How To Make Garlic Paste (2024)

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By Madi • Published: • Modified: Leave a Comment • This post may contain affiliate links.


There’s nothing worse than gearing up to make dinner when you realize you need garlic - you bought some but it's still neatly wrapped in its bulb. I hear your sighs and I have your solution - homemade garlic paste. What is garlic paste? It’s simply blended garlic and oil made in a blender or food processor. I love making garlic paste at the beginning of a busy week to keep in the fridge so that when I need it, it’s ready to use in my favorite recipes.

Garlic is also one of those foods that are delicious and nutritious. It contains antioxidants, has the potential to boost your immune system, and can lower blood pressure.

Recipe Ingredients

How To Make Garlic Paste (1)

2 cups garlic cloves, peeled

3 tablespoon Avocado oil

½ teaspoon salt (optional)

Step By Step Instructions

Step 1: Add the garlic cloves and avocado oil to a food processor. Put the lid on the food processor and turn it to high.

Step 2: Run the food processor for a few minutes until the garlic paste reaches your desired consistency. It usually takes 2-3 minutes to make a smooth garlic paste. You may need to pause the food processor and scrape down the sides periodically.

How To Make Garlic Paste (2)

Step 3: Once your desired consistency is reached, add the salt (if desired) and process for another 15-20 seconds to combine.

How To Make Garlic Paste (3)

Step 4: Place in a jar and enjoy!

How To Make Garlic Paste (4)

How To Use Garlic Paste

Use garlic paste for any recipe that calls for garlic. Garlic paste has a ton of flavor and is so easy to make and store in the fridge for everyday use. Here are a few dishes I love to mix garlic paste into:

  • Mashed potatoes
  • Vegetables
  • Pasta and pasta sauces
  • Soups
  • Casseroles
  • Hummus
  • Eggs

Garlic Paste FAQs

Can I Make Garlic Paste Without A Blender?

  • To make homemade garlic paste you will need either a blender or a food processor.

Can Garlic Paste Be Used As A Substitution For Regular Garlic?

  • You can use garlic paste as a substitute for regular garlic, yes!

Does Garlic Paste Have A Strong Taste?

  • When served raw, it has a very strong taste. When using garlic paste for the first time in a recipe, start with a small amount and work your way up to get your desired garlic flavor.

Why Did My Garlic Paste Turn Out Watery?

  • If you use too much oil or water in your garlic paste it can turn out watery. Stick to this recipe and only use 3 tablespoons of avocado oil (you can also use olive oil) for every 2 cups of garlic cloves.

Expert Tips

  • For projects like this, I recommend purchasing packages of pre-peeled garlic cloves. They can be found in the refrigerated aisle of the produce section of your grocery store.
  • For the size of your food processor for this recipe, I recommend a 4½ cup bowl instead of a larger size (the 12 and 9-cup bowl sizes may be too big to grind your garlic into garlic paste). If you only have a large food processor, you will need to add a lot more garlic cloves in order to provide enough friction to make garlic paste.
  • This is very strong when served raw, so use sparingly. It is also great for keeping in the fridge as a base for any cooking you may be doing!

Storage Instructions

If garlic is not stored properly it can lead to botulism. Make sure to store in an airtight container in the fridge for 7-10 days. You can also freeze it in an air-tight container or an ice cube tray for up to 4 months.

More garlic recipes:

Easy Garlic Confit Recipe

Homemade Lebanese Garlic Sauce

How To Make Pickled Garlic

How To Make Garlic Paste (5)

Garlic Paste

By: Abbey Rodriguez


There’s nothing worse than gearing up to make dinner when you realize you need garlic - you bought some but it's still neatly wrapped in its bulb. I hear your sighs and I have your solution - homemade garlic paste. What is garlic paste? It’s simply blended garlic and oil made in a blender or food processor. I love making garlic paste at the beginning of a busy week to keep in the fridge so that when I need it, it’s ready to use in my favorite recipes.

Prep Time 10 minutes

Servings: 1.5 cups

Calories: 518kcal


  • 2 cups garlic cloves (peeled)
  • 3 tablespoon avocado oil
  • ½ teaspoon salt (optional)


  • Add the garlic cloves and avocado oil to a food processor. Put the lid on the food processor and turn it to high.

  • Run the food processor for a few minutes until the garlic paste reaches your desired consistency. It usually takes 2-3 minutes to make a smooth garlic paste. You may need to pause the food processor and scrape down the sides periodically.

  • Once your desired consistency is reached, add the salt (if desired) and process for another 15-20 seconds to combine.

  • Place in a jar and enjoy!


  • For projects like this, I recommend purchasing packages of pre-peeled garlic cloves. They can be found in the refrigerated aisle of the produce section of your grocery store.
  • For the size of your food processor for this recipe, I recommend a 4½ cup bowl instead of a larger size (the 12 and 9-cup bowl sizes may be too big to grind your garlic into garlic paste). If you only have a large food processor, you will need to add a lot more garlic cloves in order to provide enough friction to make garlic paste.
  • This is very strong when served raw, so use sparingly. It is also great for keeping in the fridge as a base for any cooking you may be doing!


