This World’s Got Teeth (just let it bite) - Chapter 11 - GrassMower (2024)

Chapter Text

Doyoung drowned in Johnny’s lips. At a certain point, he’d looped his arms around the alpha’s neck and reeled him in. His body was encased between the wall and Johnny. There was no other place he’d rather be. It was safe, safe from everything – safe to lose breath in a kiss.

Johnny’s lips were soft delight as they captured Doyoung’s over and over again, a tingling that drifted his mind off, away. He barely noticed when Johnny cupped his face with both hands and intensified the hold on him. It was the pheromones that plugged the room, dominated the air. It was a drug concocted from the way an omega responded to alpha affection and the other way around. It wasn’t even carnal; it was emotional, a fulfillment of both hearts.

Johnny panted out of the kiss, half-lidded eyes peering into Doyoung’s soul. One of his palms slid to Doyoung’s neck, fitting over his scent gland. Doyoung whimpered, wanting to lean into it, but the way Johnny looked at him had him pinned to the spot.

“Doyoung, you are special to me,” he said low in his throat. “I want all of you.”

The way Doyoung’s heart constricted was almost painful. He dug his nails into Johnny’s shoulders.

“All of it. Flaws, emotions. You and your omega. I want the serious you at work and I want you when you’re needy in my arms.”

It was safe enough for Doyoung to express the vulnerability in the back of his mind.

“I’m too much.”

“Never.” Johnny leaned in, nosed at scent gland. Doyoung gasped wantonly. “I like it when you’re too much. I like it when you’re desperate for me, when you can’t hold in your pheromones, when you look like you would die if I don’t give you my scent. I like it when you need alpha.”

Alpha,” Doyoung echoed in a whine.

He really couldn’t help it. After being ashamed of his omega for so long, being shamed for his omega, suppressing it, he wanted to put his soul in the hands of someone he trusted.

The pheromones bubbling off him were thick, ensnared with a want that was erotic in nature. Doyoung clenched his thighs. Fire pooled between his legs, slick dribbled out.

Johnny cursed, his teeth catching the delicate skin of Doyoung’s scent gland. It set the nerves ablaze with a pleasure that only served to make him wetter and more willing. There was a suppressed, high-pitched whine lodged in the base of his throat.

“Bedroom?” Johnny murmured soft against his neck.

Doyoung opened his mouth, but hesitated. At Doyoung’s pause, Johnny retracted from him immediately, searching his face.

“What’s wrong? Too fast?”

“No, no! It’s just… I haven’t done it in a while and the last time was with, um, that sh*tty guy and I don’t know if you’ll like how I… I don’t know. I’m also not as attractive as—”

Stop,” Johnny clasped his chin tightly, forcing their eyes to connect. “What part of I want all of you don’t you understand? If you don’t want to, we’ll stop. But I can assure you I won’t hesitate, no matter what you do or what you look like underneath your clothes.”

Doyoung was at a loss for words. Averting his gaze, he brought his hands back to the front of Johnny’s shirt, slowly roping him in as if Johnny was as delicate as he felt right now. Johnny cupped one cheek again, guiding their lips back together in a soft, reassuring kiss.

As soon as the pleasure of his alpha’s approval fizzled through his chest, Doyoung mewled, opening his mouth to let Johnny’s wet muscle through. Consent made Johnny more daring to act on his desires, grabbing a handful of Doyoung’s ass, squeezing what little flesh was there like it held much more than it did.

“Bedroom,” he repeated, throatier this time.

Doyoung knew he wasn’t going to get caught up in insecurities again when Johnny shoved him on the bed. The alpha chased his lips, hungry and dominating, carnal pheromones fogged the air. Large hands were insistent on his dress shirt, close to ripping the buttons off, and Doyoung gasped into Johnny’s mouth when the fingers danced over his ribs, his waist.

Johnny only withdrew from the kiss to strip his own torso. There was only a miniscule timeframe to appreciate the ripples of his muscles, the dip at the edge of his sweatpants, his dusky nipples before he was climbing over Doyoung again, licking into his mouth. Doyoung resorted to physicality instead, gliding his hands over the lines of his stomach. Hard and taut.

