Leg Press vs Leg Extension: A Comprehensive Guide (2024)

Leg Press vs Leg Extension: A Comprehensive Guide (1)

Do you sometimes find yourself at the gym staring at the leg press and leg extension machines, debating which one will give your lower body that beautiful sculpted look? If you’re a gym owner, a home workout enthusiast, or someone who wants to boost your training programs, you need to be familiar with two of the best leg exercises. In addition to aesthetics, both machines can redefine your body in many ways.

If you’ve ever heard people say, “Don’t skip leg days,” they’re right. A leg workout targets big muscle groups such as the glutes, quads, and hams, which are crucial for general muscle mass and strength. They in turn enhance balance, stability, and athletic performance.

In this guide, we’ll introduce you to the leg press and leg extension machines, focusing on ways you can make use of them to achieve optimal results for your fitness goals. Should you depend on one, or should you combine both in your workout? Continue reading and find out how you can use these leg exercises to create a workout that gets you closer to achieving the strong physique you’re aiming for!

What is a Leg Press?

Definition and brief history

The leg press is an incredible lower body exercise. Aleg press machineeffectively works your quads, hamstrings, glutes, calves, and adductors. Although their looks have evolved over time until their modern versions came out in the 20th century, their function has remained consistent: you push a weight-loaded platform with your legs while seated or lying down(2).

Leg Press vs Leg Extension: A Comprehensive Guide (2)

Types of Leg Press Machines

There are8 types of leg press machines. Here’s a quick overview:

  1. 45-Degree Leg Press:Push weights at a 45-degree angle for a stable but challenging workout.

  2. Horizontal Leg Press:Sit down and push weights horizontally, ideal for beginners.

  3. Vertical Leg Press:Lie flat and push weights directly upward, perfect for experienced lifters.

  4. Seated Leg Press: Sit upright and push weights forward, often with pin-loaded stacks or free weights.

  5. Compact Leg Press:Features a pivoting seat, designed for small spaces.

  6. Dual-Function Leg Press:Combines a leg press and a hack squat machine for versatility.

  7. Belt Squat Machine:Uses a belt and pulley system for squats and lunges.

  8. Hack Squat Machine:Offers an upright angle for a unique challenge.

Common Usage in Workout Routines

Leg presses are one of the safest methods of developing your lower body strength and muscle definition because they don’t strain your back too much, making them perfect for everyone — beginners to pro lifters(1).
Want more details? Check outThe Ultimate Guide to Leg Press Machinesand learn all about leg presses!

What is a Leg Extension?

Definition and mechanism

The leg extension exercise is a isolastion movement that specifically target your quads on the front of the thigh, the largest muscle group in your body. You’re required to straighten your knee against resistance while seated.Leg extension machineslet you extend your legs upward by lifting a padded bar.

Leg Press vs Leg Extension: A Comprehensive Guide (3)

Variations of Leg Extension Machines

  1. Standard Leg Extension Machine: Common in most commercial gyms; isolates the quadriceps muscles by extending your legs against resistance.
  2. Plate-Loaded Leg Extension:Utilizes weight plates to provide adjustable resistance; often offers a higher weight capacity than other machines.
  3. Iso-Lateral Leg Extension:Allows for unilateral leg extensions; helps address strength imbalances by isolating each leg.
  4. Selectorized Leg Extension:Features a weight stack that makes it quick and easy to adjust resistance.
  5. Leg Extension/Leg Curl Combo:Combines both exercises into one machine, allowing for efficient training sessions.

Curious how leg extensions compare with leg curls? Learn more here:Leg Extension vs Leg Curl: What's the Difference

Alternative Leg Extension Movements

  1. Seated Leg Extension with Ankle Weights: No machine needed; use ankle weights or bands. Sit in a chair, lift one leg straight out, hold, and lower.
  2. Standing Resistance Band Leg Extension:Anchor a resistance band behind you, loop it around your ankle, and extend your leg forward against its resistance.
  3. Seated Resistance Band Leg Extension:Sit in a chair, anchor a resistance band behind you, loop it around your ankle, and extend your leg forward against the band's resistance.
  4. Single-Leg Leg Extension:Focuses on one leg at a time to address strength imbalances.
  5. Dumbbell Leg Extension: Uses dumbbells instead of a machine; requires specialized devices like Monkey Feet to attach the dumbbell to your foot.

