The promise of banking umbilical cord blood (2024)

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The promise of banking umbilical cord blood (1)

By Kamala Thiagarajan10th August 2023

Private cord blood banking is booming around the world – but would it be better to set up more public banks as the uses for umbilical cord blood increase?


In 2019, Praveen Gudipati and Ramya Raj, a couple based in Houston, Texas, gave birth to their first child, Kiaan. Before he was born, they made an important decision: what to do with the blood from his umbilical cord. It could either be discarded, donated, or stored privately for Kiaan's own future use if he needed it. For Gudipati, an IT professional, and Raj, an artist, the answer was clear.

"We decided to donate to a public non-profit bank, which meant that anyone who could benefit from the cord blood could access it for free," Gudipati says. His wife interviewed several cord blood banks before settling on Cord for Life Foundation.

What makes cord blood so precious is that it contains blood stem cells – cells that can grow into any kind of blood cell in the human body, including the red blood cells that carry oxygen or white blood cells that form part of the immune system. Blood stem cells have been used to treat leukaemia and other blood diseases. They are not only found in cord blood, but are also in bone marrow, which is why many treatments for blood diseases require surgical bone marrow transplants. In cases where a patient's own bone marrow is also affected by the disease, they need to be matched to a donor for the transplant – and there is still a high risk of rejection in these procedures, meaning the patient's body may not accept the donated cells.

Cord blood transplantation, on the other hand, is comparatively simpler – more akin to an ordinary infusion of blood. The frozen cord blood is thawed, the stem cells are tested for viability and then infused intravenously. If your parents stored your cord blood privately when you were born, you could in theory have access to a supply of your own blood stem cells later in life (although it is worth noting that the longest cord blood stem cells have been stored with the cells still found to be viable is 20 years). If they chose a public bank, it could also be donated to others.

"Thousands of life-saving transplants are done every year using blood stem cells," says Leonard Zon, professor of pediatric medicine at Harvard Medical School and director of the Stem Cell Programme, Children's Hospital, Boston.

In terms of rejection risk, contamination and infection, cord blood cells have an advantage, says Zon. They don't need the surgery associated with a transplant, and they can self-renew. "A single blood stem cell could replicate and replace six pints [3.4 litres] of your blood," he says. "Currently medical experts are using cord blood to treat blood diseases – to either build up red blood cells in conditions such as sickle cell anemia or to treat leukemia," he adds, noting that they can also be used to treat rare inherited genetic disorders.

The promise of banking umbilical cord blood (2)

Individually, relatively few children need to access cord blood that has been banked, but if it can be matched to a donor, it can have wider benefits (Credit: Getty Images)

Around the world, a small but growing number of parents are concluding that banking their baby's cord blood is the best way of ensuring future access to this potentially life-saving resource – though the procedure's popularity varies a lot between countries. According to Cell Trials Data, a provider of data on clinical trials of advances cell therapy, cord blood banking rates are highest in the US, at 3% of births each year. In India, that number hovers around 0.4% of births, while in the UK just 0.3% of births bank cord blood each year and in France that number is as low as 0.08%. The global cord blood banking market was valued at $1.3bn (£1.03bn) in 2020, and is expected to grow to $4.5bn (£3.6bn) in the next decade.

For parents who can afford to bank their baby's blood privately, the decision may feel easy. After all, there is no risk in storing it, and they would then have direct access to perfectly matched blood. However, some argue that as a health resource, cord blood is at its most powerful when used as a public good, not a private one.

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, even though there are over six times as many units of cord blood stored in private banks worldwide compared to public banks, the latter have released about 30 times more units for therapeutic use.

Zon points out that blood stem cells are an immensely valuable resource, but that doesn't mean that private storage is the only option for accessing them. "I always tell parents that if they can afford it, to privately bank their cord blood. Otherwise, it's just not required," says Zon. As long as public banks keep growing, and donations get more diverse, it is possible to find a match if ever you need it, he says. He also urges parents to be realistic in their expectations of private banks, and choose theirs carefully. "In any procedure where you're storing a tissue, there's a chance of it being infected. So, the competence (of the healthcare worker) who's storing the cord blood is important."

