Sioux Center News from Sioux Center, Iowa (2024)

LOCAL NEWS Mrs. Ed O. Mouw received a telephone cill from tier son, Bobble, Saturday morning informing her that he was leaving the States for overseas duty. He had been stationed at Norfolk, and left on the destroyer the Vesole. Bobble has recently been promoted to seaman.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dykshoom motored to Sioux Olty Monday evening to meet their daughter, Wanda, who returned by plane from a weekend visit with Mr. and" Mrs. Robert Feekes at Ames.

A family party was held at the Arvln Schulteman home Friday evening when the Ted Kaemlngk relatives gathered there to celebrate the birthday of Mrs. Schulte- man which came November 8, that of Harold Kaemlngk which fell on November 7th and that of Teunis Kaemlnks which was November 11. William Davelaar and Miss Her- tllda Nobel left for Grand Rapids, Tuesday evening where both will be working for the winter months. Miss Nobel has been employed at the Plazier Heating and Plumbing shop for the past several months. Mr.

and Mrs. Martin Vander and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rtepma and daughter, Laurolie, of Hawarden, motored to Castlewood, S. Saturday to attend the Golden wedding anniversary of Mr, and Mrs.

Sam Rindols. Rlndals Is a brother of Mrs. Vander Meer. Mr. and Mrs.

Gerrlt Vander Lugt and Mrs. Tony Hooyer left for Grand Rapids, Tuesday morning where they plan to spend an extended visit with Mr. and Mrs. Lester De Jong. They went to make the acquaintance of the letter's new daughter, Rachel Ann.

Hattle Edna Schut returned home Sunday afternoon from the Lutheran hospital at Sioux City Public Auction Sioux Center Residence Property Thursday, November 15, 1956 1:30 P.M. Because the undersigned wishes to purchase a smaller home, she will offer at public auction on the premises immediately north of the Mutual Telephone Company office in.Sioux Center, Iowa, the residence property described as the East 72 feet of Lots 20 and 21, in Block 25, North Sioux Center, Iowa. It is the property now occupied by Mrs. John Loclchorst. This is an attractive five room home, near to churches, school and business section.

It will be offered in two parcels one unimproved lot and the other with the house on it, and then offered together. TERMS: down on date of sale and balance December 15, 1956, when possession will be given. 1956 and all prior taxes paid in full; abstract and deed furnished. Premises available for inspection at anytime by arrangement with the owner. MRS.

JOHN LOCKHORST Fiber ft Mortt Auctlonttn Maurlct A. Tt Paikt, Attornty, Sioux Center, Iowa Having sold tht farm and moving to California, I will sell at PUBLIC AUCTION on the premises located miles north of Doon or 10 miles eest and 2 north of Inwood or miles south, 3 wtit and south of Rock Rapids on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21 Commencing at 12 p.m. Lunch wagon on grounds 18 HEAD OF CATTLE 9 Shorthorn Angus cross calves; Purebred 4 year old Angus bull 8 Shorthorn nunt cows; Grain, Hay Feed 1200 bu. numbered oats, 750 bu. first year of certified seed.

630 baits 3rd cutting alfalfa 1800 balti lit and 2nd cutting hay 1100 balta pigeon grtst hay 200 bales straw Buildings 14x20 brooder house 12x14 brooder house CHICKEN EQUIPMENT Gas brooder, 500 chick slit Electric chicken heaters Feedert, FARM MACHINERY, ETC. 1954 J. D. "60" tractor with power steering, live power T. O.

and power trol; 1950 J. D. with selective control; 1946 J. D. tractor In good condition with cultivator; Quick-tech J.

D. cultivator; 1954 J. D. "490" planter with 160 rodi of new wire; 1954 3-16" McDeerlng plow; 3-14" J. D.

plow; 2-16" J. D. plow; 1954 J. D. twine-tie baler; 1946 J.

D. elevator with hoist and V-8 Ford motor; 10 ft. J. D. power binder; 15 ft.

J. D. disc; Humboldt stalk cutter; 7 ft. J. D.

mower; J. D. 4-bar side rake on rubber; McDeerlng endgate seeder; 5-sectlon flexible lever harrow; McDeerlng No. 4 cream separator; Posh), wire, woven wire, extension ladder; 1000 Ib. scale; 226 J.

