Kobe Bryant vs Lebron James: A Statistical Comparison (2024)

Kobe Bryant vs Lebron James: A Statistical Comparison (1)

Introduction: In the realm of basketball greatness, few debates ignite as much passion and fervor as the comparison between Kobe Bryant and LeBron James coming in second to Jordan. Both players have left an indelible mark on the NBA, captivating fans with their skill, athleticism, and undeniable competitiveness. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the statistical data of Kobe Bryant and LeBron James to gain insights into their respective careers and, perhaps, shed some light on the age-old question: Who is better?

Career Earnings: One metric that often reflects a player’s impact and marketability is career earnings. In the realm of finances, Kobe Bryant emerges as the top earner among the two. With a staggering career earnings of $328,238,062, Kobe’s influence extended beyond the basketball court, making him one of the highest-earning players in the history of the NBA. On the other hand, LeBron James, with a career earnings total of $272,674,622, boasts significant financial success but falls just short of Kobe in this category, although he is still playing and will continue to play for many years to come.

import plotly.express as px

# Data
players = ["Kobe Bryant", "LeBron James", "Michael Jordan"]
earnings = [328238062, 272674622, 93285000]

# Create a bar plot
fig = px.bar(x=players, y=earnings, color=players,
labels={'y': 'Career Earnings ($)', 'x': 'Player'},
title='Career Earnings in Salary of Jordan, Kobe, and Lebron')


Kobe Bryant vs Lebron James: A Statistical Comparison (3)

Points Per Game (PPG): A fundamental aspect of a player’s offensive prowess is their scoring ability. Let’s explore their Points Per Game (PPG) during regular seasons. Kobe Bryant’s career PPG stands as a testament to his scoring prowess, often referred to as the “Black Mamba” for his deadly efficiency on the court. Meanwhile, LeBron James, known for his versatility, showcases a slightly different style, combining scoring with playmaking. Both players have had a profound impact on their teams, but their scoring approaches are distinct.

lebron["PPG"] = lebron.PTS/lebron.G
jordan["PPG"] = jordan.PTS/jordan.G
kobe["PPG"]= kobe.PTS/kobe.G

trace1 = go.Scatter(
x = lebron.SeasonNumber[lebron["RSorPO"]=="Regular Season"],
y = lebron.PPG[lebron["RSorPO"]=="Regular Season"],
mode = "lines",
name = "Lebron James",
marker = dict(color = 'rgba(5, 200, 5, 0.8)'),
text= lebron.Player+" Season: "+ lebron.Season)
# Creating trace2
trace2 = go.Scatter(
x = jordan.SeasonNumber[jordan["RSorPO"]=="Regular Season"],
y = jordan.PPG[jordan["RSorPO"]=="Regular Season"],
mode = "lines",
name = "Michael Jordan",
marker = dict(color = 'rgba(200, 5, 5, 0.8)'),
text= jordan.Player+" Season: "+ jordan.Season)
# Creating trace2
trace3 = go.Scatter(
x = kobe.SeasonNumber[kobe["RSorPO"]=="Regular Season"],
y = kobe.PPG[kobe["RSorPO"]=="Regular Season"],
mode = "lines",
name = "Kobe Bryant",
marker = dict(color = 'rgba(5, 5, 200, 0.8)'),
text= kobe.Player+" Season: "+ kobe.Season)
data = [trace1, trace2,trace3]
layout = dict(title = 'Points Per Game in Regular Season',
xaxis= dict(title= 'Season Number',ticklen= 5,zeroline= False)
fig = dict(data = data, layout = layout)
iplot(fig)Championships: When it comes to on-court success and legacy, championships play a pivotal role. Kobe Bryant, a five-time NBA champion, showcases a career marked by multiple victories at the highest level. His tenacity and leadership led the Los Angeles Lakers to championship glory on five occasions. LeBron James, with 16 regular-season victories, demonstrates a consistent ability to reach the pinnacle of success. While LeBron may have more regular-season wins, the comparison becomes nuanced when considering the additional context of NBA Finals appearances and victories.

