The Mountain Echo from Shickshinny, Pennsylvania (2024)

axs echo, 6rncKsmyvT, pa. pact ram MOtjifT. FKIDAT, MAT 25. IMS THZ -loffmeister at the hospi Bloomingdale ter, Richard Bardwell of Plym-outh. er, Charles Shofroth of Hammond, Ind tal on Tuesday.

Mrsr-Lilie-ftu tear that Mr. Wari Mrs. Jacob SutlifT, of Hughes- Suburban Towns ville, spent Thursday night with Mabel Rule, who was operated on tor appendicitis is not so good. vey Fink spent Monday at the General hospital with Miss Mabel Rule. Mr.

and Mrs. J. E. Walton. Mr.

and Mrs. Ralph Wenner of Bendertown, called on Mr And There was very nice attendance at the Methodist Church on Sunday morning. Rev. and Mrs. Ira Button were supper guests of Willard Franklin and family on Thursday evening.

Mr. and Mrs- Gearhart Hess of Detroit were recent visitors at Huntington-Mills The Huntington Township High School Commencement will be held at the High School auditorium on Friday evening at 8 p. m. The speaker of the evening will be Prof. Andrews of the BSTC.

Mr. and Mrs. Giles Wilson of Dallas, called on and Mrs. Chester Culver on Sunday. Birthday Surprise Party Miss Catherine Stackhouse enn- Mrs.

E. E. Cragle recently Echo Want Ads are profitable. Mr. and Mrs.

George Knarr of Pond Hill We all wish her a speedy recovery. Her address is General Ho-pital, Room 111, Wilkes-Barre. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Fink entertained on Sunday, Mr and Mrs.

Sam MoMichael, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McMichael and daughter Marjorie. Mrs. Clara Wassail, Luzerne, ralkvi on Mr.

and Mrs Sweet Valley fLast Week's Items) klin'. 1 I. 1 1 wuiara Mrs. Gordon Robert. Charles (Last Week's Items) Mr.

and Mrs. Herman Baer vis ness speni. "CT Prudhoe of Nantico*ke called on sister Mrs. Dan Poust and her Mr John DonrieU and A farewell party was held in the hall at the Church of Christ on Shirley Wassail, Curtiss Dennis, ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.

niece, -kltb. 1 ai nm- Thursday evening. May 10. in hon- family on Wednesday, ard Franklin Mr. and Mrs.

Fuller Reynolds or of Sheldon Wandel and Charles tertained the WSCS at her home on Thursday evening, as a surprise Theo. Cragle at Reyburn. Arthur Widger of Harveyville, Mrs. Dan Poust who has been of Plymouth is spending sometime Masters, who left lor flew uum and Wilson Hartman. Mr.

and Mrs. Robert Ashley called on Mr. and Mrs. Albert Obitz on Thursday evening. Junior and Dick Phillips called birthday party for her mother.

Af i-ith their daughter. Mrs. Clifford norland on Friday. has purchased the property of Herman Baer and Baer has WANT Coal Phone 163 0. BENSCOTER Mr.

and Mrs. D. JUinetob i Jones l-iu 1 Mr. UUCS. Mrs.

Cora Benscoter ter the business meeting, a contest with baby pictures of the Mrs. Clyde Hartman announces on Ralph Wildoner on Sunday aft members present was very much ernoon. and Bess were entertained on Mother's Day at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Corey Klinetob at Scranton, and attended church services at enjoyed, and a prize was given to the birth of a daughter in the Nantico*ke hospital, on May 19th.

Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Cragle.

Mr. the one guessing- the greatest num Albert Fink has reached Georgia Birth and were Wilkes-Barre shoppers on Wednesday. Mrs. E. B.

Vosler and son Sheldon called on Mrs. Nettie Miller on Wednesday evening. Miss Ella Culver spent Tuesday with Mrs. Enoch Pearson and ber. Mrs.

Stackhouse received a the church of which he is the pas and his address is: Pvt. Albert Fink 33978717 Co. A. 3rd Bn. 1st and Mrs.

Paul Young and daughters were Sunday dinner guests number of beautiful gifts. Delic tor, Mrs. Klineto. was presentea with a beautiful potted plant, she Regt. FRTC, Camp Gordon, Ga.

of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cragle. Mrs. Albert Obitz and Mrs.

Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Culver of being the oldest mother present at ious refreshments were served to: Mrs Jesse Trumpore, Mrs.

Harold Laubaugh, Ms. Geo. Stookey, Mr. Marlin Koch, Mrs. Ralph Thomas, Mrs.