When Doyoung’s fingertips teetered around the edge of his sweatpants, Johnny’s muscles contracted and he gyrated down, compressing their groins. Doyoung gasped again – Johnny was hard. His alpha, so hard; and for him. The amount of slick in Doyoung’s underwear bordered on uncomfortable.

“Shh, alpha is going to take care of you.” Johnny whispered against his scent gland when he whined. The edge of his teeth caught the skin, nibbled with a little bit of strength and it sent a full-body shiver through Doyoung. Toes curled when Johnny worked on getting his bottom half exposed.

There was no cool air on his leaking hole. Johnny had dived right in, nosing among his thighs, bated breath keeping his hole warm and settled. Doyoung felt the muscles clench, slick beading out like a leaky faucet.

“Wanna lick you, omega.”

Doyoung fisted Johnny’s hair, eyes squeezed shut.

Please,” he begged.

Johnny clamped his hips tight as Doyoung parted his knees further out. He slithered his arms around his thighs and hips only to bind his pelvis to the mattress – Doyoung couldn’t move.

It was agonizing when Johnny started off by only dragging his tongue over the slick that webbed between his thighs and balls. Doyoung whimpered helplessly. He needed more. His hole was burning, clenching on air, it needed Johnny to do something, anything. Desperately. And now.

Doyoung’s chest shot up when Johnny lapped one slow, long strip up the cleft of his ass, stopped at his hole before flattening the tip of his tongue and pressing down. Doyoung was sure he would have flown off the bed if Johnny hadn’t held him in place.

“See? That’s a good omega. Nice and wet for me.” Johnny had the audacity to smirk before he lowered his mouth again and sucked on the juice his very own words had produced.

Doyoung was restless, running on pure instinct; his hands flying from Johnny’s hair to grasping the bedsheets, unable to chase the release as Johnny kept his hips locked in place. He whined helplessly, torn between the fever of being good for his alpha and selfishly using his alpha for pleasure.

“Pretty omega.”

“Alpha, please.”

Johnny tongued at his hole again, only pressing the tip in slowly, before he retracted again and plunged two fingers in without warning. Doyoung seized up again and his mouth fell open in a silent plea. Johnny made it worse, much worse. He fisted Doyoung’s co*ck, squeezing gently at the head while his fingers jabbed at all the right spots.

It wasn’t even a grueling pace, no, it was rather slow. It was just that Johnny crooked his finger ends when reaching deepest into him, and at that moment sped up just enough to make Doyoung’s hole feel like it was being bred. It zinged all the way up his spine and Doyoung was at a loss of breath. Slick gushed out but Johnny’s didn’t slip, didn’t falter. He made Doyoung take it.

“Pretty, pretty omega. So perfect, so wet.” Johnny leaned in and lapped up another dribble of slick. Doyoung whined hoarsely. “Only I deserve you. No one else.”

“N-no one else, alpha.”

Johnny hummed in approval. He crawled up, withdrew his fingers slowly while Doyoung whimpered. The two fingers, coated in hot slick, sticky and wet, glinted under the overhead lighting before Johnny drew them into the darkness of his mouth. His eyes remained on Doyoung, whose chest surged with pride when his alpha endorsed his body with a satisfied lick to his lips.

Now that his hole was no longer being stretched, it clenched on empty air, and Doyoung made a needy sound in the back of his throat. He reached for his alpha’s shoulders and neck, reeling him for a kiss.

“Can I put it in?” Johnny asked after nibbling on Doyoung’s puffy bottom lip.


Doyoung was baffled by the amount of self-control Johnny held. His own fingers, limbs, stomach, brain and hole were burning, begging him to jump the alpha from the way they quivered, but Johnny was oddly calm when he tugged his underwear down. The smile on the corner of his lips was languid, like he was not about to f*ck Doyoung silly. If he was going to use his co*ck at the same pace as his fingers, Doyoung wasn’t sure if he’d survive. He felt as if he might lose control and thrash Johnny to the bottom of their formation and ride him until the fire inside was put out.