D. corn picker; D. W-54 spreaders; 9 ft. spring tooth harrow; Ftrtlllitr spreader; 14" J. hammermlll; 240 Leti burr mill; 2 rubber tired gears with tank boxes; 2 rubber tired with flat beds; 6x10 box on rubbtr tlrt gtar; Steel gtar with hay rack; Mounted Ottawa circle saw; E-Z way pesthole digger; Gunco manure loader; Avery 38" thresher en rubber; J.

D. corn binder; 500 gal. water tank; 5 fttd bunks; 45 bu. self feeder; 4x16 feed rack; Forney electric welder; Retary feeder; loading chute; 300 gal. gas tank on stand; Jacebsen 21" reel type lawn mower; Air compressor; and many toe to mention.

Household Goods Dining room suite with buffet, table and chairs; 9x12 wool rug and pad; Chrome table with extra leaves; rack; Floor lamp; Table lamps; Work table and stand; 2 Dutch oven; Rug frame; Jig saw; Tot car; 3 iltds; 2 Bicycles; 2 Kenmore Ironer; Singer tewing machlnt; Round dining room table; buffet, 3 dressers; 2 end tables; library table 2 qt. pressure cooker; 7 qt. pressure canntr; 2 gal. and 1 gal. Ice cream treeiers; While birch baby bed and mattress; Bassinette; High chair; Nursery chair; Baby buggy; Stroller; Bathroom scale and many ether TIRMS: Cash No property to be removad until settled.

ARNOLD STETTNICHS and Meret. Auctioneers Beck State Clerk where she had submitted mir? ery tor a fractured shoulder. MIM Schut wai Injured In a car accident which took place at Sheldon Saturday, November 3, and wai first nospltoUted at the Sheldon community hospital for a short time before belrtg taken to Sioux City for surgery. Mr. and Mrs.

James Vander Schasf and daughter, Carla, spent the weekend and the ensuing Arml- tlce day weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Herlan Vander Schaaf at Pella. Mrs. E.

Kaemlngk of Lynden, and Mrs. Minnie Schut were guests In the Ted Kaemlngk home all day Friday. Mrs. Kaemlngk has now returned home to Lynden following an extended visit with relc- tlves here and In South Dakota. While here she was a house guest of Mr.

and Mrs. Albert Kraayen- brlnk. 'Mrs. Dick Kreykes accompanied Mr. and Mrs.

Hubert De Jong and Mrs. Anna De Jong of Maurice to Orange -City Thursday afternoon to be guests of Mrs. Lawrence Rowenhorst. The latter was celebrating her birthday that dny. Mr.

and Mrs. Richard Wolbrink pf Sheldon were Sunday evening guests In the Rev. Marion Klaarcn home. Henry Mulder had a birthday Friday and coming that evening to help him celebrate were the and grandchildren. Attending from a distance were the Clarence SJaarda family of Beaver Creek, and the Gerald Relnders family of Le Mars.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mulder and children of Sheldon came for dinner Sunday. Ruth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Lester Heusinkveld, has been getting around on crutches for a number of days, after sustaining a leg Injury in a fall at school. Mr. and Mrs. John Te Grotcn- huls of Jefferson, arrived Thursday to spend a week's visit with relatives In this area. They are at the home of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr.

and Mrs. Gerrlt Doornwaard. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Van Beck of Wlllimgton, spent the weekend with relatives here, at Carmel and Rock Valley.

Mr. and Mrs: Dick Kreykes drove to Hospers Monday to be dinner and evening guests In the Alex Klein home. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Mulder and family of Fort Dodge spent Sunday In the home.

parental Henry Mulder Mr. and Mrs. John DC Boer of Crookston, spent the weekend and the ensuing holiday in the Lou De Boer home. Additional dinner guests there Sunday evening Included Mr. and Mrs.

Gerrit Harthorn of Rock Rapids. Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Fedders of Ireton were Sunday evening visitors in the Ben Fedders home. Mrs.

John Vllser celebrated her birthday Monday, November 12, and coming in the evening were the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Teunis Visser, and also the William Vlsser family of Middleburg. Mr. and Mrs.

George-Kots and daughters of Sioux Falls, S. spent Sunday in the parental Teunis Visser home. Heln Vreeman had a birthday Monday and relatives came in the evening to help him celebrate. Attending from out of town were Mr. and -Mrs.

Tony Hulsteln of Sheldon. normal seasonal rise. But if with the Henry Van Wyks. Both marketings are falling off, at they Rev. and Mrs.

Van Wyk and Hen- were last winter, when the USDA ry Van Wyks were entertained at started buying pork, prices will show a greater response. The immediate effect of the USDA program In the opinion of dinner In the home of Mrs. John G. De Jong. Dr, and Mrs.