Parents also need to be aware that cord blood likely has a finite shelf-life, where it can't be stored indefinitely, Zon says.

One study of the claims made by private cord blood banking companies in Canada reported there was "substantial hype" in their online marketing material

In some countries, cord blood could indirectly help address other problems – such as the spread of antibiotics-resistant "superbugs" in hospitals. In India, for example, there have been concerns over rising antimicrobial resistance, and avoiding surgery could be hugely beneficial, experts say. (Read BBC Future's report on the superbug crisis.)

"Multi-drug resistant bacterial infections [for which antibiotics have failed to work] are a huge problem in paediatric bone marrow transplant patients in India," says Hariharan Periasamy, a scientist at the Drug Discovery Research Centre, Wockhardt Research Centre in Aurangabad, Maharashtra. This is leading to longer hospital stays and higher costs, he says. Blood infusions from cord blood, on the other hand, don't carry such a high risk.

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However, some experts caution that the power of cord blood should not be over-estimated. One study of the claims made by private cord blood banking companies in Canada reported there was"substantial hype" in their online marketing material, from overstating the odds of a child needing to use their cord blood, to amplifying the promise of how it can be used. The Canadian Blood Services, which funded the study, say the chance of cord blood being needed by a child as between one in 20,000 (0.005%) to one in 250,000 (0.0004%). In India, the probability of needing the stored cord blood in the first 20 years of life is estimated to be 0.04% to 0.005%.

"It's not a magic pill that cures all, and yet it's being marketed that way as 'biological insurance', which is misleading," says Somya Gupta, an obstetrician and gynaecologist at Cloudnine Group of Hospitals in the North Indian city of Gurugram. "If you bank your baby's cord blood, it's a 100% match for them, but if it's a rare disease that you're trying to treat, their cord blood would still have the factors that drive the illness, so it can't be used." She favours public banks – of which there are very few in India. "We do urgently need to establish public cord blood banks."

The promise of banking umbilical cord blood (3)

Donated umbilical cord blood's potential value as a health resource is growing as the number of diseases it can be used for increases (Credit: Getty Images)

Currently, parents in India either pay a huge sum to store cord blood in private banks, or discard the cord blood. The Indian Society of Blood and Marrow Transplantation registry data shows that only 60 unrelated cord blood transplants were done in India from 2012 to 2020.

In the US, where public banks are more abundant, there is a slightly different debate around cord blood – namely, whether it might be used to treat certain inherited diseases.

New hope?

When Bertrand Might was two years old, he received an infusion of his own cord blood cells. He was suffering from a condition that was affecting his brain, says Matthew Might, Bertrand's father and director of the Hugh Kaul Precision Medicine Institute at the University of Alabama, Birmingham.

The exact condition was not identified until much later: Bertrand was the first patient diagnosed with NGLY1 deficiency, a complex neurological disorder in which there is a deficiency of an enzyme known as N-glycanase 1 (NGLY1).

"Our thought was that if the mutation did not affect his cord blood, these stem cells might begin to help repair some of the brain damage and produce a functional version of his missing enzyme," Might says. "Even if it didn't produce the enzyme, there was reason to hope that it might temporarily halt or reverse the loss of white matter in his brain."

The infusion was given as part of an experimental study by Joanne Kurtzberg, professor of pediatrics at Duke University in 2009, testing the impact of stem cell infusions on children with conditions that impacted the brain.

