What is a KPI Dashboard? 4 Key Examples and Best Practices (2024)

This guide provides examples, templates and practical advice to help you create a best-in-class KPI dashboard of your own.

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What is a KPI Dashboard? 4 Key Examples and Best Practices (1)


What is a KPI Dashboard?KPI Dashboard ExamplesKPI Dashboard BenefitsWhat To Know Before You StartKPI Dashboard Design PrinciplesAdvice for Visualizing KPIsKPI Dashboard ChecklistAdditional Resources

A KPI dashboard displays key performance indicators in interactive charts and graphs, allowing for quick, organized review and analysis. Key performance indicators are quantifiable measures of performance over time for specific strategic objectives. Modern KPI dashboards allow any user to easily explore the data behind the KPIs and uncover actionable insights. In this way, a KPI dashboard transforms massive data sets from across an organization into data-driven decisions that can improve your business.

More resources:

  • Dive deeper on the question, “What is a KPI?

  • Create, manage and share a KPI report

  • Find the right KPIs for your business with KPI Examples

Top Performing KPI Dashboard Examples

Every dashboard is unique—but many fall into one of the four categories below based on their intended purpose and audience. Each template has a different focus that allows you to tell a story more effectively, and highlight the KPIs that matter to your business. Whichever type you use, the best dashboard tools allow you to easily drill into the data and get real insights.

The Executive KPI Dashboard

An executive dashboard is a reporting tool for monitoring long- term company strategy by examining critical success factors. These dashboards are usually complex in their creation, and are mainly used by senior-level management. They’re also a key way for companies to track KPIs against their goals over time.

Example: A hospital group that serves a large geographic area in Northwest England uses data-driven insights to support a desire for better systems. The Executive KPI dashboard provides their teams with a view of the most current data, allowing them to evaluate progress on key goals and objectives, improve clinical and operational experiences, and develop means to improve management, patient experience, and staff dynamics.

What is a KPI Dashboard? 4 Key Examples and Best Practices (2)
Learn how to design best-in-class dashboards

The Operational KPI Dashboard

Operational dashboards are a very common type of dashboard. They’re used to monitor the current condition and present information in a simple, easy-to-view format that everyone can understand. These KPI dashboards aren’t designed for interactivity or to demonstrate progress toward a goal, but rather to provide a snapshot of the way things are now.

Example: A police force uses an Operational KPI dashboard as a daily tool to monitor crime, track the location and volume of police reports, and provide a view of incidents teams should be prepared to deal with.

What is a KPI Dashboard? 4 Key Examples and Best Practices (3)
Learn how to design best-in-class dashboards

The Tactical KPI Dashboard

A tactical dashboard is used to track progress toward a goal, whether on a company-wide level or for a particular team or project.Interactive data visualizationis key for this type of dashboard, as you want to be able to dig in and determine why something is or isn’t going well. This helps teams determine if what they’re doing is working—and if they need to make changes.

Example: A software vendor wanted a simple, uncluttered dashboard to help their business users make faster, better informed decisions. This tactical KPI dashboard allows users to drill down into trends, discover key insights around the customer journey, and identify new customer targets based on behavior patterns.

What is a KPI Dashboard? 4 Key Examples and Best Practices (4)
Learn how to design best-in-class dashboards

The Analytical KPI Dashboard

An analytical dashboard contains a vast amount of data created and used by analysts to provide support to executives. Analytics dashboards supply a comprehensive overview of business data and middle management is a crucial part of the user group. These dashboards are used to drive decisions and play a key role in the business.

Example: A consumer packaged goods (CPG) company operates in such a competitive market, it’s crucial to have an analytical dashboard that illuminates exactly what, where, and when people are spending. Analytics dashboards help you track marketing KPIs, forecast market share growth, apply historical data to track trends, and create smart comparisons to track the market against goals.

What is a KPI Dashboard? 4 Key Examples and Best Practices (5)
Learn how to design best-in-class dashboards

Better KPI Dashboards Give You The Edge

When you invest the time to create KPI dashboard templates that are visually exciting and relevant, it helps everyone in the business...

Get more value from your data

If your organization is like most, it has mountains of unorganized data. Visual dashboards provide a navigable structure and help ensure that the right people in your organization understand what the data means for them. Get inspired by these examples.

Engage the right people

Want to get executive buy-in on a particular project? Identify a new area of business based on trends? Easily spot problem areas? A KPI dashboard can help you rally key stakeholders across the business and respond quickly to ever-changing needs.

Create a data-driven culture

Sharing a KPI dashboard across business units can help drive data literacy in your company, creating a culture of discovery and innovation, and enabling employees at every level to drive competitive edge. When you have trustworthy and organized data, you can rely on it to make smarter, faster decisions.