Johnny observed the horny glint in his eyes and cradled his jaw into his palm again, stating, “You’re needy.”

“Need you to want me,” Doyoung murmured, raising his hips to give Johnny a better view of his hole.

Johnny’s bottom lip wrangled into his mouth and his eyelid sank halfway over his eyes. The unmistakable musk of horny alpha drifted off of him as he wrapped around his alpha-sized co*ck and pumped.

“I want you. Look how hard I am, hmm?”

Johnny was hard. His co*ck was angry red at the tip, leaking, veins bulging. Doyoung wondered if he’d be able to feel the vessels inside and whimpered into his teeth.

Johnny gripped his thighs, yanked his ass towards his co*ck and slid the head over Doyoung’s clenching hole. It sensed an alpha co*ck was near and immediately gushed. Johnny breathed out, face scrunching when his co*ck twitched responsively.

“Please, put it in.” Doyoung begged. His own hands came to gather his knees up to his chest. He needed Johnny inside, now.

With one hand digging into the flesh of Doyoung’s thigh, Johnny used the other to guide his co*ck to the twitching, deprived entrance. Doyoung’s breath stuttered, ending in a pitchy whine. The flesh on his bones lit up the moment it knew an alpha was entering, a need that’d been neglected for far too long.

Johnny sheathed in slowly. Whether it was because he was being considerate of Doyoung’s long absence from sex or if he wanted to tease him, Doyoung had no words. How could he? He was full – stuffed, speared on Johnny’s co*ck and completely at his mercy.

“J-Johnny,” he gasped. “I don’t know if I can take it.”

Johnny leaned in, his elbows spread just above Doyoung’s shoulders so their faces were centimeters apart. The way he connected their lips was gentle, soft. It was almost inaudible over Doyoung’s shaky breath.

“You can take it,” Johnny said, “my pretty omega can take it.”

Then he licked a filthy stripe over Doyoung’s scent gland, withdrew his co*ck until only the tip was left inside, and rammed back in. A tremor akin to an earthquake travelled through Doyoung’s spine, but he couldn’t recover, Johnny was slamming back in, and he helplessly clawed at the alpha’s shoulders, trying to hold on to any steady ground.

Johnny cursed under his breath as he kept up the relentless pace. His aroused alpha pheromones were pungent, dominant, and it left Doyoung weak under him, way too slow to meet Johnny’s hips in time. It didn’t bother the alpha. Not in the slightest – he was in his own pursuit.

Somewhere in the helplessness, a button switched. The way Johnny’s co*ck stretched his passage went from overwhelming to overwhelmingly good. Doyoung’s eyes teared at the corners, his breathlessness took on sound and vibration, moans that reflected the rhythm at which Johnny rammed into him.

It pooled heat into his thighs. High, simmering heat. White flames. He was close. Doyoung fisted at his co*ck but Johnny slapped it away, pumping Doyoung’s member himself.

“You gonna come?” Johnny asked between his hitched breaths.


Doyoung couldn’t figure out the words. He whined, tears clinging to his lashes.

“Knot me, alpha.”

The omega in him found the words. Johnny cussed in a hiss. His pace gruelled and Doyoung was barely able to stop his eyes from rolling back into his head.

Something caught at the edge of his rim and Doyoung gasped. He knew what he was about to receive. Johnny thrusted again, this time with a slam, and his knot pulled through, sending a full body shiver through Doyoung.

It was too much. Way too much. Doyoung flailed, chest shooting up, head fallen back as he cried out, painting both of their torsos with his release. His mind was a blank state, overridden by pleasure. The only thing ringing through was the obscene slapping of their skin as Johnny f*cked his knot in.

Johnny was still f*cking his knot in. His swollen, pulsing knot that stretched the limits of Doyoung’s canal. And he was pacing knowing he’d get stuck seconds from now.

Doyoung felt a sudden hand in his hair, yanking on the stands to expose his neck. Johnny dove his nose in and moaned hard into his scent gland as he shuddered with release. Doyoung’s hole clenched when Johnny’s twitching co*ck painted his insides generously. In turn the clamping of his hole made Johnny spurt again, and so it went on, until one was empty and the other full.