Calories: 518kcal | Carbohydrates: 60g | Protein: 12g | Fat: 29g | Saturated Fat: 3g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 4g | Monounsaturated Fat: 20g | Sodium: 806mg | Potassium: 727mg | Fiber: 4g | Sugar: 2g | Vitamin A: 16IU | Vitamin C: 57mg | Calcium: 329mg | Iron: 3mg

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How To Make Garlic Paste (2024)


Is garlic puree the same as garlic paste? ›

Store-bought garlic puree can often taste bitter and lacks the same strength of flavour as homemade garlic paste. That is why this quick and easy to learn pureed garlic is a great skill to have in your kitchen. You will never need to purchase garlic puree again. Just keep your fridge stocked up with a bulb of garlic.

How long does homemade garlic paste last? ›

How should I store Garlic Paste and for how long? Obviously it is at it's best freshest, but garlic paste ground up with water remains delightfully garlicky for up to three weeks. If you are making a large batch and want it to last longer the freezer is your friend.

How to make garlic paste for tooth infection? ›

Place a peeled, raw clove of garlic directly on the affected area. Create a paste using raw garlic, salt, and olive oil, and apply it to the affected tooth. Garlic powder is a less potent alternative.

How much garlic paste is 3 cloves? ›

How to Use in Recipes. If you're wondering how to use this paste in recipes, then I've got you covered. Simply use 1 teaspoon garlic paste for every 1 large or 2 small cloves.

How to make garlic paste at home without blender? ›

  1. Mince: Smash the garlic cloves under the heel of the knife. ...
  2. Sprinkle with salt: Sprinkle the minced garlic with kosher salt. ...
  3. Scrape into paste: Holding the blunt side of the knife with both hands, press and scrape the sharp end of the knife against the pile of garlic at an angle to flatten the garlic.

What can I use instead of garlic paste? ›

Garlic paste substitute

If you do not have fresh garlic paste on hand and are in a pinch, you can easily substitute fresh or minced garlic in its place. If you need to substitute, each teaspoon of garlic paste can be replaced with 1 large clove of garlic or 1 teaspoon of minced garlic.

Can you get garlic paste? ›

Product Info + Our all-natural garlic paste delivers truly premium flavour, with the ultimate in speed and convenience. It gives you all the taste of fresh garlic, without all the peeling and chopping. And with no artificial additives or preservatives, it's better for you all round.

Is garlic paste worth it? ›

Garlic is a popular booster of savory flavors in many cultures, and cooking with homemade garlic paste, or ginger garlic paste, is certainly more convenient than having to peel and mince garlic cloves.

How to tell if garlic paste is bad? ›

It will start to develop a sour smell that you wouldn't want your food to take on. Furthermore, if you notice mold growing in your garlic paste or if it's started to discolor and turned a deep yellow or brown instead of its usual light hue, you should consider it spoiled and discard as soon as possible.

Is garlic paste healthy? ›

Garlic paste is a good source of antioxidants and it has a lot of great healthy properties and high nutritive value. It can be use as main dish and also as ingredient in other recipe and, because of its tiny amount of calories and fats, garlic puree is a great food for those losing-weight diets.

Can garlic reverse gum disease? ›

The antibacterial properties in garlic have been found to reduce some of the bacteria which infects gum tissue and creates periodontal pockets. Some scientists have found that liquid garlic can seep into the infected pockets and treat some of the harmful bacteria buildup.

Can garlic get rid of a tooth abscess? ›

There is a compound in fresh raw garlic called allicin that may have significant pain relief and antibacterial properties that can reduce or eliminate the infection in a tooth.

How to make garlic paste for joint pain? ›

Try garlic

The anti-inflammatory properties can offer excellent relief to the affected area. For this, take two cloves of garlic and roast them in mustard oil (two teaspoons). Now, roast them till the garlic turns black. After that, remove them and make sure that the heat is no longer on.

Is garlic paste the same as garlic powder? ›

Garlic paste would be a functional garlic powder substitute in a pinch if you happen to have some on hand. Fresh garlic brings more heat to a dish than garlic powder. Garlic paste is a concentrated form of fresh garlic, so use it conservatively.

What is a substitute for garlic paste? ›

If you do not have fresh garlic paste on hand and are in a pinch, you can easily substitute fresh or minced garlic in its place. If you need to substitute, each teaspoon of garlic paste can be replaced with 1 large clove of garlic or 1 teaspoon of minced garlic.

Is garlic paste raw garlic? ›

To make garlic paste, my mom would simply put peeled garlic cloves in a small container, pour in enough olive oil to just cover the cloves, then purée it all in a blender. Onwuachi purées ginger and garlic with grapeseed oil, while Sharma told me he prefers to grate raw garlic cloves with a Microplane.


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