The Hunger Scale: Mindful Eating for Weight Loss (2024)

My husband loves his big green salads, apples, bean soups, oatmeal and other whole grains, potatoes, and salmon. Yes, he’s a good Pritikin boy.
There’s only one problem. “I love them too much,” he laughs. He has a hard time pushing away from the dining room table. When he finally gets up, he’s not just full, he’s stuffed.

He’s also had a hard time lately shedding a few extra pounds.

Weight Loss Mistake

Chances are, he’s making a basic weight loss mistake. He’s not in touch with when he should start eating, and when he should stop.

Yes, how we eat can be as critical as what we eat.

“The fact is, we can get fat eating healthy food,” warns Dr. Danine Fruge, Associate Medical Director at the Pritikin Longevity Center + Spa. “If we’re overeating, if we’re, well, making pigs of ourselves, the pounds can pile up.”

The Hunger Scale: Mindful Eating for Weight Loss (1)

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Mindful Eating For Weight Loss

The solution involves two key weight loss tips, teaches Pritikin faculty like dietitian Kimberly Gomer in classes at Pritikin on Mindful Eating.

The Hunger Scale: Mindful Eating for Weight Loss (2)

First, we must practice recognizing our own personal hunger and satiety (“I’m getting full”) signals. Second, we need to act on them.

If you’re scratching your head right now, confused about what we’re talking about, you’re not alone.

Many people are out of touch with their body’s hunger and satiety signs, and it’s no wonder. Everywhere we go these days – every gas station, street corner, and office – we’re tempted with 40-ounce sodas, burgers at the drive-through, and cookies at our co-worker’s desk. We no longer ask ourselves, “Am I hungry?” “Am I full?” We just reach and nosh. And nosh and nosh.

Now, if you’re reading Pritikin newsletters, chances are you’re no longer stuffing yourself with cookies, and that’s wonderful. But if you’re eating healthy food till you’re ready to burst, you could end up gaining rather than losing weight.

That’s why it’s so important to re-learn our hunger and satiety alerts. We say “re-learn” because we were born with these cues. Most babies and toddlers just naturally eat only when they’re hungry, and stop when they’re full (not stuffed).

To help you become re-acquainted with your body’s natural cues, and give your weight loss efforts the best chance for success, an easy tool that Pritikin dietitian Kimberly Gomer and other faculty at Pritikin teach is The Hunger Scale…

The Hunger Scale

  1. Starving – Ravenous – Weak – Grouchy!

  2. Uncomfortably Hungry

  3. Very Hungry – “I’m ready to eat now.”

  4. A Little Hungry

  5. Not Full But Not That Hungry – “My mind is on things other than food.”

  6. Satisfied and Light – “I could eat more but…”

  7. Comfortable But Slightly Too Full

  8. Very Full – “I ate more than I needed.”

  9. Too Full – Feeling Heavy and Uncomfortable

  10. Thanksgiving Dinner Full – In A Food Coma!

How To Use The Hunger Scale

  • Don’t wait till No. 1 (Starving, Ravenous) or No. 2 (Uncomfortably Hungry) to start eating.

    If you do, these are the kinds of thoughts and feelings you’re bound to have:

    “I’m so famished I’m gonna drop.”
    “I can’t get my mind off cheeseburgers.”
    “I’m pulling into a fast food joint the minute I see one!”

    Yep, all hell’s broken loose. Any rational desires for healthy, low-calorie-dense foods have been overwhelmed by biologically propelled cravings for rich, calorie-packed fare.

  • Start eating at No. 3 (Very Hungry – “I’m ready to eat now.”)

    You want to feel some hunger pangs but still have control over what you will eat. The best foods for weight loss, like a bowl of Pritikin Black Bean Soup, a big apple, or a baked potato with salsa, sound like options you’d be happy with.

    Once again, don’t wait till you’re starving, irritable, dizzy, and shaky. If you do, your next steps will likely be steps away from your health and weight loss goals.