Dayton Beishline, Mrs. Fred Mrs. Frank Benscoter, Harvey Fink called on Mrs. C. R.

Broadway, calle don Mrs. Rebecca purchased a home in Nescopeok, and will move in the near future to his new home. Sunday school class No. 6 of St. Marks Sunday school served a chicken and waffle supper to the Oonyngham township school directors, teachers and bus drivers on Saturday evening.

Superintendent of Luxme County schools, A. P. Cope also attended the affair, being one of the principle speakers. Mr. and Mrs.

Ralph Harter, Ralph Jr. and Lois Harter had on Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Zimmerman. Mrs.

Blanche Cragle spent Sat the servicesn ner age Deing oo veara. The later remained ior Miller, and Mrs. Enoch Pearson Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Benscoter week's visit with her son and wife.

Bittenbender, Mrs. Caleb coombs. and son, Mrs. Mildred Search. Mr, Mrs.

Freeman Stewart and son called on -Ella Culver on Wednesday. Callers at J. W. Harned's on Philin and daughter Janet of and Mrs. Boyd Bonham, Mr.

and Mrs. Russell Bonham and daugh Mrs. Fted Fetch, Mrs. Walter Gregory, Mrs. Alfred Gregory and and daughte Caroline, Mrs.

Alex Stroudsbunt spent Saturday and Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ters, Mr. and Mrs.

Fred Bonnham Sunday with the formers parents, Ridall, Mrs. Jamas Chapin, Mrs. 1riLr.iro1Mr.a"?,anl family. Mr. and Mrs.

Harrison Florence Holmes, Mrs. Fred Ku Rev. and Mrs. Ira Button. Mrs.

Geo. Bronson. Mrs. Chas. Bonham and famil spent Sunday Long and Mrs.

Frank Foss called ban, Mrs. John Wenner, Mrs. Dick Gimtoer, Mrs. Chester Culver. Mrs.

Cameron Richard, Mrs. urday at West Pittston with her Laura and David, Jr. Miss Marion Ridall gave a Stan, ley Brush demonstration at the on Mrs. Loren Crazie ana Mrs brother, James Hontz. tdma recently KT11 yMnu -Mm Willinm Mr.

and Mrs. Clark Edwards, Mrs. H. F. Naugle attended the funeral of Mrs.

Albert Thomas, at Beisher, Mrs. Chas. Stackhouse home of Mr. ana Airs. John Har-ned on Friday evening.

Those present were: Miss Marion Ridall daughters Alice and Mrs. Bertha west Pittston, on Saturday. Inter' Irby and son of Sayre, spent Sat and Miss Catherine Stackhouse. The next meeting will be held on with Mrs. Stanley Wolfe and daughter, at Bloomingdale.

Mrs. Jack Zofdn spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. B.

Vosler. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Moss called on Mr. and Mrs.

Arthur Culver at Broadway on Sunday. -Mrs. Ruth Chandler spent the week end in Bloomsburg. Miss Helen Gregory was a guest of Miss Cleo Young on Thursday evening. ment was in a Scran ton cemetery.

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce An dress urday and Sunday with the form' ers daughter, Mrs. Willard Bon- May 31st, at the home of Mrs. and sister, Mrs.

ueo. Birth, son Fred, Mrs. Edwars1 Sherlock, and daughter Gloria, Mrs. Nettie Miller, Harriet Miller, Ella Culver. Geo.

Stookey. pent Sunday afternoon with the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. ning and son and other relatives here. Mrs. Bonning and sons re Mr.

and Mrs. Harry Bogart and daughter of Shavertown spent Mr. and Mrs. Silas Gregory, Mrs. John Anndress.

Saturday afternoon and evening hired to Sayre with mem ror few weeks visit. Kaspn (jrregory. Miss May Gregory, Mrs. Anna Moss, Mr. and Mrs.

Frank Rineheimer, James with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Gregory.

Mr. and Mrs. Fraak Foss, Mrs. Mrs. Raymond Harned, children Mrs.

Joe Norman spent the ana ixnel Kmeheuner at Wana- mia 1 I week end In Buffalo, with her Raymond, Jr. and Gretrude. Mrs. husband. Jennie Thomas entertained on Mother's Day, Mr.

and Mrs. Francis Eustice, son Tommy, of Kingston; and Mr. and Mrs. Willard Sutliff Myron Moss, sons Warner and jmts. Keiner.

Mr. and Mrs. Roland Bittenben Gone Are The Days Of The Spinning Wheel The Crooked Stick gave way to the Mouldboard Plow. Oxen gave way to Horses as a source of power? Horses gave way to Tractors And then came CLETRAC TRU-TRACTIOll To do away with spinning wheels, lost traction and packing-of soil. FOR MORE MODERN OUTSTANDING LINES OF FARM EQUIPMENT SEE Chas.