The promise of banking umbilical cord blood (4)

The maximum shelf-life of umbilical cord blood in cold storage has yet to be determined as the banks were only established 30 years ago (Credit: Getty Images)

The infusions did indeed appear to help Bertrand, at least temporarily. For a period of two years, MRI scans showed that there was no further loss of white matter in the brain. Might also noticed an improvement in his son's motor skills. "I recall him being able to hold a spoon again most vividly," says Might. "His babbling became more coherent and intentional as well, even if not speech. It provided a pause on what had been a relentless decline. It bought us time to get a formal diagnosis." The diagnosis in turn helped provide Bertrand with the right care and treatment, and to extend his life, says Might.

Bertrand passed away at age 12 in 2020. The infused cells ultimately lacked the ability to heal his condition, Might says, since they contained the same mutations that caused his disorder.

While using a patient's own cord blood in these situations is unlikely to work as it will carry the same genetic faults causing the disease, matching them to donated cord blood holds more promise.

One small-scale trial conducted at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh used donated umbilical cord blood from public banksto treat 44 children with a variety of 20 non-cancerous genetic disorders, including sickle cell anemia, metabolic disorders, Hunter syndrome and immune deficiencies. The trial has raised hopes that infusions of donated cord blood could be used to treat a wide range of patients with inherited illnesses.

For Gudipati and Raj, the couple in Texas, this hope of helping another child is what ultimately made them donate their son Kiaan's cord blood: "We believed that Kiaan made his way into the world with the hope of making a significant difference in someone's life," says Gudipati. "So we didn't hesitate. We didn't want this precious resource to end up as bio-waste."


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The promise of banking umbilical cord blood (2024)


Should I bank my baby's umbilical cord blood? ›

Doctors do not recommend that you bank cord blood on the slight chance that your baby will need stem cells someday. If your baby were to need stem cells, he or she would probably need stem cells from someone else rather than his or her own stem cells.

What is a reason that banking cord blood from the umbilical cord might be a good investment for new parents? ›

The umbilical cord fluid is loaded with stem cells. They can treat cancer, blood diseases like anemia, and some immune system disorders, which disrupt your body's ability to defend itself.

Why is cord blood banking controversial? ›

“The American Academy of Pediatrics does not recommend the routine storage of umbilical cord blood as 'biological insurance' against future disease given the lack of scientific data supporting its use and the current availability of public banks providing allogenic samples for transplant,” Slate says.

Why is umbilical cord blood so valuable? ›

How does umbilical cord blood help save lives? Umbilical cord blood contains blood-forming stem cells, which can renew themselves and differentiate into other types of cells. Stem cells are used in transplants for patients with cancers like leukemia and lymphoma.

How do they bank the umbilical cord blood? ›

The bank must be notified and a collection kit must be obtained in advance (usually 6 weeks or more) of your due date. Some hospitals have collection kits on hand, but others do not. A family medical history must be provided and the mother's blood must be tested. Consent must be given before labor begins.

How do you collect cord blood banking? ›

How Is Cord Blood Collected? Usually, the umbilical cord and placenta are discarded after birth. If a mother chooses to have her cord blood collected, the health care team will do so after the baby is born. With a sterile needle, they'll draw the blood from the umbilical vessels into a collection bag.

Why do parents bank umbilical cord blood? ›

Why should I consider saving my baby's cord blood? Cord blood contains blood-forming stem cells that, when used in a procedure called a stem cell transplant, can rebuild the bone marrow and immune system and save the life of a patient with a serious blood disorder such as leukemia, lymphoma or sickle cell disease.

Is it better to donate or keep cord blood? ›

Typically the umbilical cord and placenta are discarded after your baby is born—unless you decide otherwise. You can choose to have your baby's cord blood collected and donated to a public cord blood bank, stored in a family (private) cord blood bank, or saved for a biological sibling who has a diagnosed medical need.

Who benefits from cord blood banking? ›

Cord blood banking is a choice for parents who want to preserve the blood of the umbilical cord and placenta of their baby to help with possible future medical needs of their child. It can also be used for other biologically matched children, either in their own family or the general public.

Is it Haram to have a cord blood banking? ›

Cord blood donation therefore is permissible in Islam as it fulfils the conditions stated by the fatwa.