  • Stop eating at No. 6 (Satisfied and Light — “I could eat more but…”)

    You could eat more, but if you did, you’d lose that lovely feeling of lightness and likely end up bloated, your pants too tight.

    That’s because it takes about 20 minutes after you’ve eaten for your brain’s satiety signals to kick in. If you get up from the table when you’re close to full, 20 minutes later you will feel full, but not overly so.

    If you stop eating when you’re a little too full (No. 7), you’re going to feel real full 20 minutes later. “And we all know that feeling,” smiles Kimberly. “In just minutes, we’ve gone from ‘I’m feeling fine’ to ‘Ah geez, I feel so big I need to loosen my belt.'”

  • Don’t Starve, and Don’t Stuff.

    Staying in The Hunger Scale range of No. 3 to No. 6 (the green highlighted area in the scale) will help you follow what our doctors and dietitians at the Pritikin Longevity Center have taught for nearly 40 years: Don’t starve, and don’t stuff.

    The result is not only a thinner body, it’s a happier one. “When people are in tune with their hunger and satiety signals,” explains Kimberly, “they feel better, lighter, and they often have a lot more energy throughout the day.”

    They’re aren’t falling into what our Pritikin guests jokingly (and knowingly) refer to as food comas, those “I-ate-so-much-I-need-a-2-hour-nap” feelings.

    The fact is, food comas are no fun in the long run. For 5 minutes of stuffing pleasure, we often get 5 hours of feeling crummy and fatigued.

    “Real pleasure is being able to spend our days feeling vibrant and alive, and that’s what paying attention to our hunger and satiety cues can help give us,” sums up Kimberly.

More Weight Loss Tips For Using The Hunger Scale…

  • Weak appetite?

    Sometimes during the day, you might go for hours without feeling hungry. A weak appetite may be the result of stress or vigorous exercise.

    But it may also mean that you ate too much at your previous meal or snack, including the meal you had the night before. The next time you eat, try eating only until you are close to full (No. 6 on The Hunger Scale), not until you are stuffed.

  • “Hunger is the best sauce.”

    Researchers have found that when people wait till they’re hungry (No. 3 on The Hunger Scale) to eat a snack, that snack provides more pleasure and satisfaction than when the same snack is eaten when people are not hungry. There may be truth, in short, to that old saying: “Hunger is the best sauce.”

  • Come up for air.

    In the middle of each meal, pause and identify your satiety level. (So yes, eat slowly. Don’t gulp down your meal in 5 minutes. Enjoy it.) Half-way through, take a deep breath, put down your fork, and ask yourself: “Where am I? What’s my satiety level?” If you’re at No. 6, it’s time to stop.

  • Practice, practice, practice.

    Getting in touch with your hunger and satiety signals takes practice. People don’t automatically become mindful eaters. “We’re all works in progress,” acknowledges Pritikin dietitian Kimberly Gomer.

    But one key way to make good progress is to stop eating while doing other things, like working at the computer, watching TV, reading, or driving. When we’re involved with other activities, we’re not aware of our appetites. Often, we’re not even aware we’re eating, so is it any surprise that we tend to overeat?

    Finally, and maybe most importantly, when our mind is on other things, we don’t enjoy our food as much.

  • Mindful Eating For Weight Loss: Summing Up

    Get into The Hunger Scale habit. Banish the basic weight loss mistake of waiting till you’re starving to eat, then overeating when you start.

    With every meal and snack, practice staying in the range of No. 3 (Very Hungry) to No. 6 (Satisfied and Light).

    Then watch stubborn pounds disappear.

    And energy levels soar.

The Hunger Scale: Mindful Eating for Weight Loss (3)
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The Hunger Scale: Mindful Eating for Weight Loss (2024)


How hungry should you be when losing weight? ›

First, understand that, yes, you're going to be hungry, but, no, you shouldn't ALWAYS be hungry. Experts generally recommend eating every few hours whether you're trying to lose weight or not. That means you'll usually feel some level of hunger routinely throughout the day.

