Statistics About The Average Leg Press Weight For Male • Gitnux (2024)

The leg press exercise is a fundamental component of many strength training routines, particularly for those looking to build lower body strength and muscle mass. One common way to gauge progress and compare performance is by monitoring the average leg press weight for males. In this blog post, we will delve into the world of leg press statistics for men, exploring average weights across different age groups, experience levels, and training goals. Whether you are a fitness enthusiast, a coach, or simply curious about the benchmarks, these statistics will provide valuable insights into the strength and capabilities of male individuals in the leg press exercise.

The Latest Average Leg Press Weight For Male Statistics Explained

The average leg press weight for a male beginner is 270 lbs.

The statistic “The average leg press weight for a male beginner is 270 lbs” represents the typical amount of weight that a male beginner is able to press with their legs in a leg press exercise. This statistic is derived from studying a group of male beginners, and calculating their average weight lifted during the leg press exercise. It indicates that the typical male beginner is able to press approximately 270 lbs of weight with their legs. This information can be useful for individuals looking to gauge their own progress or for fitness professionals designing appropriate leg press programs for male beginners.

Intermediate male weightlifters can usually leg press around 410 lbs on average.

This statistic implies that, on average, intermediate male weightlifters have the ability to leg press approximately 410 pounds. Leg press is a resistance exercise that primarily targets the muscles of the lower body, particularly the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. As intermediate weightlifters, they are likely to have already developed a reasonable level of strength and technique in this exercise. The weight of 410 pounds represents the average amount of force that these weightlifters can successfully press using their legs, indicating a decent level of muscular strength and endurance in their lower body.

Male athletes of advanced experience level typically leg press 510 lbs or more.

The statistic suggests that male athletes who have reached an advanced level of experience in their sport typically have the ability to leg press a weight of 510 pounds or more. This indicates a high level of lower body strength and muscular endurance. Leg pressing is a strength training exercise that targets the muscles in the lower body, particularly the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. These athletes likely engage in intense training and conditioning to achieve such a high weight in the leg press exercise, which can contribute to their overall performance and success in their respective sports.

For an untrained male, the average leg press weight is 185 lbs.

In the context of this statistic, it means that for a group of untrained males, the average weight they are able to leg press is 185 lbs. Leg press exercises typically involve pushing a weight away from the body using the legs. This statistic suggests that, on average, untrained males can lift or push this amount of weight using their leg muscles while performing this exercise. It is important to note that this statistic applies specifically to untrained males and may not necessarily reflect the capability of individuals with training or other factors such as age, fitness level, or body composition.

A study found the average leg press weight for professional male football (soccer) players is roughly 881 lbs (400 kg).

This statistic refers to the results of a study conducted on professional male football (soccer) players. Specifically, the study measured the average weight that these players were able to leg press, which is a common exercise to strengthen the lower body. The study found that, on average, professional male football players were able to leg press roughly 881 pounds (400 kilograms). This information provides insight into the overall strength and physical capabilities of these athletes, suggesting a high level of lower body strength given the relatively heavy weight they are able to lift.

An average amateur male should leg press around 350 lbs, as per STRONG Nation.

The statistic states that, according to STRONG Nation, the average amateur male should be able to leg press approximately 350 lbs. This suggests that, on average, males who exercise and train regularly but are not professional or highly experienced should be able to lift this amount of weight with their legs. Leg pressing is a common exercise that focuses on the lower body strength and emphasizes the leg muscles. This statistic serves as a reference point for individuals who are looking to gauge their own leg press performance and compare it to the average amateur male’s ability.

The average male leg press is around 2 – 2.5 times his body weight.

This statistic states that on average, men are able to leg press a weight that is approximately 2 to 2.5 times their own body weight. Leg pressing refers to a specific exercise that primarily targets the leg muscles. This statistic suggests that men, on average, have the ability to generate strength and power in their legs that allows them to lift a significant amount of weight relative to their own body weight. It indicates that the leg press exercise is an effective way for men to assess and improve their lower body strength.

An average male bodybuilder can leg press about 400-800 pounds (1 to 2 reps).

This statistic states that the typical male bodybuilder, on average, is capable of leg pressing a weight range of 400 to 800 pounds for 1 to 2 repetitions. Leg pressing is an exercise that involves pushing a weighted platform away from the body using the legs. The range provided indicates the variability in individual strength levels among male bodybuilders, with some being able to lift a heavier load (up to 800 pounds) and others being less capable (as low as 400 pounds). It is important to note that this statistic represents an average, meaning there will be some bodybuilders who can exceed or fall below this range.

Male weightlifters of elite experience level can typically leg press up to 600 lbs.