H. Long PHONE DALLAS 363-R-7 SWEET VALLEY, PA. Mrs. McNinch of Bloomsburg Harmony der and son of Aristes, and Miss Larue and Laura Marie. Mr.

and spent a couple of days with Mrs. Henry Dernier week. Wayne, Mrs. Myrtle Harned, son Orson, Harriet, Mary and Alice Wandel. Mrs.

John Harned and son Or Mabel Bittenbender of Philadel Mrs. Bryce Long of North Lake, were callers. phia, visited over the week end Mrs. Martha Hess has returned ana bunday with their mother. Mrs.

Maggie Bittenbender and Mrs. Chas. Allen spent the week end and Sunday with her daugh son entertained as supper guests on Sunday evening: William Jack-so of Wilkes-Barre and Richard Jackson, of Bethlehefn. sister Eva. Mrs.

C. R. Hoffmeister returned to her home on Wednesday afternoon, after being at the Berwick hospital for two weeks. We are sorry to hear that Stanley Benscoter is on the sick list. We wish him a speedy recovery.

Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Hoffmeister after sptnding ten weeks with her daughter, Mrs.

Geo. Post at Fair-mount Springs. Mr. and Mrs. Chas.

Keller and sons Myron and Harold, Mrs. Ad- ters and sons-in-law, Dr. ana Mrs, Emory Lutes and Mr. and Mrs, Mr. and Mrs.

Albert Slusser and family of WilliamsDort scent Sun Willard Franklin and Pearl Stephen Alexander In Wilkes- die Whitmoyer and Mrs. Alvin day afternoon with the former's Nash called on Mrs Harned Barre. Mr. Allen ana son Alfred parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Irvin visited them on Sunday. Birth of Danville were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. entertained on Sunday, Mr.

and Slusser. Mrs. Martha Bronson, who is 91 years of age, and has been Mrs. Ted Schecterly bf Buffalo, and son Orson on Friday. Muhlenburg Stackhouse on Sunday.

Afternoon callers were Mr. and Mrs. Glen Steinruck and son Gary, of Mrs. Milton Evans and daughter Marilyn of Nantico*ke; Oscar Bescoter, Mr. and Mrs.

Sam Mc-Michael, Mr. and Mrs. Willis blind for a number of years, is in. spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Irvin Slusser. Sorber. Mrs. Ida Evan and son in very poor nealtn. Mr.

and Mrs. Geo. Bronson visited the latter's parents and sis Miss Mary Holmes of Bingham- Pfc. Ralph Lamoreaux return George, Mr. and Mrs.

Alfred Tho ton, N. is spending two weeks Mr Mrs. Iinford Smith and Mrs. Fred Ross, Mr. and Mrs.

Ralph Ruckle, Mr. and Mrs. Pierce Schnerr and son Larry spent Sun mas. Lois and Harold Thomas. at her home here.

ters, Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Wad-den and daughters Kay and Eliza ed to his camp in Georgia on Saturday, after spending a furlough with his parents. Junior and Dick Phillips and (Last Week's Items) Peter Petrishin received an hon beth at Shavertown on Mothers Stanley Benscoter. Mary Hoffmeister and Geonrie day evening with Mr.

and Mrs, Albert Smith. Day. Thursday dinner wests of Mrs. The teachers and class in Bible Evan spent the week "end with study, of the Church of Christ, Herschel Gearhart were: Mrs. John Klinger, daughter Nancy and Betty of Bloomsburg; Mr.

and Mrs. Theodore Carpenter, Wm. Carpen- Mr. and Mrs. C.

R. Hoffmeister. Mr. and Mrs. C.

Hoffmeister is entertaining the former's fath- Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smith entertained at supper on Sunday evening, Mrs. Ralph Ruckle and daughter Beverly, of Alden; Mrs. Amanda Ruckle, Mrs.

Ruth met with Mrs. Elsie Wesley on Wednesday evening. A. M. Hontz is spending the orable discharge from the army with 101 points to his credit.

He is the wearer of 4 bronze stars to show his service of 29 months overseas, where he participated in the African, Sicilian, Nothern and Southern Italian theatres of war. He was given a 43 day recuperation furlough, reporting back to Camp Dix last Wednesaay and on Saturday he received his week with Frank Moore at Slocum. ocnnerr and son Larrv. Mr. and Mrs.

