How To Do The Leg Press (2024)

How To Do The Leg Press (1)

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  • Types Of Leg Press
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  • Leg Press Vs Squat

The leg press is sometimes looked down on as an inferior leg exercise to the back squat. But while there’s no doubt the barbell move is one of the finest lower-body exercises, that shouldn’t blind you to the many benefits of the leg press. For an exercise with quite a short range of motion, it’s highly effective at training the quads, glutes and hamstrings.

Like the rest of your gym’s weights machines, it may not train all the stabilizing muscles in your joints or recruit the core muscles in the same way that free-weights exercises do. But working in a fixed movement pattern with a resistance machine can be very useful for isolating the exact muscle you’re looking to train and moving a lot of weight safely.

We want to help you make good use of this leg-strengthening stalwart, so we asked USA Weightlifting-certified coach Karl Bratland to explain how to use the leg press machine properly, how to avoid common mistakes and when to use it instead of a traditional barbell back squat.

About Our Expert

About Our Expert

Karl Bratland

Karl Bratland is a functional fitness and nutritional coach with an online fitness coaching business offering custom fitness and nutrition plans. He has a master’s degree in Exercise Science and several fitness certifications including a USA Weightlifting L1 and CrossFit Trainer.

Types Of Leg Press Machine

Most gyms will have two kinds of leg press machine.

How To Do The Leg Press (2)

The horizontal leg press machine involves sitting in a moveable chair with your feet resting on a horizontal plate. You select the weight by moving a pin in a weight stack and then push the seat away from the plate by straightening your legs. This type of leg press machine is better for beginners and doing variations like single-leg leg presses and leg press calf raises.

The angled or 45° leg press machine involves you sitting at an angle that puts your feet against a platform above your head. You select the weight by moving a pin, then use a safety catch to release the weight. Lower the platform towards you by bending your knees, then straighten your legs.

How To Do A Leg Press

Here’s Bratland’s expert guide for the 45° leg press machine.

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“You want your feet a little bit outside shoulder-width apart, toes slightly angled out, although this is going to depend on what’s comfortable for you,” says Bratland.

“If you have longer legs or femurs [thigh bones] your feet will probably need to be a little bit wider. If you’re shorter you can put your legs a little narrower. It’s harder to go as deep [with a narrow stance] if you’re taller.”

You will need to twist or move a handle near the seat to release a safety catch. Make sure you’re supporting the platform with slightly bent knees before you do this and you’re ready to take the weight.

“Unrack the weight and control it down by bending your knees,” says Bratland. “Try to get to a point where your thighs are parallel to the platform. Then drive through your feet to return to the starting position.

“At the top of the rep, you want to have your knees slightly bent so your leg muscles stay engaged.”

“If you put your feet higher up [on the platform] it will hit your glutes and your hamstrings a little bit more,” says Bratland. “Putting your feet lower on the platform will hit your quads a little bit more.

“It’s the same thing with putting your feet a little bit narrower. This will work your quads more, and if you put them wider it will be more glute- and hamstring-focused.

“Slight changes like this can help target certain muscles slightly more, but all variations are still going to hit your glutes, quads and hamstrings.”

Common Leg Press Mistakes

1. Locking Your Knees

“If you have a lot of weight on there and lock out the knee, you could get hurt or hyperextend the knee,” says Bratland. “If your knee has a lot of weight while it’s trying to resist hyperextension, that can be bad on the joint and the cartilage.”

2. Lifting Your Heels

“People not keeping their heels flat is another common mistake I see,” says Bratland. “We don’t want to see any part of the sole of your foot lift off at any stage of the exercise.”

3. Not Going Deep Enough

“The leg press is a machine you can load a lot of weight on easily, but then people start doing quarter squats and feeling really strong,” says Bratland. “It’s better to lower the weight, use a full range of motion and get as much muscle activation as you can.”

Leg Press Pros

“It’s great for beginners,” says Blake Newbold, PT and manager atPureGym Coventry. “There is less potential breakdown in the movement pattern, which makes it easier to overload the target muscles, and there is virtually no technical barrier for people to learn the leg press—it’s much easier to master than squatting! You also don’t need a spotter, making it ideal for those who go to the gym alone.

“It’s a great tool forhypertrophy—muscle growth—especially to effectively maximise quadriceps size. The shorter range of motion, in combination with the stabilisation of the back, lends itself well to constant tension which are needed for muscular growth.

