Residency Vacancies, Unfilled Openings, and Swap Positions in Internal Medicine, Surgery, Pediatrics, Neurology, Emergency, Family Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Otolaryngology, Surgery, Preventive Medicine, Psychiatry at PGY1, PGY2, PGY3 levels, in (2024)

Revision Date: August 7, 2020.

Resident Swap, Inc. is organized under the laws of Delaware State. This agreement is between you and Resident Swap, Inc.

Acceptance of Terms Through Use

This Acceptable Use Policy is used in conjunction with the terms of Use agreement. Violating any of these policies grants Resident Swap, Inc. theauthority to take action to restrict or terminate your access to services, and to pursue any legal remedy. Resident Swap, Inc. reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to update or revise this policy, any other policy or statement on any website operated by Resident Swap, Inc., and any product or service offerings or programs described therein. Please check back periodically to review any changes to this policy.

Resident Swap, Inc. operates the website and performs all associated services and activities. Resident Swap, Inc. disclaims, to the maximum extent permitted by law, allwarranties, representations or other endorsem*nts, express or implied, withregard to the information accessed from, or through, this service, the systemswhich provide it and the Internet, including all warranties of merchantabilityor fitness for a particular use, or non-infringement of any third-party rights.Resident Swap, Inc. does not assume any liability for the completeness, accuracy orusefulness of any information disclosed or materials accessed. In no eventshall Resident Swap, Inc. (or any persons or entities related thereto, service providers, licensors or contractors) be liable forany special, indirect, or consequential damages associated with or arising fromuse of this service in any way, including any loss of use, server downtime, andany other technical problems including, but not limited to, problems withmessage or information delivery, problems with protecting user's identity or anyother identifying information, or any security breeches. Any failure by Resident Swap, enforce this policy in every instance in which it might have application doesnot amount to a waiver of Resident Swap Inc's rights.

Lawful Use

You must use this site and the Resident Swap, Inc. Services in accordance with theterms of this policy and your Resident Swap, Inc. Service Agreement, and in accordancewith all federal, state and local laws, ordinances, and regulations.

User Conduct, Prohibited or Unlawful Use

In order to maintain an informative and valuable service that meets theneeds of the users of this site, the following rules have been established toprotect against abuse.

Use of this site or Resident Swap, Inc. Services for any purpose that is unlawfulor in any manner which could damage, disable, overburden or impair theoperation of this site or any other party's use or enjoyment of this site isstrictly prohibited.

Specifically, you may not:

  • Send unsolicited or commercial emails, or any emails for any purpose other than personally applying to residency, fellowship or medical positions or to communicate with residency candidates, as detailed in the Unsolicited Communications Section.
  • Attempt to use or gain unauthorized access to data, accounts, servers, systems or networks of this site, or to probe, scan or test the vulnerability of a system or network of this site, any Resident Swap, Inc. services or those of any other party.
  • Interfere with service to any user, host or network, or attempting to overload the system.
  • Share your username and password with other parties.
  • Make unauthorized copies of the content or derivative works based on Resident Swap, Inc. content, in written, verbal, or other forms.
  • Create multiple accounts for the same user, or create accounts with false information, or in an automated fashion.
  • Display Resident Swap, Inc. content to other people.
  • Additionally, you may not, by use of any Resident Swap, Inc. Service or anotherservice, upload, post or otherwise distribute or facilitate distribution of anycontent, including text, communications, software, images, sounds, data, orother information that, in Resident Swap Inc. discretion:
    • Is unlawful, threatening, abusive, harassing, libelous, defamatory, obscene, deceptive, fraudulent, invasive of another's privacy, tortuous, indecent, p*rnographic or inaccurate;
    • Victimizes, harasses, degrades, or intimidates an individual or group of individuals on the basis of religion, gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, age, disability or any other reason;
    • Has a negative effect on Resident Swap, Inc. or its network (including, without limitation, overloading servers on the Resident Swap, Inc. Network; causing portions of the Resident Swap, Inc. Network to be blocked by other network providers; generating unresolved third party complaints or complaints which, in the discretion of Resident Swap Inc., impose an unreasonable administrative burden on the company; etc).