Kobe Bryant vs Lebron James: A Statistical Comparison (4)
#jordan has the highest PPG career avg
#Lebron comes in seconed with PPG beating out Kobe

import plotly.express as px
import numpy as np

# Assuming you have DataFrames lebron_df, jordan_df, and kobe_df with PPG column

averages = [np.mean(lebron.PPG), np.mean(jordan.PPG), np.mean(kobe.PPG)]
players = ["LeBron Career Average", "Jordan Career Average", "Kobe Career Average"]

colors = {'LeBron Career Average': 'blue', 'Jordan Career Average': 'red', 'Kobe Career Average': 'purple'}

fig = px.bar(x=averages, y=players, orientation='h', color=players, color_discrete_map=colors,
labels={'x': 'Points Average', 'y': "Player's Name"},
title="Player's Career Points Average")

fig.show()Conclusion: Ultimately, determining who is the better player between Kobe Bryant and LeBron James is a subjective endeavor. The data above provides a glimpse into various aspects of their careers, from financial success to on-court achievements. While Kobe’s championship pedigree and financial impact stand out, LeBron’s consistent excellence and versatility make him a force to be reckoned with.

Kobe Bryant vs Lebron James: A Statistical Comparison (5)

Assists Per Game (APG): Kobe Bryant — Precision in Passing: Known primarily for his scoring prowess, Kobe Bryant’s passing ability often takes a backseat. However, delving into the statistics reveals a player with a keen basketball IQ and the capability to create opportunities for his teammates. Over his illustrious career, Kobe averaged approximately 4.7 assists per game. While not the primary playmaker on his teams, Kobe’s ability to distribute the ball showcased his adaptability and team-oriented mindset.

LeBron James — The Maestro of Playmaking: LeBron James, on the other hand, is renowned for his incredible versatility, and his playmaking ability is a cornerstone of his game. Throughout his career, LeBron has not only been a prolific scorer but also a maestro in orchestrating plays. His career APG average hovers around 7.4, showcasing his ability to impact the game beyond just putting the ball in the basket. LeBron’s court vision and passing accuracy have often led to him being the primary playmaker on his teams, a role he has embraced with remarkable success.

Comparative Analysis: While Kobe Bryant’s APG is notably lower than LeBron James’, it’s essential to contextualize these numbers within the broader framework of their playing styles and team dynamics. Kobe’s role as a scoring guard often placed him in positions to finish plays rather than initiate them. In contrast, LeBron’s unique skill set allowed him to seamlessly transition between scoring and playmaking responsibilities, contributing significantly to his higher APG.

#lebron performs better in assists than Kobe or Jordan

lebron["APG"] = lebron.AST/lebron.G
jordan["APG"] = jordan.AST/jordan.G
kobe["APG"]= kobe.AST/kobe.G

trace1 = go.Scatter(
x = lebron.SeasonNumber[lebron["RSorPO"]=="Regular Season"],
y = lebron.APG[lebron["RSorPO"]=="Regular Season"],
mode = "lines",
name = "Lebron James",
marker = dict(color = 'rgba(5, 200, 5, 0.8)'),
text= lebron.Player+" Season: "+ lebron.Season)
# Creating trace2
trace2 = go.Scatter(
x = jordan.SeasonNumber[jordan["RSorPO"]=="Regular Season"],
y = jordan.APG[jordan["RSorPO"]=="Regular Season"],
mode = "lines",
name = "Michael Jordan",
marker = dict(color = 'rgba(200, 5, 5, 0.8)'),
text= jordan.Player+" Season: "+ jordan.Season)
# Creating trace2
trace3 = go.Scatter(
x = kobe.SeasonNumber[kobe["RSorPO"]=="Regular Season"],
y = kobe.APG[kobe["RSorPO"]=="Regular Season"],
mode = "lines",
name = "Kobe Bryant",
marker = dict(color = 'rgba(5, 5, 200, 0.8)'),
text= kobe.Player+" Season: "+ kobe.Season)
data = [trace1, trace2,trace3]
layout = dict(title = 'Assists Per Game in Regular Season',
xaxis= dict(title= 'Season Number',ticklen= 5,zeroline= False)
fig = dict(data = data, layout = layout)

Kobe Bryant vs Lebron James: A Statistical Comparison (6)
Kobe Bryant vs Lebron James: A Statistical Comparison (7)

Steals, Blocks, Turnovers (SBT): To visualize the ebb and flow of turnovers and steals in the careers of Kobe and LeBron, we’ve introduced a metric named “SBT” (Total Turnover, Steal, and Blocks Per Game). The graph illustrates the fluctuations in these defensive metrics over various seasons, offering a comprehensive view of each player’s defensive engagement.

