Walgreens Narcoossee Road (2024)


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Doyou want togo shopping inthe nearest future? Walgreens isa place you might want tohave alookat. Here you can find food and beverages, office supplies, calendars and postcards, hygiene products, and also cosmetics and perfumes. Workers ofthe shop will offer you some help instudying out the merchandise sothat you can discover necessary products. They can also inform you about current sales promotions. Why not economize ifthere isa chance todoso?

Walgreens islocated inUnited States, Orlando, FL32832, 10425 NarcoosseeRd. 91clients rated the company at3.14. They left 86comments, See afew ofthem toclarify, what they enjoyed and what they didn’t. Tolearn more about the firm, gotowww.walgreens.com. Call (407) 384—9353inworking time.

food and drinks, stationery, supermarket, cosmetics and perfumes
personal care products, calendars and postcards
Sale of goods
beauty salon supply stores

Phone number

(407)384-93...— show


Orlando, FL 32832, 10425 Narcoossee Rd
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9photos Walgreens Narcoossee Road

Walgreens Narcoossee Road (1)

Walgreens Narcoossee Road (2)

Walgreens Narcoossee Road (3)

Reviews about Walgreens Narcoossee Road


/ 86 reviews and91 ratings

Rating is formed based on customer reviews, ratings and telephone surveys.

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  • Cem E.

    December 10, 2022, 1:32 am

    On the phone, the employee from the photo&print center told methat Icould scan apuzzle piece. However, when Iwent inperson, Iwas told that the person atthe desk wasn’t going toscan because the machine won’t scan.



    • Fashioncat

      November 24, 2022, 3:39 am

      The CVS pharmacy inLake Nona isso bad that Idecided totry this Walgreens. Holycow, this iseven worse!! Tons ofpeople waiting for shots, prescriptions,etc. exhaustingly long lines and hold times onphone. Guess I’ll try adifferentCVS.



      • LuAnn F.

        November 17, 2022, 12:31 am

        Do NOT schedule aflu orCOVID vaccine atthis location. Appointments mean nothing asI have been standing inline for 30minutes. This place isa holy nightmare. Don’t bother picking upprescriptions here either unless you really like waiting and horrible customer service.



        • Victor

          November 7, 2022, 12:43 am

          On 11/3/2022Iwas atthe Walgreens – Store #793810425 Narcoossee RdOrlando FL32832
          At that time, Isaw that they had abottle ofPaul Sebastian Cologne regularly priced at$17.99onsale for $14.39. When Igot tothe register, Iwas charged $27.99. Itwas not until Ihad left the store that Inoticed this difference and went back into get this corrected. The clerk seems perturbed, but did ring upa refund tomy credit card. Unfortunately, Idid not notice until Igot home that Iwas still c
          harged $10.00more and was only refunded $3.50. The sameday, Icalled the store and spoke tothe Assistant Manager onduty for that day and asked ifthere was anyway this could beresolved over the phone orif Icould goto acloser store since Ilived 23miles away. Hetold methat unfortunately, Iwould have togo back tothat location but assured methat Icould come back any day and any date with myreceipts. On11/6/2022Idrove back tothe store with myoriginal receipt, apicture ofthe discount sign, and my$3.50refund receipt. Iasked tospeak with the Assistant Manager onduty. This person would not refund mymoney even looking atmy receipts and told meI would have tocome back onthe day the other manager Ihad spoken towas onduty. Iadmit that Idid get upset and reacted poorly, but this isunreasonable since they were the ones who told meI could come back any day ortime toget the additional $10.00.So, Iwould have toreturn tothe store athird time, but with noguarantee that Iwould get this resolved.– show



          • Vanessa V.

            November 2, 2022, 2:14 am

            Worst pharmacy eeever! Long story short, they set appt for vaccine they don’t have (and they don’t even bother calling the customer when you can clearly see they have aprint out daily about the appt and patients information) and worst thing isgetting medications. You need toshow upfor then tostart preparing everything, they tell you they need and hour tomake ithappen…ok! Sound perfect, you leave, come back 3hours later, medications are still not done… you still need tokeep waiting. Don’t bother! They are other pharmacies onthe area. Avoid yourself aheadache … and customer service they just laugh orignore you… see for yourself, read others reviews…– show



            • Christy I.

              October 22, 2022, 7:30 pm

              Staff isrude when Iask the staff where can Ifind the COVID test.



              • Eileen M.

                September 24, 2022, 4:30 am

                I love coming towarlgreen Ana and Enly are very nice. Alway polite courtesy and very helpful. Ilove talking tothem. Iam moving toSt Cloud going tomiss them both.



                • Lauren G.

                  September 16, 2022, 10:15 pm

                  Horrible Walgreens. How does the drive through pharmacy line take 10—15minutes atleast PERCAR. The slowest service you can receive.



                  • Nicholas M.