You agree that all information supplied to you by Resident Swap, Inc. is confidential, and you will not share any part of this information with others.

Unsolicited Communications are Forbidden

You are forbidden from attempting to transmit unsolicited or commercial emails, faxes, or phone calls, for any purpose other than:

  1. Candidates can communicate to personally apply to residency, fellowship or medical positions, or in connection to a potential application.
  2. Residency and Fellowship programs can communicate with applicants.

You may not send unsolicited and/or mass e-mailings from any Resident Swap, Inc. account, or via another service which in any way implicates the use of this site or Resident Swap, Inc. Services, Resident Swap, Inc. equipment, Resident Swap® registered trademark, or any Resident Swap, Inc. e-mail address.

Most email addresses published in the Resident Swap directory are email forwarders intended to stop unsolicited email and spam, and before these are transmitted, require the sender to type-in a code from an image as a proof of being a human, and as a means of indication of agreement to the contract of these Terms of Use. These email addresses contain "Resident Swap" trademark. Unauthorized use of email addresses or unauthorized relaying of messages results in direct harm and damages to Resident Swap, Inc. including harming the reputation of Resident Swap Inc., infringement and harm to the good reputation of Resident Swap trademark and its domain name and that of our server's Internet Protocol (IP) address, endangering it to be listed on external anti-spam block lists, thus interfering with the transmission of legitimate emails from our staff and legitimate users who are applying for residency positions or jobs via email. Unsolicited email attempts, even if successfully blocked, additionally result in undesired heavy burden on our server, slowing down access for other legitimate users. The liquidated damages suffered by Resident Swap, Inc. resulting from unsolicited email transmission are assessed at $900 per each email recipient, regardless if the recipient or the recipient's system subsequently filters out any violating email. The liquidated damages resulting from an attempted email transmission that is blocked by Resident Swap, Inc.'s computer systems are assessed at $10 per email.

Furthermore, attempts to transmit or relay unauthorized emails constitute Unauthorized use of a Computer (Criminal Misdemeanor), Computer Trespass (Criminal Felony), and Trespass to Chattels against our computer system (Civil Tort). Abuses from IP addresses under your control will be reported to FTC, at Resident Swap, Inc.'s discretion.

Any emails, faxes, and phone calls having the following attributes are considered Unsolicited Communications:(i) that is relayed from any Resident Swap, Inc. orthird party's mail servers without permission; (ii) which employs techniquesto hide or obscure the source of the e-mail; (iii) which are sent, or caused tobe sent, to or through the Resident Swap, Inc. Network that makes use of or containsinvalid or forged headers, invalid or non-existent domain names or other meansof deceptive addressing may be deemed to be counterfeit.

A communication may be unsolicited if: (1) recipients'email addresses were not obtained through a personal or customer relationshipbetween recipient and sender, (2) recipients did not affirmatively consent toreceive communications from sender (i.e. no proof of opt-in for the specific recipient), or (3) recipients have opted out ofreceiving communications from sender when given notice of the opportunity to doso.