Chas. Sterrenberg, Dale and Paul, and Mr. and Mrs. Francis Kutlsh, farm Al Kopplln, parents of Mrs. Ster- wlll be In Increase killing mar- renberg, all from Beaverdam, gins He thinks the program may; were guests last week In slow up the slaughter decline and the Chas.

Sterrenberg home here, keep prices from dropping as I Mr. and Mrs. John Wlersmn of much as they would otherwise. Grundy Center spent the weekend He snys the purchase program as with his mother, Mrs. Wm.

Wlers- announced Is not likely to prevent ma, and with other relatives here. some further seasonal price decline In November. Alvin Netten Transferred To Tennessee Connie Bloemendaal To Wed A. Menning ORANGE CITY Alvin Netten has recently been transferred from the Codry Field Naval Auxiliary Air Station at Pensacola, (where he received instruction in Instrumental flying) to Memphis, Tenn. The marrage of Miss Connie Bloemendaal, daughter of Mr.

and Oort called on Mrs. Jclgerhuls Mds. Arle Bloemendaal of Or- there Friday evening, ange City to Alden Menning, son Rev. Ellsworth Dykstra of Sioux of Mr. and Mrs.

Bert Menning of Falls and Rev. Jno. Masscllnk of Newklrk, will take place Friday, Orange City, exchanged pulpits Mr. and Mrs. Gary Rons spent the weekend with their daughter, Glcnda, In Cedar Falls.

Three sisters from the Fella area visited relatives here last week. They were, Mrs. Carl Kcttcrlng and Mrs. John Rowcnhorst visiting the Ohas, Sterrenburg hom*o and Mrs. Wm.

Van Zantcn who was a guest of Mrs. John G. DC Jong. Mrs. Rowcnhorst called In the Ben Hancmaaycr home.

Deborah June, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Kdnncth Muyskens of 1. Her grandparents arc, Mr. and Mrs.

John Muyskens of Orange City and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley June of Benson, Minnesota. Mr. and Mrs.

Ed DC Jngcr of Orange City arc the baby's grcnt grandparents. Mrs. Howard Jclgerhuls Is a patient In the Sioux Center hospital where she underwent surgery for gall-stones. Mr. and Mrs.

Al Van November 30, at 8 p.m. at the Second Christian Reformed church of Orange City. Rev. J. Massellnk will officiate.

Miss Bloemendaal Sunday. Rev. Dirk Dykstra, 77, former missionary to Arabia and retired in Holland, died recently of a heart attack. Mrs. Dykstra pas- was honored recently with a shower at the home ot her par-' sc away last year.

ents. The hostesses were Mrs. Darwin Zeutenhorst, Margene Ter Horst and Lois Vander Zwaag. Joan Ver Steeg Is recovering from her recent appendectomy. Mrs.

Nellie Van Es was dismissed from the local hospital last week and is doing fairly well. Mrs. Anna Hylnk, 90, who has been staying at the Len De Groot home, Is now at the Wm. Van Gorp home. Mrs.

'Steve Jasper is not so well these days. She has returned home from a Sioux City hospital. Charley Harmellnk of Sheldon underwent surgery to his back, at the Methodist hospital in Sioux City, Thursday. He must remain in the hospital for eight days. Miss Marjorie Jasper Is visiting her cousin, Ann Vander Plaats, in Minneapolis.

Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Harme- Judge and Mrs. T. E.

Klay attended the Minnesota-Iowa game, Saturday, Rev. J. Straks preached at the Ncwkirk Reformed church Sunday. Guests In the Mrs. Jns Bloemendaal home Friday afternoon were Mrs.

Harry Vander Pol and Mrs. Art Vander Pol of Ncwkirk. In the evening the Kenneth and Lawrence Bloemendaal families were guests. Mr. and Mrs.

Wm. L. Schol and son David Lee recently moved to Ottumwa, where he began working November 1 in a 6-county area with the Iowa Highway Patrol as one of a drivers' license examining team. Mr. Schol completed a patrol training course In DCS Molnes, this year.

Dr. and Mrs. D. Q. Storic recently visited their son, D.

Q. and attended the lowa-Mlchlgnn game. Audrey Korver and Bea Rcckcr Farm Outlook Released Through the Sioux County Extension Director At. present receipts of top- grade steers aren't running as far below the levels of year ago as' link called her parents to tell they were in August. And hog, them that she was much Impres- receipts are showing their sea- sed with the beauty of the sur- sonal rise.