What is the mindfulness of hunger scale? ›

Mindful Eating For Weight Loss: Summing Up

Banish the basic weight loss mistake of waiting till you're starving to eat, then overeating when you start. With every meal and snack, practice staying in the range of No. 3 (Very Hungry) to No. 6 (Satisfied and Light).

Can you lose weight through mindful eating? ›

Mindful Eating Has Been Linked to Weight Loss and Fat Loss:

The research shows that if you were to practice mindful eating, there is a good chance that you will experience weight loss.

How do you lose weight with a hunger scale? ›

You are supposed to decide how you are feeling -- from 1 to 10 -- and eat only when you're feeling 1, 2, 3 or 4. Put your fork down at 5 or 6 and wait until the next scheduled meal or snack. If you're trying to lose weight, stop at 5, the point at which you're eating a little less than your body is burning.

Does hunger reduce belly fat? ›

Hunger alone cannot exactly burn fat. Just being hungry does not mean your body is burning fat. The body uses sugar for energy in case of hunger and not the fat reserve. It might play a small role, though.

Should I go to bed hungry to lose weight? ›

Though going to bed hungry can help with sleep and weight loss, lack of access to food can actually increase your risk of obesity, asthma, and other health problems.

How do I tell if I'm actually hungry? ›

Here are some common hunger symptoms to set the basis for your answer:
  • Empty feeling in your stomach.
  • Stomach gurgling or rumbling.
  • Dizziness, faintness or light-headedness.
  • Headaches.
  • Irritability.
  • Lack of concentration.
  • Nausea.

Which exercise helps to lose weight fast? ›

7. Yoga
ExerciseCalories Burned
Jogging/Running372 to 700 calories per hour
Skipping Rope500-1300 calories per hour depending on weight
PlankingBetween 2-5 calories per minute (120-300 calories per hour)
Mountain Climbers Planks650 – 700 calories per hour
5 more rows
May 3, 2024

Has anyone lost weight with intuitive eating? ›

Some of my intuitive eating clients lose weight, some gain weight, some hover at about the same weight they were at when they said “yes” to intuitive eating and “no” to yet another diet. Sometimes there's some temporary fluctuation as someone settles in to intuitive eating.

Should I only eat when my stomach growls? ›

If your body is hungry, don't restrict yourself from eating. A growling stomach isn't the only thing that signals hunger; other signs include fatigue, headaches, irritability, dizziness, and difficulty concentrating.

How to tell the difference between hunger and fullness? ›

  1. Hunger is a normal sensation that makes you want to eat. Your body tells your brain that your stomach is empty. ...
  2. Fullness is a feeling of being satisfied. Your stomach tells your brain that it is full. ...
  3. Appetite is a desire for food, usually after seeing, smelling, or thinking about food.

What happens if you only eat when you're hungry? ›

If you strictly ate for hunger, there would be less pleasure and satisfaction from food. That would mean no favorite foods, no coffee or cozy cup of tea on a cool day, no dessert with dinner, and no holiday or celebratory eating.

How many hours should I stay hungry to lose weight? ›

The Bottom Line. While there is no one perfect way to time your meals, there is some evidence that suggests that eating most of your food earlier in the day, going lighter at your evening meal and leaving at least 12 hours between dinner and breakfast may have some health benefits—including enhanced weight loss.

Does being hungry mean you're burning fat? ›

That said, being hungry is not a sign that you are necessarily losing weight. If your hunger is caused by a lack of food or nutrients, then it is not a sign of weight loss. It's important to make sure that you are eating enough and that you're getting the right amount of nutrients for your body type.

Does being hungry mean you're in a calorie deficit? ›

If you are in a calorie deficit then you will notice that you are a bit more hungry than you are used to. Being a bit hungry in a calorie deficit is completely normal because at the end of the day you are eating less calories then your body needs - hence “deficit”.

Do you lose weight if you dont eat when hungry? ›

Bottom line: skipping meals rarely results in weight loss for the long term and it can negatively impact your metabolism. So, consider waking a few minutes earlier to fit in a quick breakfast before your busy day gets away from you. Confused about what to eat, how much or when?


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