Role in Rehabilitation and Fitness

Leg extensions greatly benefit your fitness goalsby giving you more muscle mass, healthier knees, and increased athletic performance. These exercises help build your quadriceps muscles because all focus goes to them. Their controlled movement for targeting is also why these are often used for injury rehab(5).

Key Differences Between Leg Press and Leg Extension

Overview of Primary Distinctions

Leg presses and leg extension machines target the same muscle group: your legs. However, they use significantly different mechanics and equipment. The main difference between a leg press and a leg extension is that the leg press targets multiple leg muscles, while the leg extension isolates your quadriceps.

Are you designing a workout that meets your needs? Then keep reading, because recognizing these differences will help you build your tailored workout routine.

Detailed comparison of mechanics and equipment

A weighted sled or platform that you sit on or lie down allows leg presses to involve many joints, such as your hips, knees, and ankles. Then you push the sled away from your body. On the other hand, the leg extension only involves your knee joint and keeps you in a seated position on a leg extension machine to lift a weighted post with your legs extended. The leg press is also very effective on multiple muscles — your glutes, quads, and hams, while the leg extension machine works just on your quads and is an excellent choice if you’re in need of an isolation exercise.

Targeted Muscles and Body Position

Leg presses and leg extensions also activate different muscle groups and require different body positioning. We’ll explore more of where these lower-body exercises hit. Keep reading to find out which one can hit those muscles you’re looking to build!

Muscles Activated by Each Exercise

  • Leg Press: Compound movement activates your quads, glutes, and hamstrings greater than the leg extension machine. Studies found that leg presses impose significantly less stress on the knee joint than a leg extension machine, making them a comfortable choice if you have knee injuries or problems(3).

  • Leg Extension: Targets and hammers your quads much more. This is suitable for you if you need isolated exercise.

Body Positioning During Each Workout

  • Leg Press: Sit or position yourself at an angle with your feet firmly on a platform. Your back is supported by the seat, reducing strain on the spine as you push the weighted platform away.

  • Leg Extension: Sit upright with your legs under a padded bar attached to weights. This isolates your quadriceps muscles when you extend your legs against the bar.

Biomechanical Range of Motion Differences

Each exercise also has its own range of motion that affects the coordination of joints and muscles during movement. Let’s explore further how you may alter your approach for each exercise and adapt it to what suits you and your needs.

Analysis of the Range of Motion for Each Exercise

  • Leg Press: Varies depending on knee flexion and leg rotation. Greater knee flexion engages the quadriceps muscles and hip muscles more effectively, while altering leg rotation (inward or outward) shifts muscle recruitment. Tailor the exercise to your specific training goals(4).

  • Leg Extension: Isolates your quads and the muscles on the front of your thighs just around your knee joint. Perfect for hitting only your quads while all other muscle groups remain at rest(6).

How Each Exercise Affects Joint Movements

  • Leg Press: Works on both your knee and hip joints and enablesfoot placement variations. Exert pressure on different jointsto target quads, hams and glutes altogether.

  • Leg Extension:Good for your knee joints and quad strengthening. Because it’s targeted, it minimizes involvement of your other joints.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Once you account for the benefits and drawbacks of leg press vs leg extension exercises, you can make an informed decision on whichever is most suitable for you. Follow a workout routine that aligns with your fitness goals and keeps you going for the results you want. Continue reading and find out more about how you can maximize these exercises!

Benefits of Each Exercise

  • Leg Press: Great for comprehensive lower body and various muscle groups strengthening. Promotes heavy lifting with a lower risk of back strain, which makes it fit for newbies.

  • Leg Extension: Excellent if you’re eager to enhance your quads’ strength and definition. It can also be helpful for injury prevention, knee rehab, and recovery.

Limitations and Considerations

  • Leg Press: You need specialized equipment. Not advisable if you have back issues, and if exclusively used without other exercises, might cause muscle imbalances.

  • Leg Extension: Known to put considerable stress on your knee joint when performed with heavy weights. It can place heavy pressure on your anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). This can potentially lead to knee pain or injury if not executed with proper form.

Leg Press vs Leg Extension: A Comprehensive Guide (4)

Pros and Cons of the Leg Press

Leg Press Pros
  • Comprehensive lower-body engagement: Your quads, hams, and glutes are all involved; muscle engagement is greatly distributed.