What is a KPI Dashboard? 4 Key Examples and Best Practices (7)

Don’t just measure. Measure what matters.

Download the KPI Planning Guide to learn:

  • 10 steps to strong KPIs

  • Which questions help you define your KPIs

  • 170 KPI examples and templates

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What To Know Before You Start

When creating a KPI dashboard template, you'll want to be clear about your audience, what they want, and how they’re going to use the information presented to them.

Understand the role of your audience

Knowing who your dashboard is for—a generalist, an analyst, a business manager, or an executive—will help you design it effectively. For instance, an executive audience wants to know if KPIs are being met, and gather key takeaways. Whereas a salesperson with little technical or subject matter expertise might need a simplified display that provides key customer insights or shows sales figures over time.

Find out how your dashboard will be used

In what context will your audience view the dashboard? A busy supervisor with 15 seconds to spare has different needs than a team that needs to dive deeper into quarterly numbers. Either way, it’s crucial to understand the situation. Your goal is to deliver accurate information that doesn’t cause unnecessary frustration or require outside intervention.

Provide simple, consumable insights

People are busier than ever, so you want to provide information they can quickly understand. Pay attention to the order of your content; put the high-priority items first. Use color and font size to draw attention to things you want your audiences to remember. Put the less relevant or lower-priority items near the end. If possible, provide takeaways or summaries.

KPI Dashboard Design Principles

Designing a dashboard is about more than just making something look nice—it’s about using data to tell a story that helps your audience get what they need. Any data-driven dashboard must follow a few key design principles that add clarity and signal intent.


Implement visual cues that indicate when an element links to another page, shows whether a button is active or inactive, or provides contextual information.

What is a KPI Dashboard? 4 Key Examples and Best Practices (8)

Color accessibility or contrast

Some people have a limited range of color vision, so it’s important to incorporate shapes and contrast to ensure that everyone can access the information they need.

What is a KPI Dashboard? 4 Key Examples and Best Practices (9)

Information hierarchy

Show data in the order of importance, so users won’t miss what matters most. “F-scanning” is a common way people consume information—essentially, they scan horizontally across the page, and then down. Understanding more about this and other common scanning patterns can help you put what’s most relevant first.

What is a KPI Dashboard? 4 Key Examples and Best Practices (10)


A cluttered dashboard might show a lot of information—but it’s useless if those looking at it don’t understand what they’re seeing. Less is more, so avoid confusing 3-D graphics or cramming too much on a page.

What is a KPI Dashboard? 4 Key Examples and Best Practices (11)

What is a KPI Dashboard? 4 Key Examples and Best Practices (12)

Inspire Action With Your KPIs

10 ways to take your data visualizations to the next level. Learn how to choose the right ones to highlight your KPIs and metrics.

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Advice for Visualizing KPIs

Key Performance Indicators can be complex, so it’s important to know how to work with them to produce the best results. As you use KPIs in a dashboard, you’ll want to:

Identify specific business outcomes

Collaborate with stakeholders in your team or project to identify the strategic goals and targets that will help you align behaviors, drive strategy, and track success. For example, a sales team that is rewarded based on year-over-year growth cares about a different number than teams rewarded on the basis of net sales. Not sure if you’ve chosen correctly? Test it out and look at the data.

Tell a story with your data

What’s the big idea you want to convey? What are the key KPIs your business cares about? Use information hierarchy to guide the reader along. For instance, if the big story is this year’s customer growth, showcase it with large numbers, and use smaller numbers to indicate the prior year. Get inspired by the ten best moderndata visualization examples.

Continue to iterate and evolve

When it comes to KPIs, you can’t “set it and forget it.” Defining the right KPIs is an ever-evolving task. For instance, when a big competitor enters the market, or when customer behavior shifts, your KPIs may need to change too.

“Stories are remembered up to 22 times more than facts alone.”

Jennifer Aaker, General Atlantic Professor of Marketing, Stanford Graduate School of Business, The Power of Story

Rolling Out Your KPI Dashboard: A Simple Checklist

Congrats—you’re ready to create a beautiful KPI dashboard! But before you share it with your audience:

  • Double-check that the KPIs and questions support the story you want to tell.

  • Remove anything that creates clutter and doesn’t support your story.

  • Confirm that your dashboard is consistent with your company design standards for items such as colors, fonts, and graphics.

  • Test your visualizations with a few trusted colleagues and incorporate their feedback.

After you share your dashboard:

  • Identify what's working and what's not. Take notes so that you can make improvements, and your next dashboard can be even better.

  • Observe how your users are using it.