                    August 26, 2022, 9:46 pm

                    The only convenient thing about this pharmacy isit's location. Please read the other reviews ofthis location, and the surmounting evidence ofthe incompetency, lack ofcare,and respect you'll meet atthis location. Itdoesn't matter the urgency orneed ofyour prescription. The lazy, incompetent staff will doeverything but fill your prescription. Iregret not reading the reviews beforeme. Avoid this store, and save yourself the headache.



                    • NICHOLAS D.

                      August 20, 2022, 10:35 pm

                      The Pharmacy Manager isthe rudes person I've ever met she's also completely Incompetent and fails tokeep her technician professional, Which might bedifficult because she's very unprofessional.Avoid this pharmacist



                      • Jason K.

                        July 31, 2022, 11:28 pm

                        This pharmacy location isALWAYS understaffed, doesnt matter what day ortime, always along line atdrivethru and inside. Imoved all myscripts toLee Vista location and itis always inandout..absolutely ridiculous that acompany this large cant get ittogether atthis location. And ithas always been like this, even before covid!



                        • Joesh P.

                          July 16, 2022, 6:34 pm

                          Made anappointment for myfamily of5toget acovid test and when wegot here there was nopharmacist tobegin with. There was only asign that said pharmacy closed until further notice with noexplanation. Iwent inside the Walgreens and they said they'd have apharmacist come within anhour; once wegot there, weweren't attended for another 20minutes after the pharmacist saw wewere there but didn't acknowledge usor apologize for the inconvenience. Even worse once she finally attendedus,she told usshe could only give usone covid test and that wewould have tocircle around and get back inline for the drive thru sothat the rest ofour family could get acovid test done. There were 5cars behind usand she didn't allow usto wait inthe drive thru instead wehad toget back inline after only one covid test was done. Horrible experience, and took anextra hour and half than itshould've due topoor management.– show



                          • Tamara A.

                            July 6, 2022, 2:41 am

                            Second time Imade vaccine appointments online and when Iget tothe store they don't have adult dosis. They are extremely rude and onthe top ofthat they expect usto come back onThursday!!! Wegot app confirmations byemail and text, and now they are sorry for myinconveniences!!! How come they just play with people's time and money???



                            • isi

                              July 3, 2022, 5:40 am

                              Waiting times are awful. Sometimes Igo atdrive-through, others through the counter hoping it’ll beshorter waiting time. Never works. Ifeel it’s not the fault ofthe employees, they are super helpful and kind. Pharmacy should urgently work onhiring more staff, it’s shameful tooverwork your employees that way when there’s somuch demand. Only gave the second star bcof the awesome staff:)
                              Update: Iguess that their main issue istheir software orbasically tech system. Ihad 6meds due toda
                              y yet none ofthem was ready. 2said “insurance delay.” 2others said “call the pharmacy.” 1of them wasn’t even appearing onmy Walgreens app anymore, and idk why they changed itto ageneric med that mydoctor didn’t send (confirmed with myprovider). The only one they had listed as“ready” actually kept mewaiting 20minutes besides the 30minutes Iwaited for mymeds. Itwas 4different doctors/providers, and Ispent the whole day making calls tothem all just tobasically confirm that the issue isWalgreens’ system. This happens atleast every two months (1/2times Ipick upmy meds):(– show



                              • D B.

                                May 27, 2022, 11:33 pm

                                Overall Walgreens has the WORSE consumer policies. Ireally wish their executives would try using their own drive through and pharmacies. Assoon asI move from this area Iam transferring all myneeds else where. This store has eYou’re welcome staff language and customer service issues. One guy specially who works atthe pharmacy isterrible with people and should not beworking inthe service industry. The worse.



                                • Luis H.

                                  May 11, 2022, 12:47 am

                                  Pharmacy scrambled tofind amedicine that was currently out ofstock ata different location and had itfilled onmy behalf.



                                  • Tanya M.

                                    May 3, 2022, 4:48 pm

                                    Had confirm appointment, received confirmation ofdate and time and all toarrive toa sign staying pharmacy closed toafter myscheduled apt time.



                                    • Drew S.

                                      April 17, 2022, 7:30 pm

                                      Everything about this Walgreens isa pain. Avoid ifyoucan. I’ve been here multiple times and regret iteverytime. The pharmacy isnever accurate with having your stuff ready, oris randomly closed- the photo center messes uppictures ortheir system isdown, and calling customer service does nothing because they hang upon you constantly.



                                      • Jose G.

                                        April 14, 2022, 2:06 am

                                        Long queue only 1cashier



                                        • Karina D.

                                          April 11, 2022, 5:18 pm

                                          El trato con las personas embarazadas noes considerado laSeñora Virginia nos dijo que las patillas nos llegaban eldía viernes yhoy día lunes dice que como nonos decidimos nola
                                          Pidió esta enla farmacia espatética laatención igual que una delas manager dela tienda que sellama Jenifer nodeberían trabajar hay sino tratan bien el



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                                          Walgreens Narcoossee Road (2024)


                                          How to find Walgreens digital receipt? ›

                                          After you've made a purchase, you'll receive a digital receipt of your purchase via email or in the app depending on your preference.