  • Back support: Many leg presses have a reclining or leaning function that lets you hoist heavier weights in, say, a squat. Put less pressure on your back by hunching forward. Preferable if you want to lift as much weight as possible but are worried about back stress.

  • Adjustable movement:Different foot placements and using different machines allow targeting of specific muscles, providing versatile training options.

Leg Press Cons
  • Limited functional application:Not many of your muscles used for stabilization are activated, and movement does not follow real-life patterns.

  • Equipment requirements:Specialized leg press machines can be bulky, and access might be limited in home settings or smaller gyms.

Pros and Cons of the Leg Extension

Leg Extension Pros:
  • Quads Isolation: Best for isolating your quadriceps muscles, which makes it one of the basic exercises to develop the front thigh strength and definition.

  • Rehabilitation and Recovery: Popular in knee rehab programs because of its fluid movement pattern and targeted muscle activation, which strengthens knee muscles without too much strain.

  • Ease of Use: Beginner-friendly and helpful for those new to resistance training.

Leg Extension Cons:
  • Knee Joint Stress: Full extension with heavy loads stresses your ACL and may lead to knee injuries, especially if used with improper form.

  • Limited Muscle Engagement:When using a leg extension, there is no whole body muscular coordination, unlike with the leg press, which leads to imbalance if overused.

Leg Press vs Leg Extension: A Comprehensive Guide (5)

Health and Safety Concerns

With any exercise, you need to ensure the safety and health of your knees and lower body. Both leg presses and leg extensions carry potential risks and rewards. We’ve got your back. In this section, we’ll check out common injuries and how you can avoid them.

Common Injuries and How to Avoid Them

  • Knee pain: Avoid this by using a neutral foot position.

  • Lower back strain: Keep your back supported against the seat and use manageable weights.

  • ACL strain: Avoid fully extending your knees and keep your motion at a controlled range.

  • Patellar Tendonitis: Maintain proper form and only increase your weights gradually.

Safety Tips for Knee Health

  • Start with a proper warm-up to get your muscles and joints prepped.

  • The stronger the muscles around your knees are,the better knee support they provide. Change up your workout and include exercises such as glutes, calves, and hip muscle strengthening.

  • Be aware of any symptoms of discomfort or pain. Check whether keeping proper form or increasing your weights slowly helps.

Is Leg Press Bad for Your Knees?

According to research, leg presses can improve your knee health. Reducing your range of motion lowers the stress placed on your knee joint. Also, foot rotation affects knee forces, which means outward rotations may cause higher stress on your inner knee joint.Additionally, they make the muscles around your knees stronger and provide support and stability. Yet, too much weight or poor form can put a lot of stress on your knee joints which may result in injury. To prevent this, you should follow our safety tips given in the previous section.

Are Leg Extensions Bad for Your Knees?

Although leg extensions are good for isolating the quadriceps muscles, they tend to put a lot of strain on the knee joint and especially the ACL. To minimize risk of injury, focus on lower weights and higher repetitions to gain strength without overburdening the knee. You should also avoid locking your knees in full extension.

Programming and Performance

Integrating leg presses and leg extensions into your training program requires strategic planning to maximize benefits while minimizing risks.

How to Incorporate Each Exercise into a Training Program

  • Leg Press: Include in your lower-body workout days, and emphasize on strength and mass building. Helpful at the start of your workout when your energy levels are at their peak.

  • Leg Extension: Use at the end of your workout to thoroughly work your quads following compound movement exercises. Helpful on recovery or light weight days to keep muscles active without too much pressure.

Tips for Beginners to Advanced Athletes

  • Beginners:Start off with lighter weights and work on your form. Add more as you gain more strength. Favor learning the correct technique over heavy lifting.

  • Advanced Athletes:Include variations like single-leg presses or extensions to test stability and strength. Consider drop sets and supersets to raise the intensity.

Strategic Considerations for Strength Building

When you’re aiming for strength gains, balancing between a compound exercise like leg presses and isolation exercises such as leg extensions is crucial.

  • Which exercise offers better strength gains? The leg press usually yields better average strength boosts because its compound nature involves several lower body muscles in balanced development and allows heavy weights.

  • Balancing Both Exercises in a Routine: Balance your workout routine by incorporating both exercises: a leg press to comprehensively develop your lower body strength and mass and use leg extensions to work on your quads for muscle definition.