The statistic ‘Male weightlifters of elite experience level can typically leg press up to 600 lbs’ means that experienced male weightlifters who have reached an elite level of training and performance are typically capable of leg pressing a maximum weight of 600 pounds. This suggests that their leg muscles are strong and well-developed, allowing them to exert significant force and lift heavy loads with their legs. It is important to note that this statistic represents the typical performance level of these weightlifters, and individual capabilities may vary.

A 148 lbs average untrained man can leg press about 255lbs.

This statistic indicates that, on average, an untrained man who weighs 148 lbs is capable of leg pressing about 255 lbs. Leg pressing refers to the exercise where an individual pushes a weighted platform using their legs, primarily targeting the muscles in the lower body. This statistic suggests that an average untrained man of the given weight can handle a load of approximately 107 lbs more than his body weight. It is important to note that this is an average value and individual capabilities can vary based on factors such as fitness level, muscle strength, and overall physical condition.

An intermediate male lifter of the same weight can leg press approx 410 lbs.

This statistic suggests that an average male individual who engages in intermediate weightlifting exercises is capable of leg pressing approximately 410 pounds. Leg pressing is a form of strength training exercise that primarily targets the muscles in the legs, including the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. The weight mentioned refers to the amount of resistance that the lifter is able to push away from his body using his legs. Intermediate lifters typically have a foundation of training and experience, allowing them to handle heavier weights compared to beginners or novices. Overall, this statistic provides an estimate of the strength capabilities of a male lifter of average weight in the leg press exercise.

An advanced male lifter weighing 148 lbs is said to leg press around 510 lbs.

This statistic is specifying the leg press capabilities of an advanced male lifter who weighs 148 lbs. It suggests that this individual is capable of leg pressing a weight of approximately 510 lbs. Leg pressing refers to a weightlifting exercise where the lifter pushes against a resistance using their leg muscles while sitting on a machine. This statistic highlights the strength and ability of the lifter to effectively generate force through their legs, indicating their advanced level of fitness and strength training.

An elite male lifter of 148 lbs can leg press about 600 pounds.

This statistic states that an elite male lifter who weighs 148 lbs has the ability to leg press approximately 600 pounds. Leg pressing involves using the legs to lift a weighted platform primarily targeting the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. The fact that this lifter is described as “elite” suggests that they have reached a high level of proficiency in strength training and muscle development. It is worth noting that leg press strength can vary greatly among individuals due to factors such as body composition, muscle fiber type, training history, and technique.

An average male weighing around 175 lbs can leg press about 432 lbs.

The statistic states that, on average, a male weighing around 175 lbs is capable of leg pressing approximately 432 lbs of weight. Leg pressing refers to a type of exercise where an individual pushes a weighted platform away using their legs. This statistic is derived from a collection of data that shows the typical leg press capabilities of males with a similar weight range. It is important to note that this is an average value, and individual capacity may vary depending on factors such as strength, training, and overall fitness level.

An ‘elite’ class male lifter can on average leg press above 650 lbs.

This statistic is referring to the average leg press weight achieved by “elite” class male lifters. Leg pressing is a strength exercise that primarily targets the leg muscles. In this context, “elite” likely refers to highly trained and experienced lifters who have achieved a certain level of performance. The statistic states that, on average, these elite male lifters can leg press weights that exceed 650 lbs. This implies that these individuals have developed significant lower body strength and power, enabling them to lift heavier weights compared to the average person.

Studies suggest that an average male should be able to leg press at least 1.5 times his bodyweight.

This statistic suggests that, based on various research studies, the typical or average male should have the capability to leg press a weight that is equal to or greater than 1.5 times his own body weight. Leg pressing refers to a type of exercise where an individual pushes a weighted platform away from their body using their leg muscles. The 1.5 times body weight guideline serves as a benchmark to assess the strength and muscular capacity of males in this particular exercise. Achieving this level can indicate a certain level of fitness and lower body strength.

For males between 18-39 years, 2.5 times the bodyweight is an optimum leg press weight.

The statistic states that for males aged between 18 and 39 years, an optimum leg press weight is calculated as 2.5 times their bodyweight. In other words, this suggests that if a male falls within this age range, a leg press weight that is 2.5 times his bodyweight would be considered beneficial for achieving maximum results in terms of strength and fitness when using the leg press exercise. It indicates that this weight may provide an ideal level of resistance for the muscles in the legs to engage and develop effectively.

The average leg press weight for men over 40 is approximately 350 lbs.

The statistic states that, on average, men who are over the age of 40 can leg press a weight of approximately 350 pounds. Leg pressing is a strength exercise that primarily targets the muscles in the legs. This statistic suggests that, on average, men in this age group have a certain level of strength and capability to perform this exercise. It can serve as a benchmark or point of reference for both individuals looking to improve their leg press abilities and fitness professionals in designing appropriate workout plans for this specific demographic.

A professional bodybuilder can potentially leg press weights of over 900 lbs for reps.