Do doctors recommend cord blood banking? ›

Physician organizations don't typically recommend storing cord blood as a standard. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) doesn't recommend that parents routinely store their infants' umbilical cord blood for future use — unless there's an immediate medical need for that blood to be used for a sibling.

Is saving umbilical cord blood worth it? ›

Cord blood contains cells called hematopoietic stem cells. These cells can turn into any kind of blood cell and can be used for transplants that can cure diseases such as blood disorders, immune deficiencies, metabolic diseases, and some kinds of cancers. Research is revealing more and more ways it can save lives.

How long does cord blood banking last? ›

In 2003, he showed that 15 years of cryopreservation had no significant impact on the viability. He followed that up in 2011, with data that the quality of cord blood stored 21 years–23.5 years was not affected by the length of storage. He also promises to return with data on cord blood stored up to 30 years.

How much does it cost for cord blood banking? ›

If parents choose to store their infant's cord blood in a private bank, a collec- tion fee that ranges from $900 to $2000 and an annual storage fee of approximately $90 to $150 may be required. Fees vary between private banks.

What is the difference between public and private cord blood banking? ›

Public banks follow strict quality assurance and FDA regulations, and will only bank cord blood if it is sterile and contains enough stem cells to use in treatment. When you store your baby's cord blood in a private cord blood bank, you pay collection and ongoing storage fees and it is reserved for your use only.

Is it ethical to have private cord blood banks? ›

Nonetheless, collection and storage of cord blood raise ethical concerns with regard to patient safety, autonomy, and potential for conflict of interest. In addition, storage of umbilical cord blood in private as opposed to public banks can raise concerns about access to cord blood for transplantation.

What do hospitals do with umbilical cord blood? ›

After your baby is born, the umbilical cord and placenta are usually thrown away. Because you are choosing to donate, the blood left in the umbilical cord and placenta will be collected and tested. Cord blood that meets standards for transplant will be stored at the public cord blood bank until needed by a patient.

What do hospitals do with placenta after birth? ›

Do Hospitals Keep Placentas? Hospitals treat placentas as medical waste or biohazard material. The newborn placenta is placed in a biohazard bag for storage. Some hospitals keep the placenta for a period of time in case the need arises to send it to pathology for further analysis.

Can parents use baby's cord blood? ›

A newborn's cord blood can be used by other family members, including siblings, parents, and grandparents. The child's blood type does not need to match the grandparent's for the cord blood to be used. Instead, as long as the recipient is a qualifying HLA match to the child, the cord blood is safe to use.

Why do people bank cord blood? ›

Cord blood banking can help someone, including someone in your immediate family, in need of stem cells. Stem cells can be found in your baby's cord blood. Stem cells from cord blood have been shown to help treat many life-threatening conditions like cancer.

Who owns cord blood? ›

Ownership of cord blood

Umbilical cord blood in humans contains the cells and DNA of the baby. However, consent of the mother alone is usually obtained for collection, and the consent of the father is rarely considered.

Should my baby's umbilical cord bleed? ›

It's also typical to see a little blood near the stump. For instance, a tiny amount of bleeding could happen if the stump catches on something. Or it might happen if the diaper rubs against it. And much like a scab, the stump might bleed a little when it falls off.

Why should I save my baby cord blood? ›

The most common reasons parents choose cord banking are: Your baby's cord blood could be used by someone who needs a stem cell transplant to save their life. Private blood banking can help someone in your family if they need a stem cell transplant. Banking cord blood doesn't affect you or your baby at all.

How long should you bank cord blood? ›

After collection, the blood is sent to the facility of your choice, where it will be processed and then frozen in storage. No one is certain how long cord blood lasts. Some experts believe it can be stored for 21 years or more.

What do you do with umbilical cord blood? ›

For most families, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends donating cord blood to a public cord blood bank. This donation is used for research or to help others. There's no cost to you to donate. If you or a family member ever needs cord blood, you can't use the cord blood you donated.


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