Combining Leg Press and Leg Extension in Your Routine

Combining leg presses and leg extensions can reward you with impressive results if properly balanced. Find out how in the next section.

Strategies for Effective Combination

  • Balance Compound and Isolation: Leg presses are great for compound strength development, and leg extensions will give you focused gains on your quads.

  • Volume and Intensity Balance: High-volume leg extensions target quads (more reps, less weight), while low-volume but high-intensity leg presses (more weight, fewer reps) build compound strength.

Sample Workout Plans

Workout A (Focus on Strength):

  • Warm-Up: 10 minutes of dynamic stretching

  • Leg Presses: 4 sets x 6-8 reps (heavy)

  • Squats: 3 sets x 6-8 reps

  • Leg Extensions: 3 sets x 12-15 reps (lighter weight, focus on contraction)

Workout B (Focus on Hypertrophy):

  • Warm-Up: 10 minutes of dynamic stretching

  • Leg Extensions: 4 sets x 10-12 reps (moderate weight)

  • Leg Presses: 4 sets x 10-12 reps (moderate weight)

  • Lunges: 3 sets x 12 reps per leg

Maintain proper form throughout and consider complementary exercises like squats, deadlifts, and calf raises for balanced lower body development.

Conclusion and Recommendations

Both leg presses and leg extension machines have their place in well-rounded strength training. Remember their main differences: leg presses for complete lower body involvement with back support, and leg extensions for quad isolation or specific strength work. Each has its pros and cons, thus, our discussions here can help you choose the best way to include these leg movements into your fitness routine.

Personal Recommendation Based on Different Fitness Goals

  • For Strength and Mass Gain: Prioritize leg presses but supplement with leg extensions as finishers for full quad muscles development.

  • For Rehabilitation and Muscle Definition: Focus more on leg extensions with controlled weight, incorporating leg presses cautiously to sustain strength.

Final Thoughts on Choosing the Right Exercise for Your Goals

Ultimately, the choice between leg presses vs leg extensions is yours — consider your fitness objectives, health considerations, and personal preferences.

If You Had To Choose Just One, Which Is Better?

If we were forced to choose one, we’d put our money on thebest leg press machines. Why? Simple — comprehensive muscle engagement and functional strength benefits. Nevertheless, we don’t downplay leg extensions, since they are ideal for people who want to emphasize their quads and knee rehab.

Listen to your body and adjust as needed. Leg presses and leg extensions can get you closer to your fitness goals. If you don’t have health issues that may affect your workouts, go ahead and throw leg presses and leg extensions into your routine!


  1. Kraemer, W. J., & Ratamess, N. A. (2004). Fundamentals of Resistance Training: Progression and Exercise Prescription. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 36(4), 674–688. https://doi.org/10.1249/01.mss.0000121945.36635.61
  2. M., J., & Muyor, J. M. (2019). Evaluation of the Lower Limb Muscles’ Electromyographic Activity during the Leg Press Exercise and Its Variants: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(13), 4626. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17134626
  3. M., J., & Muyor, J. M. (2019). Muscle Activation and Kinematic Analysis during the Inclined Leg Press Exercise in Young Females. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(22), 8698. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17228698
  4. Padulo, J., Migliaccio, G. M., Ardigò, L. P., Leban, B., Cosso, M., & Samozino, P. (2017). Lower Limb Force, Velocity, Power Capabilities during Leg Press and Squat Movements. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 38(14), 1083–1089. https://doi.org/10.1055/s-0043-118341
  5. Shiao, Y., & Hoang, T. (2022). Exercise Condition Sensing in Smart Leg Extension Machine. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), 22(17). https://doi.org/10.3390/s22176336
  6. Signorile, J. F., Lew, K. M., Stoutenberg, M., Pluchino, A., Lewis, J. E., & Gao, J. (2014). Range of Motion and Leg Rotation Affect Electromyography Activation Levels of the Superficial Quadriceps Muscles During Leg Extension. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 28(9), 2536–2545. https://doi.org/10.1519/jsc.0000000000000582
Leg Press vs Leg Extension: A Comprehensive Guide (2024)


Should I do leg extensions or leg press? ›

The leg press is also very effective on multiple muscles — your glutes, quads, and hams, while the leg extension machine works just on your quads and is an excellent choice if you're in need of an isolation exercise.