Resident Swap, Inc. reserves the right to take all legal and technical stepsavailable to prevent unsolicited bulk e-mail or other unauthorized e-mail frombeing sent from or transmitted through the Resident Swap, Inc. Network. Resident Swap, Inc., at its discretion, prosecutes any attempts of unlawful or criminal communications or transaction fraud to the fullest extent of the law, and diligently reports instances of unlawful, fraudulent communications or claims to the federal, state and any other applicable authorities, along with proof of unlawful activity, in the form of logs and correspondence. In addition to pressing criminal charges against persons or entities committing communication or transaction fraud, Resident Swap, Inc. will also seek to recover its damages in tort. If you are determined to have violated the Terms of Use, or if you are determined to be a tortfeasor for any reason, you will be liable for items and damages including but not limited to: service or product fees (if applicable), damages for breach of contract, costs incurred by Resident Swap, Inc. or its agents in connection to handling your case such as costs of an attorney, collection agency, bank or credit card fees, computer forensic analysis costs, and any and all costs and damages suffered by Resident Swap, Inc. in connection to processing your violation or your case. Resident Swap, Inc. at its sole discretion, will perform any tasks related to your case which it deems necessary, and it reserves the right to retain agents or professionals of its choosing to perform such tasks. The liquidated damages for the need of Resident Swap to conduct a forensic analysis shall be $350 per occurrence. You hereby agree to be billed, and agree to promptly reimburse Resident Swap, Inc. for any aforementioned costs within 30 calendar days of the date of bill, or the date of a court order.

PLEASE NOTE: The transmission of unsolicited bulk e-mail, includingthe transmission of counterfeit e-mail, may result in civil and criminalpenalties against the sender, including those provided by the federal("CAN-SPAM") (P.L. 108-187) Act or Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (18U.S.C. 1030 et seq.); the Washington Commercial Electronic Mail Act (Wash. Rev. Code Chapter 19.190 et seq.); and any other applicable statutes andregulations.

Your participation in online communication or use of any Resident Swap, Inc. service is not edited, censored or otherwise controlled by Resident Swap, Inc.However, Resident Swap, Inc. reserves the right to monitor content on this site andany Resident Swap, Inc. Services and to remove content, disable pages, or suspend orterminate services if Resident Swap Inc., in its discretion, determines such contentor user practices are harmful, offensive, or otherwise in violation of thisAcceptable Use Policy.

International Use

Resident Swap, Inc. makes no representation that materials available on this siteor any or through any Resident Swap, Inc. service are appropriate or available for usein locations outside the United States, and accessing them from territorieswhere their contents are illegal is prohibited. Those who access this site orany site hosted by Resident Swap, Inc. from other locations are responsible forcompliance with local law.

Intellectual Property Rights

Copyright: All Resident Swap, Inc. web site design, text, graphics and theselection and arrangement thereof are the copyrighted, 2006-2017. All rights reserved. Copies are not to be made without express permission fromResident Swap, Inc. and its licensors. This includes, but is notlimited to printed and electronic copies. The copyright holder shall, in any event, retain all copyright and other proprietaryinterests therein. "Resident Swap" is a licensed trademark, which is pending registration with United States Patent and Trademark Office.