John Sutliff have not been very well the past several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Strauss Hagen-buch and Mrs. Arlene Rudolph, of JVescopeck spent Sunday with Mr.

and Mrs. Thomas Knouse and son His nsver-rS-be-foraottsn "My Friend Flicks U1CK. Broadway Week-end guests and callers at the Petrishin home were: Mr. and 3 JML vnm vL fhe hymn singing on Mother's Day by the children of St. Mark's Sunday school was enjoyed by 'those that were In attendance.

It isn't very gratifying or encourag Mrs. Wm. Johnson and family. cl*ton T. Benscoter, who was a Mr.

and Mrs. Henry Schneete of re sident of this community for New York; Mr. and Mrs. John Pet fEa 7Ki. many years, passed away at his es, wnen so iew attend these home near Patterson Grove, on Friday.

He was buried in the splendid entertainments. It takes rishin of Allentown; Mr. and Mrs. Simon Petrishin of R. and Mrs.

Frank Nejako. Edgar Gregory. June Culver and cemetery here on Monday Mr. and Mrs. Paul Crockett and Eda Stookey spent the week end at their homes with their mothers.

no more energy to entertain a crowded church than it does to only a few. How about it folks, next time let us show our appreciation to the kiddies when they have an entertainment, by our presence? family and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Crockett enjoyed a picnic with George Stookey was home for tjyVi May 25-26 the week end. friends at Beaver Lake on Sunday.

wm I Visitors at the Culvers during itev. Davidson of tfte First Methodist Church, Berwick, was our Show FrL 6:50 8:50 P.M. the week were: Mrs. Fred Fetch, Mr. and Mrs.

Sheldon Kleintob guest speaker for Rural Life Sun day. Quite a large eonzreeation CONTINUOUS SHOW SAT. Starting at 12 Noon May 28-29 enjoyed his sermon. We are very sorry to inform our friends that we will be unable to hold our usual Memrial Day services and dinner this year. We hmr and family, Mr.

and Mrs. Bryan Cu'ver, Mrs; Ralph Thomas, Mrs. Verne Rockcastle, Mrs. Charles Stackhouse, Mrs. Paul Doty, Mrs.

Henry Culver and all the children of the neighborhood. Mrs. Joe Norman and daughter! Barbara were Wilkes-Barre snoo Town Hill (Last Week's Items) On Friday evening. May 11th, Mrs. Mattle Callender and Geo.

Huff entertained in honor of the birthday of Mrs. Geo. Huff: Mr. and Mrs. Earl Diefenbach, daugh- conditions may be such that we can resume the custom nexty ear.

i -m-i-i pers last A mrs. weiis wmte of Harrisburg, spent the week end with her Bar Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stackhouse MORRIS ents, Mr.

and Mrs. Arthur Culver. Her sister Mrs. Russell Wandel and daughter Donna Jean went ana daughter Catherine visited Mr. and Mrs.

S. B. Reed at Hugtiesville on Sunday. They attended Church services there. Mrs.

Miriam Sherman and Miss Mary Hartman of Benton were McDOVALL PBmaM FOSTER B1TJ0HHS0H DacK witn tier to spend some time. Mrs. Earl Culver. Mrs. Paul mmv 1 arc nm Crockett and Mrs.

Albert Down visitors at the Stackhouse's on ing were shooping in NantirnVe 5 1WJ. JJlaVVMlXLIlW on jvionaay afternoon. Monday evenmg. The condition of Roy Beisher, who is a patient in tha Rmilr MAT. DAILY AT 1P.M.

wti num ana son itoy ana ir. Robert Hechler. Mrs. Lottie Sea rf a us is spending a week with Mrs. Chas.

Sear-faus and children. Mrs. Enoch Dohl has been ill for the past week. Mrs. Ben.

Westover and Mrs. Edward Lucas spent Saturday evening with Mrs. Geo. Beresky Mrs. Earl Eveland of Orange-ville and Mrs.

Mattie Callender called on Mrs. Walter Ridall. Junior class of HMHS entertained the Seniors at Hotel Sterling on Friday evening. After the dinner, they all attended a show. On Saturday evening Mr.

and Mrs. Geo. Huff entertained their club at their home. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs.

Claude Smith and son Jav nf Kalem Town Line SlsssaMamiSs hospital, shows improvement. Mr. and Mrs. William Beisher and Neil spent Sunday afternon in Berwick. To-fistd CONTINUOUS SHOW SAT.

Starting at 12 Noon on SHRDLU SHRD rne next meeting the WSCS Mr. and Mrs. Walt or nnnry Jean and Edtfar were euoeta nf wm be at Mrs. Wm. Yanosik's on June 6th.