“The leg press doesn’t load the spine, so it won’t aggravate lower-back problems.

“You can adjust which leg muscles get extra emphasis simply by changing your foot position on the footpad.

“It’s easy to adjust the weight on a leg press machine—either move the pin or slide on or off a plate depending on which type of leg press machine it is. This makes it ideal for drop sets.”

Leg Press Cons

“The leg press won’t fit all body types equally,” says Newbold. “Machines aren’t fully adjustable, and the range of movement might not fit every one of us.

“The central nervous system (CNS) won’t be challenged as much as with a squat. A squat demands more co-ordination, which is important for the body to develop. If you improve CNS efficiency, your strength potential and capacity to increase performance in other movements will go up.

“Your workout won’t be as well rounded. Because of the stability that the machines provide you won’t work your stabiliser muscles as well. Squatting leads to higher levels of quad, hamstring, gluteus maximus and erector spinae activity than the leg press machine can offer.

“There’s a false sense of safety. Don’t be fooled by the comfort that the leg press machine provides. Yes, your back is supported more but if you bend your knees too deeply and lower the weight too far, you can still round your lower back, which can lead to injury. You also need to avoid fully extending the knees into lock-out at the top of the movement – this will transfer all the weight from the muscle to the joint and could cause serious injury.”

Leg Press Vs Squat: What’s the Best Lower-Body Move for You?

This isn’t an either/or situation. There’s a strong case to be made for including both these movements in your gym workout routine. It’s just a case of knowing which one to use and when.

“Obviously they’re both going to build leg strength and muscle,” says Bratland. “Deciding which one to use depends on what you want. If you just want to hit the muscles without worrying about stabilization or balance then the leg press is the one to go for.

“But the squat is probably going to activate more muscles because you’re going to need

core stability, and you’re going to be moving more of your body through space. It’s also a little bit more functional.”

The leg press can be easier on the back, however, because you don’t have any weight compressing your spine. It can also be a good option if mobility is a major issue for you.

“You sometimes see people bend forward on the squat,” Bratland says. “You don’t have that issue with the leg press.

“If you lack mobility, you’re a beginner or you struggle with stabilizing or maintaining good position through the squat, the leg press might be a good place to start to prevent injury and try to get some strength and muscle built up in your legs first.”

Read on for a crash course in when to stick with the traditional barbell back squat, and when to swerve it in favor of the leg press machine.

Use The Leg Press If…

You need assistance workIf you want your legs to grow, the leg press can be a good way to add volume to yourworkoutswithout risking failure under the bar. Try Jim Wendler’s Triumvirate workout: three sets of five squats, five sets of 15 on the leg press, and 4 sets of 10 on theleg curl. Good luck with those changing room stairs.

Your main goal is fat lossYes, it can be an effective fat-loss tool. Load it up with a weight that’s just under your usual 10-rep max, and do leg pressTabatas—20 seconds of as many reps as possible, 10 seconds off, repeated 8 times. Because the machine’s on a set path, you can push yourself without worrying about form.

You’re too weak to squatThis is unlikely: even back squats with an unloaded bar would strengthen your legs and let you push the weight up eventually. But if you’re completely de-conditioned, the leg press can be an option to build up some basic strength.

You need the extra supportThe leg press machine acts as a guide to proper leg and back positioning for you as you work your quadriceps. For example, most leg-press machines feature a padded backrest, which promotes proper posture while also supporting your back. Many leg presses also offer hand rests for you to place your hands on while your legs do the work. This means your chance of injury is reduced as you're less likely to take up the wrong position.

Use Squats If…

You’re training to be functionalLying on your back and shoving a platform away might give you strong legs, but it’s unlikely to give you a more powerful rugby tackle or improve your 5K time. In studies, squats show huge levels of posterior chain and core activation, which will strengthen your body as a unit, making you better at… well, pretty much everything.

You want to work every muscle in your legsAccording to a 2001 study, squats activated more rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, lateral hamstring and gastrocnemius than leg presses. Translation: as well as your quads, squats work your calves, hamstrings and glutes too.

You want to get hugeThough you’ll often see bodybuilders on the leg press, the all-time greats—Arnold, Dave Draper, Lou ‘The Hulk’ Ferrigno and Ronnie Coleman all swear by the squat. And you don't know more about training than them.