Johnny collapsed his weight onto Doyoung, who whined.

“Give me a moment,” he murmured into the skin of his throat.

“O-okay,” Doyoung said, still gasping for air. His hole clenched around Johnny again and he mewled when the co*ck twitched in response. It was all too sensitive.

After a deep breath, Johnny leaned back up on his elbows and faced Doyoung, who was still a bit light-headed from being pleasured like never before. He took one look at Doyoung’s expression and grinned. Then he leaned forward to connect their lips in a gentle kiss.

“Pretty omega,” he teased, relishing in his words from before.

Doyoung shoved at him with a weak arm. “Shut up.”

“Careful now, I’m still locked inside.”

Doyoung tutted his head to the side, but he was happy. He was so happy, finally knowing what it meant when people said you could die from happiness.

Everything in him was satiated. His omega, obviously. His body, which’d been neglected from proper sexual touch for a long time. And his heart. His heart was full. He was feeling a little loopy, but hey, at least he was happy.

“What are you laughing about?”


“Don’t say nothing. Tell me. I want to laugh too.”

Doyoung rolled his eyes.

“It’s nothing.”

“Come on.” Johnny poked him in the chest.

“It’s nothing! I was just thinking… that I like you so much.”

Johnny blinked at him before he snorted. He tucked one of the loose strands on Doyoung’s forehead back.

“Sweet,” he commented. “I like you too.”

Doyoung averted his eyes but couldn’t help the stretch at the corners of his mouth. Embarrassed, he tucked his face into Johnny’s scent gland and hid in his alpha’s musk.

“Sorry if I was too rough,” Johnny murmured with a tender kiss to his temple.

Doyoung’s cheeks burned. He couldn’t tell which ache came from where, not until Johnny’s knot went down and his body was his own again.

“You weren’t. It was… good.”

Good was an understatement. Doyoung had no idea how to formulate the profound sense of satisfaction in his mind, body and soul into comprehensible language without sounding like a monk finding true spirituality.

Johnny grinned. Proud alpha pheromones curled off of him and Doyoung flinched when the knot twitched in interest.

“Is that an actual compliment? Can you do that at the office too?”

“Only if you earn it.”

“That sounds like a challenge.”

The stupidly happy look on Johnny’s face had Doyoung smacking his chest again. The alpha moved away and the connection of the knot dragged Doyoung along by his ass. He whined before he could stop himself. It only made Johnny smugger.

“I think it’s going down,” Johnny said after they’d snuggled for a while.

Doyoung was glad, his leg was starting to go numb from Johnny’s weight. There was no comfortable position for him while Johnny was inside. Maybe if he’d been on his hands and knees they could’ve spooned. Doyoung’s hole squeezed with interest at the thought.

“Hey, don’t clench.” Johnny spanked Doyoung’s ass. “I’m trying to pull out.”


As expected, the soreness was more tangible with every centimeter Johnny dragging out. Doyoung hissed as the knot broke free and subsequently the entire member. He wriggled in place when cum began to trickle out, but pain shot through his hips and he mewled as he fell back on the mattress.

“Poor thing,” Johnny said softly, but there was a proud glint to his eye.

Johnny was a gentleman, though. Immediately upon seeing Doyoung’s pain he made sure to rotate his hips into a comfortable position and rubbed circles onto his lower back. Of course he couldn’t resist massaging the flesh of his butt, which Doyoung accepted with an eye roll. More release dribbled down one cheek, and Doyoung wanted to wriggle away from the feeling again, but Johnny’s grip became stern and with two fingers, he nudged it back in. Doyoung grimaced, but also kind of liked it.

“Let’s go shower.”

“Are you gonna wash that out?”

Johnny grinned, “no.”


Saturday morning started early. It didn’t start fresh, though. Not for Doyoung. Waking up was like having been run over by a train and left on the tracks overnight. His joints were glue instead of oil, muscles he didn’t know existed cramped up. The crumply groan that left his throat had Johnny cooing over him. At least there was that.