This statistic states that a professional bodybuilder has the potential to perform repetitive leg presses with weights exceeding 900 pounds. Leg pressing is a specific exercise that targets the leg muscles, typically performed on a specialized machine. The term “reps” refers to repetitions, indicating that the bodybuilder can perform multiple leg presses with this significant amount of weight. This statistic emphasizes the immense strength and physical capability of professional bodybuilders, showcasing their ability to push their lower body muscles to extreme limits and overcome significant resistance.


In this blog post, we discussed the average leg press weight for males and presented statistics related to this topic. It is important to note that these statistics provide a general idea of what could be considered an average leg press weight for males, but individual variations and factors, such as age, fitness level, and training experience, can significantly influence these numbers. It is always recommended to consult with a fitness professional or trainer to determine the appropriate leg press weight for your specific circ*mstances. Remember, fitness goals and progress should be personalized and achievable, focusing on continuous improvement rather than comparing oneself to statistical averages.


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Statistics About The Average Leg Press Weight For Male • Gitnux (2024)


What is the average weight for a man leg press? ›

According to various sources, the average leg press weight for a guy falls within the range of 425 lb to 499 lb (193 kg to 226 kg) for 1 rep max (1RM) performances.

Is a 500 lb leg press good? ›

500 lbs is pretty good. That's like 5 plates per side and the 75 lbs of the weight from the machine. So not bad. Usually the weight goes up quick for leg press, so don't worry about it now.

How much does the average leg press weigh without plates? ›

Most leg press machines without weight, such as a pivot and machine-style leg presses from brands like Cybex and Hammer Strength, typically have a start weight of 100-170 lbs (45-77 kg).

What is the world record of leg press? ›

This is a tremendous feat as the World record for the heaviest leg press is 1,367 kg which belongs to bodybuilder Paul Meeker.

Should leg press be heavier than squat? ›

More Weight

It's not uncommon for someone to be able to lift two or even three times the amount of weight on a leg press machine as when squatting. Although it might not be more impressive per se, it does feel nice when you can lift that much.

Is leg press enough for legs? ›

Yes, the leg press is exceptionally good for working the quads. Leg presses are at their most effective when being used to build leg strength as there's less of a range of motion, allowing the glutes and hamstrings to let the quads run the show if you so wish.

What is considered a strong leg press? ›

The average Horizontal Leg Press weight for a male lifter is 425 lb (1RM). This makes you Intermediate on Strength Level and is a very impressive lift. What is a good Horizontal Leg Press? Male beginners should aim to lift 156 lb (1RM) which is still impressive compared to the general population.

Can you leg press 2000 pounds? ›

NORFOLK, Va. -- Religious broadcaster Pat Robertson says it is the God's honest truth -- he did, indeed, once leg-press a ton when he was almost 73 and had prostate cancer, and he still regularly lifts up to 1,200 pounds with his legs.

Is 450 an impressive leg press? ›

Remember, there's no such thing as a "good" or "bad" leg press weight. For many beginners, leg pressing 100 pounds is an excellent achievement. For more experienced lifters, a 500-pound leg press may be considered ideal. The goal is progress, after all.

How heavy is leg press by itself? ›

The majority of leg press machines out there weigh between 90 and 180 pounds without any added weight plates, although exactly how much starting resistance you'll encounter depends on the type of machine, the brand, the angle at which it is positioned, and more.

How many pounds is 3 plates on leg press? ›

In the US they use 45 lb bars and plates. So one plate (per side) is 135 lbs, two plates is 225 lbs, three plates is 315 lbs, four plates is 405 lbs, five is 495 lbs, six is 585, seven is 675 and so forth.

How heavy is a Matrix leg press? ›

Maximum User Weight159 kg / 350 lbs
Starting Weight75.7 kg / 167 lbs
WarrantyResidential: Limited Lifetime / Light Commercial: Limited Lifetime frame, 10 year parts
5 more rows

What is the most a human can leg press? ›

World's Strongest Leg Press | human leg | Max Leg Presses 305KG /672lbs🤯World's S | By Eddie Hall - The BeastFacebook.

What does leg press hit the most? ›

Specifically, the leg press targets the quadriceps muscles in the front of the thighs, the gluteal muscles in the buttocks, the hamstring muscles in the back of the thighs, and the calves, all in an integrated fashion.

How much weight is an empty leg press? ›

The starting weight on a Smith machine leg press can vary depending on the make and model of the machine. Typically the empty smith machine bar ranges from 20 to 50 pounds.

How much weight are 4 plates on leg press? ›

One plate on each side: 135 pounds. Two plates on each side: 225 pounds. Three plates on each side: 315 pounds. Four plates on each side: 405 pounds.

What is the average weight for a man to squat? ›

The average squat is 265 lb for men and 154 lb for women.


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