May 30-31 Mr. and Mrs. Almon Stevens of A ColumM Ptcfrt Mr. and Aid win Gregory last Sunday. Mrs.

Ruth Beach was the guest of honor at Mrs. Albert Hortop's watertonn spent Saturday eve ning with Mr. and Mrs. Frank meats km wum mbebt trauw suuin. nut lauiiuuy, Mrs.

S. M. Whitesell and Mr Mr. and Mrs. Roland Bittenbender of Aristis, Mr.

and Mrs. Dick Maneval. and Mrs. John Wiiii.m. J.

L. Gisriel spent last week in Kingston, guests of Mrs. Ludwig May 30-31 Bloomingdale Mrs. Richard SiitlifT nl j.a. of Sunshine; Mr.

and Mrs. Wood-! row nartzei, Wapwallopen; Mr. and Mrs. Guy Kindig, Muhlen- Mr. and Mrs.

L. B. Davenport, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.

Van Horn ter Gail, nnpnt Kfin4ow Le ttf- at 'III Allf were in Nantico*ke on Monday. urg; mr. ana Mrs. Earl EWeffen-foach. Mrs.

Mattia rviion. in Shickshinny. v. 4T IIE TMff STBKQ jtmh.ivi Qfrm RM of rtooDo ArlKii. Crwrairi Mr.

and Mrs. Geo. Huff. suWixys wsj entertain velt Field, spent Sunday, May 13 tZ- -ibv tm s'wiwt Mr. and Mrs.

Victor Long and 6r r.v: n.Mr HATS. XI. "ilner of Luzerne over the week wiui nia mouier, ivin. i. Lris ensafonaf lest-ser "uuyr spent ounaay with Mrs.

Daisy McHenrv and 'family We sr 1. nei and grandmother, Mrs. S. M. Whitesell.

Other visitors -and callers were: Mr. and John Austin of Berwick; Mrs. Ruth Linskill of Benton, Mrs. Ralph Thomas and mam) Mr. and Mrs.

Loren Ridall and family were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ridall. Mr. and Mrs.

Elmer Ridall and family call- tie mm voTsaois lATIIKST THE CAfFT IARU I0TJ cjM rran-ces Dunn Is suffering with a sprained knee. All wish her a speedy recovery. Je Broadway, called rvm- o. EVE'BEBQ HELMOTMTISE1 WM MM airs, verne KOCKcastle. Lt Edward Lahoski spent a few ouuui on aim- day afternoon.

wi vu oauuua evening. New Columbus wens Lamoreaux of Nantico*ke has been assisting Joel Sutliff with his farm work. PI an AM IliDTJ WiH ITU1' sJ SPADE C03LIT, Kl it MWA KISS FETEB UIBBE -i'rgkg8 June 1-2 ROY ROGERS Mr. and Mrs. Will Wommer, of Ask am spent Wednesday with his WKtira snf sa Ten Services at the B.

P. Church here, watch the paper for daiirf0088 -Peat Sun- orotner, John wommer and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hayman, son Sgt Homer Hayman, Donna and Lee Hayman were Sunday SutUff.

M. guests of Wm. Yaple and family. Andrew Hudock called on John Bowman on Friday afternoon. quiver returned home ter spending eraTweek, aays wiui nis wne and daughter, at the home of her parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Roman Truskowski, and called on other Lo-hoski expects to leave soon for the Pacific area. Mrs. S. A.

Bogart visited her son. Wood row Piatt and family, at Elmira, N. Y. on Sunday. Mr.

Piatt will leave for induction on June 1st Over the week end Mrs. Bogart also visited. Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Runyan in Pittston and Mr.

and Mrs. Willis Piatt at Rus-scll Hill, anfl' enJSyea a trip Watkin's Glen. Friends were sorry to hear that Mrs. Leroy Wolfe is not so well and is a patient in Nantico*ke hospital. Mr.

and Mrs. Beach Hooper called on S. A Bogart on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.

Paul Bogart of Haz-leton, were Sunday evening call mVher auu with Mm hisimnlii ullis Mis. Juno John Peahota on Sunday. Thomi on Mr Him 7JCa "ITy 'or California. HLsfnend, Uti him the besi Acq MILLER -ia- "Eve Knew Her Apples" Mr. and Mrs.

Thomas Peterson, Harry Peterson and Freddie West-over were in Shickshinny on Saturday night. Martha Chapin called on Jean-ette Sutton and Dorothy Danilo-iwicz on Sunday afternoon. Rev. Howes delivered a very Inspiring sermon on Sunday Fm pal-Nam Alexander was the name ers..

The Mountain Echo from Shickshinny, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.