And the good morning kisses. And the good morning embraces from behind. The insistence to place Doyoung’s sore butt on the dining room chair as Johnny whipped up a small breakfast and hot coffee. And another good morning kiss that was also half an apology.

All in all, Doyoung couldn’t really be mad. He had himself to blame too, after he’d begged and whined for it. The memory made him blush into his coffee.

Johnny climbed into the seat next to him with a hot plate of eggs and pressed a loving kiss to his temple. Doyoung nuzzled into it and demanded to spread his happy omega aroma over Johnny’s scent gland.

“Eat up, you’ll feel better.”

“I don’t think food can cure it.”

Johnny pursed his lips sadly. “You’re making me feel bad. We’ll head down to the pharmacy after breakfast, okay?”

Doyoung nodded and prodded the eggs with his chopsticks. He was pretty hungry after the bout of exercise from last night.

Later came faster than sooner and the two of them were wading through aisles of medicine, Doyoung with a limp. His eyes caught the subtle packaging of birth control and morning-after pills and reminded himself he should stock up for the event of his next heat.

“I’m going to ask the clerk where they have cream for… yeah.” Johnny said. Doyoung let him go with an embarrassed nod.

He limped closer to the birth control and picked up one of the boxes to read the back. Ninety-eight percent effective during heat. It meant there was a two percent risk. Even if his omega warmed up inside at the thoughts of having Johnny’s pups, it was way, way too soon. Besides, he’d never spent his heat with an alpha before and didn’t quite know if he was ready.


Doyoung didn’t quite turn on his heel. No, it was more of a pained twist, which almost slid into a stumble when he was faced with Taeyong.

“T-Tae,” he sputtered, wide-eyed.

“Is that…?” Taeyong pointed at the box in his hand. Doyoung realized he was still holding birth control and quickly fumbled the box back into the rack.

“Nothing. It’s nothing.” He laughed nervously. “I was just looking at it.”

“You smell so different. I didn’t even recognize your scent, you smell like—”

“Hey, I found out where the stuff is— oh, hello.”

It was Taeyong’s turn for his mouth to fall open. A logical reaction, considering the last time Doyoung had spoken about Johnny he was still in desperate, one-sided love. And now Johnny’s arm was curled around his waist and Doyoung even smelled like him, apparently.

“Johnny, this is Taeyong, my best friend. Tae, this is Johnny, my…”

Doyoung stopped himself before he said my alpha right there and then in a public store.

“Boyfriend,” Johnny finished for him. A blinding smile to boot. “Nice to meet you.”

“It’s nice to meet you too. Doyoung never mentioned how handsome you are.”


“I’ll leave you two alone. Yuta is waiting for me anyway. Talk to you later, Doie?”

“Sure,” Doyoung mumbled.

Taeyong waved them goodbye with a grin as he checked out his items. Doyoung wanted to sink through the floor. This wasn’t how he wanted his best friend to find out. Johnny seemed awfully happy though.

“What are you so smiley about?”

“Nothing. I guess I’m just happy your best friend already knows about me. Did you lament about my existence?”

“Shut up.”

Johnny pecked his cheek in semi-apology before dragging him to the painkiller section.

On the way home, Doyoung’s phone buzzed incessantly.


Taeyongie: after you recover of course. I saw you limping. and you totally smelled like each other. LOL

Johnny nosed over his shoulder to read the text but Doyoung quickly hid it away, thoroughly embarrassed.

“Why didn’t you say I was your boyfriend?”

Doyoung’s teeth dug into his bottom lip. “I wasn’t gonna say that. I was going to say something else but then I changed my mind.”

“What were you going to say?” Johnny’s voice was a bit tight. Was he feeling a little insecure? Doyoung did a double take. The alpha’s eyes were avoidant.

Doyoung then knew he had to get over his own embarrassment to make sure there was no misunderstanding.

“I was gonna say you were my alpha, but you know…”

Johnny’s face cleared up. A wave of happy pheromones splashed over the immediate area. Johnny didn’t let go of his hand the whole way home and Doyoung’s insides were as sunny as the sky above.

This World’s Got Teeth (just let it bite) - Chapter 11 - GrassMower (2024)


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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Author information

Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.