At the 12 major public I rounding countryside and is markets hog receipts were greater greatly pleased with her area of than a year ago -for time work, in several weeks. The market for wholesale meat has weak lately, partly because of competition from the poultry Industry. Broiler and tur- key output has been greater, and last week with their daughter and family, the Rev. Theo Mansen family, who recently moved there from Denls6n. Rev.

and Mrs Mansen, appointed by Presbyterian Synod, qrc organizing a Presbyterian church Des Molnes west end. Services will be held In the parsonage basem*nt until port "hog prices new church edifice Is built. The rise In loin and ham prices. How- present' quarters provide seating link of Brookings, S. spent the I Esthervillc, representatives of weekend with their parents here.

Iowa Y-Tecns, State Y-Tccn Bernice Halstdom, Jean Arndt, cabinet members, left for the Na- and Shirley Wakeman of Paulllna ti ona Y-Tcen Conference being were weekend guests In the Wm. ncl( Washington, D. and Top home. New York City. The girls joined a The women's adult Sunday! group in Cn cago nm went on to school class of the First Reformed Was hj ng on for 5 days and to New church with Mrs.

Wm. Bellman, teacher, had a get-togeher in the church parlors, Thursday evening. After the devotions a briel business session followed and a program was carried out consisting of vocal and Instrumental duets. The main diversion of the evening were pictures of Alaska, shown by Rodney Van Klompenburg who recently returned from army service there. Delicious refreshments were served in conclusion with the husbands as invited guests.

Miss Tracy Hultink left last week for San Antonio, Texas to'for 3 weeks, begin working there as Bible in- Marcene Prins and Beverly De structor among the women and Jong attended the South Dakota children in that area, under the Press Ass'n Convention which wns auspices of the Christian and held at Brookings, S. October Missionary Alliance. Upon her ar- 27. The 2 senior students attended rival in San Antonio, Miss Hui- with Roger Hamilton, high school Andrew Boone of Sheldon has returned home from the Lutheran Hospital In Sioux City where he was hospitalized for blocked sinus. Mrs.

Willa Reinlgcr, Mrs. Vclma Rave and Mrs. Frieda Roggen left Wednesday to attend a State Welfare Association In Des Moines. Mrs. Peter Andringa accompanied Mrs.

Christina Bylsma to Bcl- llngham, where she plans to spend the winter. Mrs. Bylsma has been visiting relatives here prices have been below last fall. Part 1 of the wholesale meat weakness Is due also to the fact that retail meat markets overstocked during September. The Department of Agriculture's announcement that It will buy pork In an attempt to sup- Jacob De Jong of Ames spent the weekerid with relatives and friends here.

Rev. and Mrs. John spent a few days in DCS journalism instructor. Mr. Hamilton led a "Improving Paper." discussion' session on the Departmental Orange City Woman's Club To Present Play November 22-23 The play "Time Out For Qln- gcr" will be presented flt the city hall In Orange City at 8 p.m.

November 22 and 23 under sponsorship of the Orange City Woman's club and Delta Psl Omega. Mrs. Harry England, dramatics teacher at Northwestern: college, Is director of the drama. Mrs. F.

Byncs Is 'In charge of ticket sales. Get Lesson In Court Procedure The court room at Orange City was filled to capacity with high school seniors from the entire county last Thursday. They had gnthercd to witness and participate In a moot court case, staged under the auspices of the Sioux County Bar Association, The case involved an automobile accident case, wherein Cor. Vande Stecg was plnlnlfl and wns represented by attorneys Clayton B. Thompson nnd Lucas J.

Do Kostcr. Maurice To Paskc and Lewis De Kostcr were defendants nnd were represented by attorneys Gerrlt Doornwaard and Earl V. Sllfe, Jr. Judge L. C.

Lampman was on the bench, with Dewey Wlersmn acting as clerk and P. R. Wlelcnga as bailiff, The following twelve high school seniors were chosen us jurors to try the case: Carol Ahlers, James Vroonlnnd, Rosa Van Klcy, Robert Van Ettcn, Shirley Klein, Marvin JufTcr, Harriet Goedhart, Ken Bode, Joyce Carpcnnter, Linda Schllmoellcr, Cnrollcc De Ruyter, and Allen Van Rockcl. The case was decided in favor of the defendants, with Ken Bode signing as foreman of the jury. With attorney Earl Klay presiding and Henry J.

