two functioning types of cones are called dichromats.

What Causes Colour Blindness?

Most types of colour blindness are the result of genetic mutations. Some mutations cause cone cells to only partially work. This leads to a milder form of colour blindness. Other mutations cause missing cones cells. Colour blindness can also be the result of brain damage, chronic illness or taking certain medications.

Did you know?

Many mammals, including nocturnal mammals, marine mammals and most New World monkeys, are dichromatic.

Can Some People See Even More Colours?

On the other end of the spectrum, researchers recently discovered that up to 12% of women may actually have four types of cones in their retinas! This is called tetrachromacy. A person with tetrachromacy is called a tetrachromat. Scientists have suggested that these women may be capable of seeing up to 100 million different colours! This includes colours that the average person can’t even imagine!

Did you know?

The prize for superior colour vision has to go to an animal called the mantis shrimp. It has sixteen different types of photoreceptors!

How Do We See Colour? (9)

  • Have you ever disagreed with someone over the colour of an object? Explain.
  • Do you know anyone who has a form of colour blindness? Is that person male or female? What colours do they mix up or have trouble identifying?
  • Should the public fund research and development into finding a cure for colour blindness? Why/why not?
  • How is colour used to help make our workplaces and daily life safe? Why are most signs of importance (e.g., stop signs, caution signs, exit sign, etc.) limited to two highly contrasting colours? Explain.
  • What anatomical structures allow us to see? How do humans see light and colour?
  • What are photoreceptor cells? What is the difference between rods and cones?
  • What can cause red-green colour blindness?
  • What combination of cones do people with typical colour vision have? What condition would cause someone to only see in shades of grey?
  • If you designed an experiment where the shade of a particular colour was the dependent (responding) variable, what could you do to make sure different experimenters “saw” the same colour? Explain.
  • There is no cure for colour blindness. But there are glasses for correcting certain forms of colour blindness. Conduct online research to find out more. Evaluate the pros & cons of this technology.
  • Colour is often used to help market products. Given how many people have some form of colour blindness, will colour influence all people the same way? What other visual information could be used in addition to colour?
  • This article and embedded video can be used to support teaching and learning of Physics, Biology and Anatomy related to visible light, vision, reflection & refraction and the human eye. Concepts introduced include shades, colours, reflects, absorbs, wavelengths, retina, rods, cones, colour blindness, protanopia, deuteranopia, tritanopia, achromatopsia, incomplete achromatopsia, complete achromatopsia and genetic mutation.
  • To introduce this topic teachers could engage students in a short discussion on “What is colour?”, “How do we see colour?”, “How do our eyes work?”, etc.
  • After students have watched the embedded video Colour and Refraction, teachers could follow up with a Question-Answer Relationship learning strategy to get students thinking deeper about the content and to consolidate what they have learned. A ready-to-use reproducible for this video is available to download in [Google doc] and [PDF] formats.
  • Teachers could conclude by having students complete an Exit Slip to allow them to demonstrate their understanding of this topic. A ready-to-use reproducible is available for download in [Google doc] and [PDF] formats. Teachers could collect these slips and use as part of their assessment and/or to identify topics/issues that require follow-up in the next lesson.

Connecting and Relating

  • Have you ever disagreed with someone over the colour of an object? Explain.
  • Do you know anyone who has a form of colour blindness? Is that person male or female? What colours do they mix up or have trouble identifying?

Relating Science and Technology to Society and the Environment

  • Should the public fund research and development into finding a cure for colour blindness? Why/why not?
  • How is colour used to help make our workplaces and daily life safe? Why are most signs of importance (e.g., stop signs, caution signs, exit sign, etc.) limited to two highly contrasting colours? Explain.

Exploring Concepts

  • What anatomical structures allow us to see? How do humans see light and colour?
  • What are photoreceptor cells? What is the difference between rods and cones?
  • What can cause red-green colour blindness?
  • What combination of cones do people with typical colour vision have? What condition would cause someone to only see in shades of grey?

Nature of Science/Nature of Technology

  • If you designed an experiment where the shade of a particular colour was the dependent (responding) variable, what could you do to make sure different experimenters “saw” the same colour? Explain.
  • There is no cure for colour blindness. But there are glasses for correcting certain forms of colour blindness. Conduct online research to find out more. Evaluate the pros & cons of this technology.

Media Literacy

  • Colour is often used to help market products. Given how many people have some form of colour blindness, will colour influence all people the same way? What other visual information could be used in addition to colour?

Teaching Suggestions

  • This article and embedded video can be used to support teaching and learning of Physics, Biology and Anatomy related to visible light, vision, reflection & refraction and the human eye. Concepts introduced include shades, colours, reflects, absorbs, wavelengths, retina, rods, cones, colour blindness, protanopia, deuteranopia, tritanopia, achromatopsia, incomplete achromatopsia, complete achromatopsia and genetic mutation.
  • To introduce this topic teachers could engage students in a short discussion on “What is colour?”, “How do we see colour?”, “How do our eyes work?”, etc.
  • After students have watched the embedded video Colour and Refraction, teachers could follow up with a Question-Answer Relationship learning strategy to get students thinking deeper about the content and to consolidate what they have learned. A ready-to-use reproducible for this video is available to download in [Google doc] and [PDF] formats.
  • Teachers could conclude by having students complete an Exit Slip to allow them to demonstrate their understanding of this topic. A ready-to-use reproducible is available for download in [Google doc] and [PDF] formats. Teachers could collect these slips and use as part of their assessment and/or to identify topics/issues that require follow-up in the next lesson.