In conclusion, the comparison between Kobe Bryant and LeBron James in turnovers and steals unveils the unique defensive styles of these two legends. Kobe’s precision and defensive instincts contrast with LeBron’s versatility and opportunism, creating a dynamic narrative of two players who have left an indelible mark on the defensive side of the game. As we celebrate the legacies of Kobe and LeBron, it’s crucial to appreciate the nuances that make each player’s journey on the court a story worth telling.

#jordan by far is the superior player in terms of defense compared to Lebron and Kobe

lebron["SBT"] = (lebron.STL+lebron.BLK-lebron.TOV)/lebron.G
jordan["SBT"] = (jordan.STL+jordan.BLK-jordan.TOV)/jordan.G
kobe["SBT"]= (kobe.STL+kobe.BLK-kobe.TOV)/kobe.G

trace1 = go.Scatter(
x = lebron.SeasonNumber[lebron["RSorPO"]=="Regular Season"],
y = lebron.SBT[lebron["RSorPO"]=="Regular Season"],
mode = "lines",
name = "Lebron James",
marker = dict(color = 'rgba(5, 200, 5, 0.8)'),
text= lebron.Player+" Season: "+ lebron.Season)
# Creating trace2
trace2 = go.Scatter(
x = jordan.SeasonNumber[jordan["RSorPO"]=="Regular Season"],
y = jordan.SBT[jordan["RSorPO"]=="Regular Season"],
mode = "lines",
name = "Michael Jordan",
marker = dict(color = 'rgba(200, 5, 5, 0.8)'),
text= jordan.Player+" Season: "+ jordan.Season)
# Creating trace2
trace3 = go.Scatter(
x = kobe.SeasonNumber[kobe["RSorPO"]=="Regular Season"],
y = kobe.SBT[kobe["RSorPO"]=="Regular Season"],
mode = "lines",
name = "Kobe Bryant",
marker = dict(color = 'rgba(5, 5, 200, 0.8)'),
text= kobe.Player+" Season: "+ kobe.Season)
data = [trace1, trace2,trace3]
layout = dict(title = 'Total Turnover, Steal and Blocks Per Game in Regular Season',
xaxis= dict(title= 'Season Number',ticklen= 5,zeroline= False)
fig = dict(data = data, layout = layout)

Kobe Bryant vs Lebron James: A Statistical Comparison (8)

Head to Head (H2H): Unfortunately, there isn't a debate in this category as its more lopsided than Brady v Manning. The two met 22 times in the regular season, with Lebron winning 16 contests and Kobe winning only 6.

import plotly.express as px

# Data
players = ["Kobe Bryant", "LeBron James"]
regular_season_wins = [6, 16]

# Create a bar plot
fig = px.bar(x=players, y=regular_season_wins, text=regular_season_wins,
labels={'x': 'Player', 'y': 'Regular Season Wins'},
title='Regular Season Wins - Kobe vs LeBron',

# Customize the layout

# Show the plot

Kobe Bryant vs Lebron James: A Statistical Comparison (9)

Championships: Regarding on-court success and legacy, championships play a pivotal role. Kobe Bryant, a five-time NBA champion, showcases a career marked by multiple victories at the highest level. His tenacity and leadership led the Los Angeles Lakers to championship glory on five occasions. LeBron James, with 16 regular-season victories, demonstrates a consistent ability to reach the pinnacle of success. While LeBron may have more regular-season wins, the comparison becomes nuanced when considering the additional context of NBA Finals appearances and victories, as Kobe won five. While Lebron has technically won 4, we subtract the COVID championship, pinning him with 3.

import plotly.express as px

# Assuming 'Championships' is the column with the number of championships
# and 'Player' is the column with player names

fig = px.bar(goat, x='Player', y='Championships', color='Player',
labels={'Championships': 'Number of Championships', 'Player': 'Player'},
title='NBA Championships Won by Jordan Kobe and Lebron')


Kobe Bryant vs Lebron James: A Statistical Comparison (10)

Conclusion: Ultimately, determining who is the better player between Kobe Bryant and LeBron James is a subjective endeavor. The data above provides a glimpse into various aspects of their careers, from financial success to on-court achievements. While Kobe’s championship pedigree and financial impact stand out, LeBron’s head-to-head victories and outperforming Kobe in all offensive and defensive categories need to be factored in as well.