Tc Paske serving as moderator, many Interesting points of law and procedure were explained and discussed throughout the trail, and while the jury was deliberating in the jury box an instructive panel discussion was held. During the noon hour the seniors had lunch in the Orange City public school, after which a guided tour o( offices In the court house was enjoyed. Sioux County Hens Could Average 250 Eggs Per Year Most Sioux county poultry producers could get an average of 250 eggs per hen per year by following some of the basic practices that have worked out for the most successful producers, County Extension Director Maurice E. Eldridge ot Sioux county reports. Paul Walthcr, extension poultry- man at Iowa State College, believes this record is not only within the reach of most poultry- men here but that It can be achieved along wih a reduction in the costs of producing eggs, Eldridge said.

Walther believes one of the most Important of these basic practices at this season is to vide enough feeders. Hens don't like to fight their way to too few feeders. It may appear that there are enough feeders in your poultry house, but increased feeding space will increase production, he says. Each 100 hens should hove 20 feet of feed troughs or nine round hanging feeders. An nmplc supply of waterers is olso Important, Walther says.

Hens need lots of fresh water for high egg production, as eggs are two-thirds water. One 4 foot Straks Molnes ever, the first effect on live-hog prices was not great. This is explained by the fact that a purchase-program type of price support won't boost prices much capacity for approximately 100 people. An electric organ, pulpit and pews are being Installed and the walls decorated. Mrs.

F. B. Mansen, formerly of City, Does So Much! Costs So Littlo! when marketings are undergoing has been spending the past month with the Rev. Hansons and the John Wolf family In De Moines, The Rev, Albert Mansen family arrived to take his mother, Mrs, Mansen, (who makes her home with them) back with them to Friesland, Rev. and Mrs, Straks drove to Des Molnes with Mr.

and Mrs. Ben Bonnema who visited their son, Donald Bonnema, and wife there. The American Legion Auxiliary met Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Johanna Groen, Mrs. Al Van Oort was the assistant hostess.

Mrs, Robert' Vis was in charge'Of the program on education. Mrs. Art Van Wyhe of Sioux Center, county president, was present. Rev. and Mrs.

C. Van Wyk of Oskaloosa spent a day here ill now about WAYNI TAIL CURLER Visser Bros. Elev We Give I ft Green On Feed FHONC 9M41 SIOUX CENTIR Artificial Breeding For Cattle FOR INFORMATION OR IKRVICI DIAL 21161 er 22131 Before 10:00 A. Neal Rozeboom TECHNICIAN MGII, Gerrit Schut Ase't. Technician PUBLIC Auction Having decided to quit farming I will sell at public auction on the premises located 1 miles north and mile west of Doon, Iowa; or miles east of Inwood on the blacktop road; on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23 Sale Starting at 1 p.m.

18 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK 9 head of Holsteln and Hereford cross milk cows, most of them to freshen the middle part of December; ene 2-year old heifer; one yearling heifer; two heifer calves 8-months old: one heifer calf 6-months old; 4-month old Hertford bull; Roan bull coming 2-years old; twq small calves. McDeerin? No. 4 Cream Separator 100 Leghorn Hens 450 Bales of Hay FARM MACHINERY 1944 John Dttrt model tractor with powtr lift and cultivator; 62 2-bettom 14-Inch plow; Walking plow; 12-foot tractor disc) Mc-Cormlck peering 4-stctlon flexible harrow with two eveners; 1955 John Dttrt 4-btr side rake; John Deert model tractor iprtadtr, A-1 condition; John Dttrt corn planter with 110 rods of 3-4 wire; dump rake; potatot plow; stttl running gtar with rack; high wheel running gear with 36-Inch box; 14 ft. teed bunk; Hero fanning mill; hog crate; loading chute; hand corn shelter; single row cultivator; disc cultivator; 4 gasoline barrels; same small scoops and forks; block and tacklt and many othtr Items tto numerous to mention. TERMS OF SALE; Cash no proptrty to be removed until settled for, ANDREW TEN BRAAK, Owntr Klein, Rock Rapids ft H.

Mertt, Sioux Center, Auctioneers Itate Bonk, Doon office, Clerk automatic trough watoror Is required by each 100 hens. Salvation Army Fund Drive Is Under Way Here The Salvation Army's campaign for funds has been launched In Sioux Center under the general chairmanship of Martin Mocllcr. Solicitation Is being made by direct mall. In announcing the drive Mocller stated that "The Salvation Army's work of supplying the physical needs of the destitute and administering to their spiritual life Is well known, but without the understanding of, and contributions from, the people It would not be possible to continue these labors of love. A portion of the money raised will be left In the community and will be administered by the local committee for special and deserving cases." Sioux Center Newt Nov.