You want to improve your core strengthSince squats are typically loaded from top to bottom, either in the form of a barbell or a dumbbell, your core has to work double-time to preventinjuryand maintain an upright posture. In terms of building yoursix-pack, heavycompound exerciseslike squats should be a staple.

How To Do The Leg Press (4)

Harry Bullmore

Staff writer

Harry covers news, reviews and features for Coach, Fit&Well and Live Science. With over a decade of training experience, he has tried everything from powerlifting to gymnastics, cardio to CrossFit, all in a bid to find fun ways of building a healthy, functional body.

With contributions from

  • Joel Snape
  • Sam RiderContributor

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How To Do The Leg Press (2024)


How To Do The Leg Press? ›

For most people, one set of 12 to 15 repetitions is adequate. Remember, for best results, stop just short of full knee extension when you push on the platform. When you return to the starting position, do not let your thigh drop below the level of 90 degrees at the knee and keep your movements smooth and controlled.

Why do I find leg press so easy? ›

Because the leg press machine operates on a set path, it doesn't force you to balance as squats do. Not having to balance makes the leg press machine fairly easy to use, because you just have to focus on lifting the weight, rather than having to focus on lifting and balancing simultaneously.

How do I get more out of leg press? ›

Placing your feet higher on the footplate will work your gluteus maximus and hamstrings to a greater degree. Placing your feet lower on the footplate will emphasize the quads more, but this also puts more stress on the knees and should be done with caution.

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Use The Leg Press If…

Your main goal is fat loss Yes, it can be an effective fat-loss tool. Load it up with a weight that's just under your usual 10-rep max, and do leg press Tabatas—20 seconds of as many reps as possible, 10 seconds off, repeated 8 times.

What's a good weight for leg press? ›

Novice - 1.25 x body weight. Intermediate - 2 x body weight. Advanced - 3.25 x body weight.

Is 300 lbs leg press good? ›

The ideal leg press weight for adult males varies depending on factors such as fitness level and age. For an intermediate male lifter (50th percentile), a comfortable leg press weight is around 191 kg (425 lb). Beginners should start with a weight that's 50 to 75 percent of their total body weight.

Is 500 lbs a good leg press? ›

For more experienced lifters, a 500-pound leg press may be considered ideal. The goal is progress, after all.

How much should the average girl leg press? ›

The average Horizontal Leg Press weight for a female lifter is 258 lb (1RM). This makes you Intermediate on Strength Level and is a very impressive lift. What is a good Horizontal Leg Press? Female beginners should aim to lift 82 lb (1RM) which is still impressive compared to the general population.

Why am I struggling with leg press? ›

But when you do the leg press, which is a closed-chain movement where your feet stay in place, turning your feet too much can put pressure on your knees. Most people should start with their feet shoulder-width apart and turn slightly outward. They should only need to make small changes to their foot position.

Is it better to do leg presses fast or slow? ›

If you're trying to build muscle, then normal to slow speeds are what you'll typically want to focus on. That's not to say there's no place for fast reps, but there are several conditions that need to be present to induce hypertrophy that are more likely to come to bear when you're doing slow or normal speed reps.

Is leg press better than squats? ›

Which exercise is best suited to you? If you're looking for an allover body workout, then squats have the advantage over leg presses. But if balance is a problem, or you have shoulder or back pain, then leg presses may be a better choice.

How can I improve my leg press strength? ›

To continue building stronger legs, it's essential to progressively increase the resistance or volume of your leg press workout routine. Consider the following progression methods: Gradually increase the weight while maintaining proper form and technique. Increase the number of sets or repetitions.

Is leg press bad for the knees? ›

If the thighs dip too low, you could hurt the knees. It is vital to allow your kneecaps to go through the path of the feet during your exercise. If you bring the knees too close together it can also injure the knee. Usually, one set of 12 to 15 reps is good for most people.

Should your legs be straight on leg press? ›

Keep your legs straight and avoid bending them inward or curving them outward when you push the footplate as well as when your knees are coming closer to you. This would put undue strain on your knees and could lead to an injury.

What is the proper leg press configuration? ›

Users sit or lie down and push a weight away from themselves using their legs. The most common configuration features a seat and a weighted platform set at a 45-degree angle, where the feet press against the platform, moving it along a guided track.

What is the proper angle for leg press? ›

Your feet should be hip-width or slightly wider than hip-width apart. Your entire foot should be in contact with the resistance plate, with emphasis on maintaining heel contact. Your legs should be at a 90-degree angle.


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