Subscriber Responsibilities:Subscribers and website visitors are forbidden from redistributing any information supplied by Resident Swap, Inc. This restriction includes information published on web site, or sent in the form emails or SMS phone messages. This includes, but is not limited to, information about: vacant positions, information about users and residency programs that have a resident willing to trade positions.The subscriber is charged with the responsibility of protecting the content from being copied or redistributed. This includes, but is not limited to, clearing browser's cache after each use, taking all necessary steps to protect against unauthorizedaccess to the subscriber's computer, ensuring the security of the login password, etc. Posting of Resident Swap, Inc. content on Peer-to-Peer services or elsewhere on the internet in expressly forbidden. In the event thatResident Swap, Inc. learns of unauthorized copies or redistribution of its content, the subscriber identified by the access logs to the web site will be charged a penalty fee. Resident Swap, Inc. reserves the right to use the billing information on file or any other means to obtain this fee. Subscriber acknowledges and agrees that in the event of any violation thereof, Resident Swap, Inc. shall be authorized and entitled to obtain, from any court of competent jurisdiction, preliminary and permanent injunctive relief without the necessity of a bond. The aforesaid rights and remedies shall be independent, severable and cumulative and shall be in addition to any other rights or remedies to which the Corporation may be entitled under law or in equity. In addition, at the Corporation's option in lieu of proving actual damages in a proceeding, the Corporation shall be entitled to hereby agreed upon liquidated damages in the amount of Eight Hundred ($800) Dollars for each item in violation of this clause, in addition to liquidated damages for redistributing content equal to the sum of $2,000 per redistributed post and $2,000 per end-receipient of redistributed content, and $2,000 per each 30-day period during which any content has been redistributed or during which subscription was held by a person not authorized by Terms of Use.Persons registering on the Resident Swap, Inc. website are responsible for providing accurate, current, and complete name, email address, and if applicable, mailing address and mobile phone number. Website visitors assume all liabilities arising from failure to provide this information, and arising from providing incorrect or incomplete information, including damages suffered by Resident Swap, Inc. in connection to attempts to send communications to the provided email addresses. Resident Swap strives to keep communications sent to the website visitors to a minimum, and generally limits communications to include only those of high importance, urgency, based on good-faith belief that majority of recipients will find the communication useful or interesting. By registering, you grant Resident Swap, Inc. the right to send communications to you by any means, including email, telephone, SMS text messages, and postal mail. Resident Swap, Inc. will consider your communication preferences. You agree to update your Resident Swap profile within 24 hours with correct information, if your contact information changes, such as a due to a change of telephone number or email.

Subscribers, website visitors, and other persons and entities may not:

  1. Use the Resident Swap, Inc. database for any purpose other than to personally apply for residency, fellowship, or physician job positions.
  2. Send commercial or unsolicited email or initiate telephone or other forms of communication.
  3. Communications requesting the employers or subscribers to post information on competing services is expressly prohibited.

Both vacancies and swap positions can be reported by the website visitors, and Resident Swap, Inc. makes no representation that these website visitors post factual or current positions. Resident Swap, Inc. reserves the right to confirm posted vacancy positions with residency programs to ensure accuracy, or to otherwise verify these posts before or after being published, by any method at the discretion of Resident Swap, Inc. The corporation reserves the right to deny publishing of any post, and reserves the right to modify any post. Whenever posted positions fill, residency programs often notify Resident Swap, Inc. since they usually do not want continued inquiries from applicants. However, that is not always the case, and Resident Swap, Inc. cannot rely solely on this. website has a flagging system that allows users to report any openings discovered to be filled. If you discover any positions that are out of date, you agree to notify us by clicking the appropriate "Report as out of date" button located by each of the posts. Resident Swap, Inc. will confirm appropriateness of the removal with the residency program. Resident Swap staff reserves the right to periodically check posted positions, and to remove any posts deemed to be out-of-date. If not removed earlier by one of the above processes, all remaining vacancy posts are automatically removed after 90 days, and swap posts are automatically removed after 12 months.

You acknowledge and agree that displaying swap positions to you is contingent on you posting accurate location, specialty and PGY level of your current position as a swap position, and is further contingent on your current position being desirable to other users who are searching for swap positions. To protect user's privacy, Resident Swap, Inc. will, at its sole discretion, filter out swap posts which would be non-viable for you, and will prevent these from being displayed, wherein the other user's search filter excludes your current position due to factors such as location, specialty, or PGY level. It is therefore probable that you may not be able to view every posted swap position because some of the other users might not interested in your current position.

Trademark: Resident Swap, and all other related names, design marks,product or feature names are either registered trademarks or trademarks of in the United States and/or other countries. These marksmay not be used without the express written permission of Resident Swap, Inc. and their licensors. All otherproducts and services referenced in this site are the trademark or servicesmarks of their respective owners.