Ultimately, the “better” player may depend on individual preferences and biases. Kobe Bryant and LeBron James have etched their names in the annals of basketball history, leaving an enduring legacy beyond mere statistics. The debate will likely persist, but I would choose Lebron every day in a pick-up basketball game or 1:1. However, at the end of the day, rings are all that matter. In the words of the Black Mamba himself, “friends come and go, banners hang forever.”

Kobe Bryant vs Lebron James: A Statistical Comparison (2024)


Kobe Bryant vs Lebron James: A Statistical Comparison? ›

Rather surprisingly, Lebron edges out Kobe in every major statistical category, averaging 27.1 vs 25.0 PPG, 7.3 vs 5.2 RPG, 7.0 vs 4.7 APG, 1.6 vs 1.4 SPG, and 0.8 vs 0.5 BPG.

Is LeBron James better than Kobe Bryant? ›

The two met 22 times in the regular season, with Lebron winning 16 contests and Kobe winning only 6. Championships: Regarding on-court success and legacy, championships play a pivotal role. Kobe Bryant, a five-time NBA champion, showcases a career marked by multiple victories at the highest level.

Who has a better winning percentage, LeBron or Kobe? ›

LeBron James: has a win percentage of 64.64% in his career with a record of 945-517. Kobe Bryant: has a win percentage of 62.11% in his career with a record of 836-510. These percentages reflect their skills and their ability to contribute to their teams' overall success.

What were the stats of Kobe Bryant playing LeBron James? ›

Kobe Bryant averaged 24.6 points, 5.2 assists and 5.0 rebounds in 22 games versus LeBron James in his career.

Who has better statistics Michael Jordan or LeBron James? ›

James has four rings but leads Jordan in nearly every other statistic. Jordan leads in points, averaging 30.1 to 27.1, but James beats Jordan in rebounds, 7.5 to 6.2; assists, 7.4 to 5.3; field goal percentages, 50.5 to 49.7; and 3-point percentages, 34.7 to 32.7. James also played in 400 more regular season games.

Is Kobe better than MJ? ›

Mostly everyone would agree that Michael Jordan is the superior player but do not really take the time to closely examine how alike these two players are. The major difference between the two is that they played in two completely different eras, but that doesn't make them incomparable.

Is Kobe the greatest Laker of all time? ›

In a poll conducted in conjunction with the Lakers' 75th birthday, five of the six experts on The Los Angeles Times panel voted Johnson as the greatest Lakers player, with the sixth expert choosing Kobe Bryant, who is a worthy selection but not quite the basketball equal of Magic.

How many times did LeBron James block Kobe? ›

LeBron James has rejected 16 shots versus Kobe Bryant in his career.

Who has the most missed shots in NBA history? ›

K. Bryant

How much did Kobe score on MJ? ›

It was the double-nickel heard around the NBA. On March 28, 2003, the Los Angeles Lakers defeated the then Michael Jordan-led Washington Wizards 108-94. In this very game, Kobe Bryant torched His Airness and band of misfits for 55 points.

Who is statistically the best NBA player? ›

Jordan vs. James: Career points
  • LeBron James. 1,411 games played. 38,411 points.
  • Michael Jordan. 1,072 games played. 32,292 points.
  • 30K points. 960 games.
  • 30K points. 1,107 games.
  • As of Feb. ...
  • Games played.
Feb 16, 2023

Who has the greatest stats in NBA? ›


Who is more clutch, LeBron or Jordan? ›

LeBron is more clutch than Michael Jordan. Alright. First off, LeBron has five playoff buzzer readers, which is the most in NBA history, and MJ only has three. And as you can see here, on go ahead shots in the final five seconds of playoff games, MJ was 5 for 11, and in that same situation LeBron is 7 for fifteen.

Is LeBron the best player ever? ›

Well, at least according to HoopsHype.com, LeBron James is the second best NBA player of all time behind – who else – Michael Jordan.

Did Kobe play with LeBron? ›

By this time, LeBron and Kobe had developed a good relationship thanks in large part to their time together with Team USA. The duo teamed up in both 2008 and 2012 to bring home gold medals and grew a strong bond with each other during that time.

What age did Kobe retire? ›

Finding out more. Kobe Bryant was 37 years old when he played his last NBA game against the Utah Jazz on April 13, 2016. Age and injuries were already slowing down one of the league's best and most competitive players two years before his 20th and final season.


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