                                          Does Walgreens have an app? ›

                                          Download FREE and simplify your life. with the Walgreens App. Download FREE and simplify your life.

                                          How do I delete my Walgreens account? ›

                                          How do I deactivate my Walgreens account?
                                          1. Click on the account icon in the top right corner.
                                          2. Click the delete account button on the bottom right of the account page.
                                          3. Review the account deletion notice.
                                          4. Click delete.

                                          Can you earn Walgreens cash on pickup orders? ›

                                          Items ordered online using the "store pickup" feature will only earn Walgreens Cash rewards after the items have been picked up from the store. Rewards Promotions will not apply to rain check items purchased after the promotion has ended.

                                          How do I get a digital receipt? ›

                                          How do you get digital receipts? To get an eReceipt directly from a merchant, you'll typically need to provide them or the software they use (like Square, for example) with your email or phone number. But with the Expensify app, you can turn any paper receipt into a digital receipt with a single tap.

                                          What counts as a digital receipt? ›

                                          What is an E-Receipt? E-receipts, also known as electronic receipts, are proof of payment issued through a digital method – via email or text message – instead of physically giving the receipt. Many countries have ditched physical receipts and started accepting electronic receipts as proof of purchase and tax returns.

                                          Does Walgreens cash expire? ›

                                          Yes, Walgreens Cash rewards expire one year after they are earned or if an account has been inactive for 6 months. Your account is deemed inactive if you have not used your membership in store or online.

                                          Who owns Walgreens? ›

                                          (WBA) is an American multinational holding company headquartered in Deerfield, Illinois, which owns the retail pharmacy chains Walgreens in the US and Boots in the UK, as well as several pharmaceutical manufacturing and distribution companies.

                                          Can I get $5 dollars cash back at Walgreens? ›

                                          When checking out at the register, the card machine will ask you if you would like cash back. The options are $5, $10, $20 and none.

                                          How do I reset myWalgreens account? ›

                                          If you have forgotten your username, then select "Forgot Your Username?" If you have forgotten your password, you can reset your password by selecting "Forgot Your Password?" If you reset your password, you will receive an email containing a link to take you to a new page where you can enter a new password.

                                          How long does Walgreens hold prescriptions? ›

                                          How Long Does Walgreens Hold Prescription? Most Walgreens pharmacies will hold your filled prescriptions for seven (7) days after it has been filled. Depending on the specific Walgreens location you fill your prescriptions at, they may hold it for longer.

                                          How do I get my money back from Walgreens? ›

                                          If a product from Walgreens.com arrives damaged, please contact Customer Service directly for a refund by calling toll-free, 1-877-250-5823. Did this answer your question? Are there any products I cannot return? If you have any questions, call Walgreens.com toll-free, at 1-877-250-5823.

                                          What is the senior discount code for Walgreens? ›

                                          Code SENIOR20 valid up to 1 use per order, 1 use per account on applicable regularly priced products.

                                          What is the pride 15 code at Walgreens? ›

                                          Price and inventory may vary from online to in store.

                                          How long does Walgreens keep photos in store? ›

                                          How long does the store keep my order for? Your local store will keep your order for 195 days before discarding. To Request a refund please contact a Walgreens.com agent at 866-264-2910.

                                          Does Walgreens save your receipts? ›

                                          A receipt can be found on your Walgreens.com account, or in the email that is sent once you pick up your order.

                                          Can you get digital receipts? ›

                                          An e-receipt is the same as a paper receipt, but is emailed to you rather than printed out in store. Stored in your inbox, you will never lose a receipt again! Email receipts usually appear in your inbox within 2 hours of the transaction (usually much sooner!).

                                          How do I keep track of digital receipts? ›

                                          Here are the 6 best ways for you to organize your receipts electronically.
                                          1. Save Receipts to Google Drive. ...
                                          2. Use Evernote. ...
                                          3. Use WellyBox. ...
                                          4. Scan or Download to Your Personal Computer. ...
                                          5. Merge Your Receipts into One Document. ...
                                          6. FreshBooks Receipt Scanning.

                                          Can I keep digital copies of receipts? ›

                                          The IRS recommends keeping receipts for at least three years, but there are no legal requirements for whether or not the receipts need to be physical paper receipts or digital copies.


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                                          Author: Madonna Wisozk

                                          Last Updated:

                                          Views: 6519

                                          Rating: 4.8 / 5 (68 voted)

                                          Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

                                          Author information

                                          Name: Madonna Wisozk

                                          Birthday: 2001-02-23

                                          Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

                                          Phone: +6742282696652

                                          Job: Customer Banking Liaison

                                          Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

                                          Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.