You acknowledge and agree that copyrights, trademarks, service marks,patents, trade secrets, and other proprietary rights and laws protect allcontent and materials available on this site or through any Resident Swap, Inc. service. Nothing on any Resident Swap, Inc. website shall be interpreted or implied insuch as way as conferring any license or right to any intellectual propertyrights or license to any intellectual property, content, technology, system,process, or related material belonging to Resident Swap, Inc. by virtue of it beingdisplayed or made accessible on any Resident Swap, Inc. website. Except as expresslyauthorized, you agree not to use this site or any Resident Swap, Inc. Services in anymanner that would infringe, violate, dilute or misappropriate any such rights,with respect to any material, which you may access, receive or make availablethrough this site or any Resident Swap, Inc. Services.

You shall not make any statements, in writing or otherwise, that disparages the reputation or character of Resident Swap, Inc., website, Resident Swap trademark, or any of its affiliated entities, at any time for any reason whatsoever, except that nothing in this subsection shall prohibit the user from giving truthful testimony in any litigation or administrative proceedings provided that you must give Corporation written notice of such pending oral or written testimony so the Corporation can seek an appropriate protective order.

User's Grant of Limited License

By posting or submitting content to any website operated by Resident Swap, Inc, you:

  • Grant Resident Swap, Inc. the right to use, reproduce, display, adapt, modify, distribute and have distributed the content in any form, anywhere and for any purpose, subject to the Resident Swap, Inc. Privacy Policy, which is incorporated in and made a part of this Policy; and,
  • Warrant and represent that you own or otherwise control all of the rights to the content and that public posting and use of your content by Resident Swap, Inc. will not infringe or violate the rights of any third party.
  • Warrant and represent that you have reason to believe that the information is accurate and current.

Privacy Policy

Resident Swap, Inc. takes users' privacy seriously and takes reasonable measures to protect users' personal information. Resident Swap does not sell or redistribute your information to any unaffiliated third parties. Any personal information received is used only in connection to your Resident Swap account, for the purposes such as alerting you of residency vacancies and swap positions, fulfilling your order, and communication with our customer support staff.Additionally, Resident Swap subscription enables users to choose to communicate with other users of Resident Swap who are typically Residents or Fellows, and with Residency Programs or Employers. At the user's discretion, such communication may be carried out anonymously, such as by utilizing Resident Swap email system, or non-anonymously by conventional means. Specifically, Residents' identifying information is not disclosed to residency programs. Resident Swap utilizes the services of trusted affiliated organizations and individuals to carry out some of its operations, and at Resident Swap's discretion, may disclose customer information to these trusted affiliated third parties,for purposes such as payment processing, support, and network infrastructure. Emails relayed through the are normally processed in an entirely automated fashion, without being read by any personnel; however, in cases of suspected abuse and violations of these Terms of Use, Resident Swap Inc. reserves the right to inspect any relayed emails. You hereby grant Resident Swap, Inc. the right to store your account information indefinitely, or for as long as Resident Swap Inc. deems suitable, at its sole discretion. Requests to delete information or accounts are subject to approval by Resident Swap, Inc. and if approved, will incur processing fees. Resident Swap website, like many other websites, uses cookies. You hereby consent to the use of cookies, and grant Resident Swap, Inc. unrestricted right to store cookies, session information, and account information on your device(s), and Resident Swap, Inc's server(s).

Refund Policy

Resident Swap, Inc. strives to provide useful information and a high degree of user satisfaction. Resident Swap, Inc. is eager to rectify any genuine issues, while protecting our service from abuse by users who fully intend to immediately cancel after obtaining the posted information. The intent of this refund policy is to be fair to subscribers and Resident Swap, Inc. You hereby agree to adhere to this Refund Policy and procedure. Resident Swap, Inc. provides information about residency and fellowship vacancies to the subscribers. Subscribers who are provided information about any viable residency or fellowship vacancy position either by the Resident Swap website or via any communication sent by Resident Swap such as email or SMS cell phone message will be disqualified from receiving a refund for the entirety of the current subscription term. Early cancellation is not supported. Subscribers are responsible for providing accurate and current email address and complete mobile phone number, appropriately configuring their search filter, ensuring that their email system does not inappropriately block or delay messages containing vacancy alerts, and are responsible for immediately reading the alert messages. To request a refund, the customer must first notify Resident Swap, Inc. in writing, via email or via contact form available on the website, and must include account identifying information such as a username or email address associated with the account, brief description of the reason for the refund, and must indicate which of the agreed-upon provisions below applies to the refund request. The time limits for submitting refund request shall be starting on the date of subscription expiration, and ending at 6 months (182 days) following the purchase date, and no refunds will be issued outside of these time limits. Resident Swap, Inc. reserves the right to confirm user's identity, and will consider and respond to refund requests within 10 business days.Subscription refunds will be issued at the discretion of Resident Swap only in the following uncommon situations:

  1. If the customer experiences an unusual economic hardship and applies for a subscription fee waiver or financial aid, subject to approval.
  2. If the customer fulfills the requirements for a free subscription by reporting a vacancy that was not yet known to Resident Swap, as defined in the Vacancy Reimbursem*nt Policy.
  3. If the customer did not view any viable vacancy posts, either due to complete absence of any position, or all of the viewed posted positions being already filled or unavailable at the time that this information was provided to the customer. Customer must generally supply evidence in the form of correspondence from all of the viewed residency programs supporting the claim that each position was not available at the time that the information was provided to the customer.
  4. If the customer unintentionally views only positions for which the customer is not qualified for, such as osteopathic candidates viewing positions available only to allopathic candidates, or having incompatible prior training or PGY level. Customer must generally supply evidence to Resident Swap supporting the claim of not being qualified, such as documentation listing graduation date being incompatible with the posted position.

Purchases of services other than subscriptions, such as consultations and personal statement editing services are final and refunds will not be issued, or will be issued at the sole discretion of Resident Swap, Inc.Any failure by Resident Swap, Inc. to enforce this policy in every instance in which it might have application does not amount to a waiver of Resident Swap Inc.'s rights.

Links to Other Sites

Resident Swap, Inc. may contain links to third party Web sites. These links are provided as a convenience. The content of these third party websites is not endorsed or controlled by Resident Swap, Inc.

Controlling Law and Termination

This Authorized Use Policy is subject to, and shall be construed andenforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Delaware without regard toits choice of law principles, and any disputes hereunder shall be brought exclusively inthe Court of Chancery of Delaware, or United States District Court for the District of Delaware, or alternatively a court location chosen solely by Resident Swap, Inc. based on proximity to Resident Swap, Inc's offices and locations of Resident Swap, Inc's legal representatives.


The Resident Swap, Inc. Terms of Use and Acceptable Use Policyprohibit acts of copyright and trademark infringement and other unlawfulbehavior by Resident Swap, Inc. subscribers. Resident Swap, Inc. takes subscriber violationsseriously and will investigate complaints and, where appropriate, may removecontent, disable sites, suspend or terminate services, or take other action asnecessary.

Resident Swap, Inc. reserves the right to deny or terminate services to any one andfor any reason.

General Complaints: Please send reports of any activity in violationof this Terms of Use Policy to Resident Swap, Inc. Resident Swap, Inc. will reasonablyinvestigate incidents involving such violations. Resident Swap, Inc. may involve andwill cooperate with law enforcement officials if any criminal activity issuspected. Violations may result in criminal and civil liability.

Copyright/Trademark Infringement Complaints: If you believe that yourcopyright or trademark has been used by an Resident Swap, Inc. subscriber withoutpermission, such that the use may constitute infringement of your intellectualproperty rights, please contact Resident Swap, Inc.

Residency Vacancies, Unfilled Openings, and Swap Positions in Internal Medicine, Surgery, Pediatrics, Neurology, Emergency, Family Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Otolaryngology, Surgery, Preventive Medicine, Psychiatry at PGY1, PGY2, PGY3 levels, in (2024)


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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.