Learn more

What is Color-Blindness?

Article by J.L. Morton for Color Matters providing facts about colour blindness, examples of what colours people with the different types may see, and examples of colour-blindness tests.

What does the mantis shrimp see? (2015)

Video (1:36 min.) from Science Magazine explaining how mantis shrimps’ colour receptors work. The video says that mantis shrimp have twelve receptors. However, other sources say they may have up to sixteen.


Achromatopsia Info. (n.d.). Colorblindness and achromatopsia.

American Optometric Association. (n.d.). How your eyes work.

Greenwood, V. (2012, June 18). The humans with super human vision. Discover.

National Eye Institute. (2015, February). Facts about color blindness.

Rochester Institute of Technology. (n.d.). Rods & cones.

US National Library of Medicine. (2015, January). Color vision deficiency.

Waggoner, Terrance L. (2017). What is colorblindness and the different types? Color Vision Testing.

Wise Geek. (n.d.). What is deuteranopia?

How Do We See Colour? (2024)


How Do We See Colour? ›

Light travels into the eye to the retina located on the back of the eye. The retina is covered with millions of light sensitive cells called rods and cones

rods and cones
A photoreceptor cell is a specialized type of neuroepithelial cell found in the retina that is capable of visual phototransduction. The great biological importance of photoreceptors is that they convert light (visible electromagnetic radiation) into signals that can stimulate biological processes. › wiki › Photoreceptor_cell
. When these cells detect light, they send signals to the brain. Cone cells help detect colors.

How do we see the color? ›

Light receptors within the eye transmit messages to the brain, which produces the familiar sensations of color. Newton observed that color is not inherent in objects. Rather, the surface of an object reflects some colors and absorbs all the others. We perceive only the reflected colors.

How do we see an objects color? ›

When light hits an object, the object reflects some of that light and absorbs the rest of it. Some objects reflect more of a certain wavelength of light than others. That's why you see a certain colour. For example, a lemon reflects mainly yellow light.

What is the science behind color? ›

In physics, colour is associated specifically with electromagnetic radiation of a certain range of wavelengths visible to the human eye. Radiation of such wavelengths constitutes that portion of the electromagnetic spectrum known as the visible spectrum—i.e., light.

Is color real or perception? ›

Color is a perception. It is not a property of an object, but the effect of light emitted or reflected from objects impinging on the eye and interpreted by the nervous system.

What creates color? ›

The 'colour' of an object is the wavelengths of light that it reflects. This is determined by the arrangement of electrons in the atoms of that substance that will absorb and re-emit photons of particular energies according to complicated quantum laws.

How did we evolve to see color? ›

By around 30 million years ago, our ancestors had evolved four classes of opsin genes, giving them the ability to see the full-color spectrum of visible light, except for UV. "Gorillas and chimpanzees have human color vision," Yokoyama says.

How did we invent color? ›

For most of human history, we've derived dyes from nature: People cooked plants and animals until they produced the desired pigment, or mined precious minerals from subterranean seams and ground them into paints. But even once we took to the lab to concoct new colors, some shades remained rarefied.

How does color actually work? ›

Light is made up of different wavelengths, or colors, and white light is a combination of all of them. When a ray of white sunlight hits a patch of beach ball, the paint absorbs most of the wavelengths. It reflects the rest. For example, if the patch is blue, it reflects the blue wavelengths and absorbs all the others.

What is the logic behind colors? ›

Humans see colors in light waves. Mixing light—or the additive color mixing model—allows you to create colors by mixing red, green and blue light sources of various intensities. The more light you add, the brighter the color mix becomes. If you mix all three colors of light, you get pure, white light.

Are colors just an illusion? ›

Color only starts to exist when our perception systems produce the impression of 'color': light is perceived on the retina as a stimulus and is processed into a perception of color in our brain. In substance, colors are already illusions in themselves... luminous signals – that fill in the background of our eyes.

Why can't we imagine a color that doesn't exist? ›

No physical object can have an imaginary color. The spectral sensitivity curve of medium-wavelength ("M") cone cells overlaps those of short-wavelength ("S") and long-wavelength ("L") cone cells. Light of any wavelength that interacts with M cones also interacts with S or L cones, or both, to some extent.

How does the brain create color? ›

The brain uses light signals detected by the retina's cone photoreceptors as the building blocks for color perception. Three types of cone photoreceptors detect light over a range of wavelengths. The brain mixes and categorizes these signals to perceive color in a process that is not well understood.

How do we see color in the sky? ›

Nitrogen and oxygen make up most of the molecules in our atmosphere, but any gas or aerosol suspended in the air will scatter rays of sunlight into separate wavelengths of light. Consequently, when there are more aerosols in the atmosphere, more sunlight is scattered, resulting in more colorful skies.

How do we see color in art? ›

When light bounces off of something and is reflected back into a human's eyes, we perceive color. For millennia, color has been one of the elements of art that artists use to render the world as they see it.

Do eyes see colors differently? ›

Brainard says the research points to the differences in cone cells — which detect color — as the main reason two eyes in the same body will each see slightly different colors.

How do we see colour psychology? ›

This theory asserts that people tend to like or dislike colors based on their associations of the color to other objects or situations that they have strong feelings about. For example, if someone associates the color blue with clean water, they would be more likely to favor blue.


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