What are the disadvantages of leg extension? ›

Since a joint is better able to withstand tensile forces from compression as opposed to shear, it therefore follows that leg extensions place increased stresses on the knee joint compared with multi-joint lower body exercises. What's more, leg extensions tend to heighten stress to the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL).

Is leg press enough to grow glutes? ›

A leg press will work all of the muscles in your upper legs, including your glutes. However, there are things you can do with a leg press to really get glutes gains. First, make sure you have a narrow stance when you use the leg press. Typically you use a wider stance when using this machine.

Is leg press enough to build legs? ›

Great for Quad Strength

If you are looking to build some big and burly quads, then the leg press machine is certainly the way to go. Through different foot positions, it is possible to target certain areas of your legs with a leg press.

Are leg extensions enough to build legs? ›

Leg extensions are a key isolation exercise to build your quads and lower body strength. Strong leg muscles are important for daily movements and activities, such as standing and walking. The strength of your quads also affects your athletic performance and helps with running and jumping ability.

Is it better to do leg extensions fast or slow? ›

A common mistake is going too fast and lifting with a kicking motion. Instead, move your legs slowly and deliberately. The more time you spend moving your legs, the more time you're spending with your muscles engaged. Engaged muscles mean a better workout.

Are leg extension bad for the knees? ›

Leg Extensions aren't inherently “bad” for your knees. There are plenty of intervention studies that have used leg extensions to rehab knee injuries, such as patellar tendinipathy. They provide a controllable environment where the load and range of motion can be carefully manipulated over time.

Is leg extension bad for spine? ›

What exercises should I avoid with lower back pain? Avoid exercises that isolate and put undue stress on the lower back. These could include seated leg presses or leg extensions.

What not to do on leg extensions? ›

Common Mistakes
  • Creating Stress At The Knee Joint.
  • Feet Positioning.
  • Accepting Failure.
  • Not Keeping Adequate Intensity.

What happens if you do leg press every day? ›

Regularly training with the leg press leads to strength and muscle gains in the largest muscles of the body. The leg press also improves mobility and overall physical function.

Are squats better than leg press? ›

Effectiveness: Both exercises are effective. However, squats offer comprehensive benefits due to engaging different muscle groups and enhancing athletic performance and core stability, while leg presses isolate your quads and provide a solid foundation for beginners.

Is wide or narrow leg press better for glutes? ›

In the wide stance leg press, place your feet wider than shoulder-width apart on the platform, with your toes pointing slightly outward. This variation places more emphasis on the inner thigh muscles (adductors) and the glutes.

Are leg extensions better than leg press? ›

We also see in research directly comparing leg extensions to both leg presses and squats. We see that leg presses and squats are relatively ineffective, in fact completely ineffective in many studies to grow the rectus femoris. Whereas leg extensions produce growth in all heads of the quads roughly equally well.

What is considered a lot to leg press? ›

Beginner - 0.50 x body weight. Novice - 1.25 x body weight. Intermediate - 2 x body weight. Advanced - 3.25 x body weight.

Should leg press be slow or fast? ›

Concentrate on slow and deliberate movements rather than how many reps or the amount of weight you're lifting. Ask a trainer to review your form and get personalized advice if you notice any unwarranted stress or pain.

Are leg extensions as effective as squats? ›

In fact, it is technically the other way around. Leg extensions are the more complete quad exercise compared to squats. See, the problem with squats is that they don't train the rectus femoris. As I explained in my other video so rectus femoris is the muscle of the quads in the middle of the quads here.

Should I do leg extension or lying leg curl? ›

Both these exercises appear similar but work opposite muscle groups. The leg extension exercise trains the muscles of the front of the thigh or quads while the leg curl predominately trains the hamstrings at the back of the thigh.

Do bodybuilders do leg extensions? ›

rocking those big tree trunks with canyon deep cuts is a look that works on everyone! Leg extensions are a bodybuilding staple—they isolate your quads, the front-facing muscle group of your thighs, by flexing (bending) and extending (straightening) the knee joint.

Which is better leg press or angled leg press? ›

The leg press and the 45-degree leg press both target your quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. However, the 45-degree leg press places more emphasis on the glutes compared to the leg press. If you want to target your glutes more specifically, the 45-degree leg press may be a better option.


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