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BI DashboardDashboard Design GuideDashboard ReportingDashboard SoftwareData DashboardDigital Dashboard

Executive DashboardFinancial DashboardHR DashboardKPI DashboardMarketing DashboardSales Dashboard

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What is a KPI Dashboard? 4 Key Examples and Best Practices (2024)


What is a KPI Dashboard? 4 Key Examples and Best Practices? ›

A KPI dashboard displays key performance indicators in interactive charts and graphs, allowing for quick, organized review and analysis. Key performance indicators are quantifiable measures of performance over time for specific strategic objectives.

What is a KPI dashboard? ›

KPI dashboards are tools that unite data sources and provide at-a-glance visual feedback showing how your business is performing against your key performance indicators (KPIs).

What does KPIs stand for and give 4 examples? ›

Key performance indicators (KPIs) measure a company's success vs. a set of targets, objectives, or industry peers. KPIs can be financial, including net profit (or the bottom line, net income), revenues minus certain expenses, or the current ratio (liquidity and cash availability).

What are the 4 mandatory key performance indicators? ›

Anyway, the four KPIs that always come out of these workshops are:
  • Customer Satisfaction,
  • Internal Process Quality,
  • Employee Satisfaction, and.
  • Financial Performance Index.

How to build a good KPI dashboard? ›

  1. Choose the right KPIs to display. ...
  2. Spread your information by relevance. ...
  3. Avoid Clutter. ...
  4. Make your dashboard interactive. ...
  5. Make your dashboard actionable. ...
  6. Provide narrative when possible. ...
  7. Review if you need your legend and check options for locations. ...
  8. Evaluate the impact of scaling and try using it.

How many KPIs should be on a dashboard? ›

I recommend 3-5 KPIs in each of these four categories with a balance of leading indicators and results or lagging indicators. Personally, I think leading indicators are even more important to drive the behavior you need to get results you are looking for.

What are the 4 P's of KPI? ›

For marketers, the best guidance for choosing KPIs comes directly from your Intro to Marketing class: the four P's. For you non-marketers out there, those would be product, price, place, and promotion.

How to answer interview questions about KPIs? ›

In an interview, you can explain KPIs as Key Performance Indicators that serve as measurable values for gauging the performance of various business objectives. They act as a navigational tool that helps a company understand how well it's achieving its strategic and operational goals.

What is a KPI checklist? ›

KPI is a measurable value that helps organizations track their progress using a checklist toward achieving specific objectives. They provide data-driven insights into performance, allowing businesses to make informed decisions and optimize strategies for future growth.

What are the 4 key measures of performance? ›

Productivity, profit margin, scope and cost are some examples of performance metrics that a business can track to determine if target objectives and goals are being met. There are different areas of a business, and each area will have its own key performance metrics.

How to identify KPIs? ›

How to Choose & Track KPIs: A Step-by-Step Guide
  1. Step 1: Choose 1- 2 measures that directly contribute to each of your objectives. ...
  2. Step 2: Make sure your measures meet the criteria for a good KPI. ...
  3. Step 3: Assign responsibility for each KPI to specific individuals. ...
  4. Step 4: Monitor and report on the KPIs.
May 29, 2024

What is KPI and examples? ›

KPIs support your strategy and help your teams focus on what's important. An example of a key performance indicator is, “targeted new customers per month”. Metrics measure the success of everyday business activities that support your KPIs. While they impact your outcomes, they're not the most critical measures.

How do I write KPI for myself? ›

Need some personal KPI ideas to start off? KPIs you could consider include:
  1. Daily resting heart rate.
  2. Daily weight and body fat.
  3. Number of hours slept.
  4. Number of miles or kilometres ran.
  5. Number of minutes spent meditating.
  6. Weekly productivity level.
Apr 30, 2019

What are the 4 perspectives of KPI? ›

It is anchored on the four perspectives: Finance, Customer, Internal Process, Learning & Growth. Organisations define their strategic objectives & outcomes, assign KPIs and monitor them regularly to get the desired results.

What does a KPI chart look like? ›

The KPI chart consists of a grid of tiles, where each tile displays various KPI values for a certain category. Moreover, a simple line graph, sparkline, can be included to display the performance over time. Also the color of a tile background is a means to indicate performance.

What is the difference between KPI scorecard and dashboard? ›

A dashboard is a business tool that provides a visual overview of the most important KPIs and metrics in a company and updates them in real-time. A scorecard is a framework that analyzes the current strategies and compares them with the company's overall objectives.

What is a summary KPI dashboard? ›

A KPI dashboard is a visual tool that combines and displays your business' most crucial metrics in real time. This allows you to gauge your company's performance at a glance.


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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

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Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.