15, 1956 Serving on the committee with Mocller are P. B. Mo'uw, treasurer, R. W. Rozeboom, Maurice To Pnsko and Ross K.

They'll be Married Marrlngo licenses were Issued to the following persons: Peter Corbie Banrtman, 22, Boydcn, Iowa Shirley Mae Slyk- liuls, 10, Boydcn, Iowa. Leonard Vos, 21, Hnwarden, Iowa, borctn Marie Jagcr, 19, Hudson, S. D. Francis Nlcholaus Henrlch, 23, Alton, lown, Catherine Marie Smldt, 22, Gaza, Iowa, Robert Eugene Bcrgner, 24, Rcmsen, Iowa, Anna Marie Gerst, 23, Alton, Iowa. Order birth announcements at The Sioux Center News.

Adv. PUBLIC AUCTION INWOOD RESIDENCE PROPERTY AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS Saturday, November 17,1956 1:30 P.M. In order to settle the estate of the late Teunis Flult, the undtrilgiwd will offer the following deicrlbed real estate at public auction upon tht premises described: West Seventy-five Feet (75) of tht North Sevtn Acrti of Lot One (1), Sktwli Addition, to Inwood, Iowa. Tht will bt at tht property locaftd 1 block north and 2 blocks tait of tht builntu tectlon. Thli li a 7 room hom*o with baitmtnt, itwtr and water, ind garage on Iht prtmliti.

Tht proptrty li Ideally located near churchei, ichool ind butlntt dlitrlct. It will make an excellent hom*o or Investment. Immediately before tht tele of the reel estate, the follow- Ing ptnonal property will bt offered for tale: 7 ft. Coldipot refrigerator; Event oil burning itevt, 10 Inch; Majestic coal ft wood kltchtn itovt; Perfection 3 burner oil ttovt ft oven; Cooltratar let box; Kltchtn ttblt and 3 chairs; Dining room tablt and 6 3 rocking chain; 2 arm chairs; 2 utility tablet; 1 book cait end writing dtik combination; 3 drtiitri; 1 chttt; 2 complete bedi; 1 woodtn kltchtn cablntt; 1 itttl kltchtn cablntt; 1 9x11 linoleum rug; 1 linoleum rug; 1 9x12 wool rug; New Home itwlng machine. Other Mlscel- lantoui Ittmi.

TERMS: Personal proptrty Cath btfort rtmoval of proptrty from premises. REAL ESTATE down on datt of lalt, and additional In 30 dayi, and the belence of In 6 months when abstract and detd will bt furnished. Inspection of the premises afternoon and tvenlng of 16 or by appointment with tht executor, Ttunls Flult, Alvord, Iowa. Immediate postesslon granted to purchaser. 1956 and all prior taxes shown paid In full.

Salt to approval of District Court. For further details see any of tht undtrslgntd. TEUNIS FLUIT ESTATE Teunis Fluit, Executor Klein A Moret Maurlct A. To Piskt, Auctioneers Attorney, Sioux Center, Iowa Efficiency Egg Production Select One of These 5 Feeds That Best Fit Your Grain Supply and Method of Feeding Poultry: NUTRENA FIFTY-GRAND Egg Feed High Protein-Energy Nutrition In Powerful NEW Formula mtans Drytr House, Less Droppings and Blggtr Eggs. Complete Egg Ration No Grain Needed Nutreno Egg Feed Feed with Corn NUTRENA CRUMBLIZED Egg Feed with HIGHER Fat and LOWER FIBER.

Complete Egg Ration No Grains Needed Egg Feed Feed with Corn, Oats, Kafir, Mile or any combination of these grains. Grain Balancer Feed one-third Grain Balancer and two-thirds Corn, Oats, Kafir, Mllo, or any combination of these grains. THESE NUTRENA FEEDS are designed for low feed-cost per dozen eggs and to help keep your flock in good condition, Your feed cost per dozen eggs will vary but little regardless of which feed you select. The biggest difference between these is your "out-of-the-pocket" cost, DE JONG HOLLANDER HATCHERY Jim Hollander, Mar..

Sioux Center News from Sioux Center, Iowa (2024)


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Author: Van Hayes

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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.