Phase 2 Live Hard: Building Momentum (2024)

Andy Frisella’s Live Hard program is a game changing mental toughness program designed to turn you into the best version of yourself. In this special podcast episode, Rob Cressy is joined by his friend and accountability partner Brendan Pettit as they share their Phase 2 of Live Hard experience.

Phase 2 builds off of the lessons learned and dues paid during 75 Hard and Phase 1 of the program.

• What was their mindset like for this 30 day phase compared to the previous ones?
• What did their boot sequence look like?
• What were the biggest challenges they had to overcome?
• What new habits or routines were introduced?
• How were they able to channel the Mamba Mentality?
• What was it like when they completed Phase 2 and were thrown back into “regular life”?

If you are interested in becoming the best version of yourself then this episode will share the habits, routines, and lessons learned from our Phase 2 of Live Hard experience. You can also check out our tips & lessons learned from each of the other Phases of the Live Hard program: 75 Hard, Phase 1, Phase 3, Live Hard Results overall

I created both a video and podcast version so you can deep dive into this if you’d like.

If you are considering doing 75 Hard then I highly recommend you listen to Andy Frisella’s MFCEO podcast where he talks about the origin of it. It’s straight fire.

Phase 2 Live Hard: Building Momentum (1)

What is Phase 2 of Live Hard?

Phase 2 of the Live Hard program is very similar to the format of 75 Hard. Every day for 30 days you do these 5 tasks with zero compromise.

  • Workout twice a day: 45 minute indoor workout, 45 minute outdoor workout. You can choose whatever fitness program or workouts you want.
  • Follow a diet with no cheat meals and no alcohol. You get to create the diet for yourself.
  • Read 10 pages of a personal development or non-fiction book. Something that makes you better. Note: Audiobooks do not count.
  • Drink a gallon of water.
  • Take a progress picture every single day.

You also must wait at least 30 days after completing Phase 1 before you can start Phase 2. The reason for this is so you can experience what it’s like to be off the program and then start again. Are you still sharp or did you slip?

Mindset Difference Between Phase 2 and Phase 1

With Phase 1 of Live Hard I knew there was a 100% chance I was completing it. Because of that my mindset was to sharpen my sword and get better. With Phase 2 my mindset was to build momentum. I began the program on January 3, 2020 as a way of starting the year off strong. I don’t believe in New Years Resolutions, I believe in kicking ass all the time. When I am on the Live Hard program I am always the best version of myself so I was looking forward to optimizing. I knew this would put me in a great position to succeed plus have an amazing year.

Biggest Phase 2 Challenges

One of the things I learned in 75 Hard and Live Hard is to throw the excuses in the trash. Common one’s include “now is not a good time”, “the weather is bad”, and “I don’t feel like it”. Excuses don’t take you to where you want to go, and Phase 2 does not accept excuses.

I live in Chicago so starting Phase 2 in the dead of winter presents a few challenges. Most notably the weather, which is often times below zero windchill and full of snow. While this would be enough to stop most people, I wore it like a badge of honor. It was building my grit and mental toughness.

That doesn’t mean my bitch voice was not present, because it was. Waking up at 5 am to do a 45 minute outdoor workout will test anyone. Since this program is non-negotiable I bundled up and paid my dues. On Day 17 it felt like -6 degree and my water bottle froze while on my outdoor walk.

Phase 2 Results

In Phase 2 it was all about building momentum. Doing things that’ll catapult me to a new level, both in this exact moment as well as long term.

There’s only one direction I’m looking and that’s forward.

If you are a high performer looking to take your personal growth and mindset to the next level and you are looking for a coach to support you in that process then I’d love to chat with you. You can sign up for a free 30 minute breakthrough coaching session with me HERE.

Phase 2 Live Hard: Building Momentum (2)
Phase 2 Live Hard: Building Momentum (2024)


What is phase 2 of the live hard program? ›

Phase 2 of the Live Hard program is very similar to the format of 75 Hard. Every day for 30 days you do these 5 tasks with zero compromise. Workout twice a day: 45 minute indoor workout, 45 minute outdoor workout. You can choose whatever fitness program or workouts you want.

What happens if you fail phase 3 75 Hard? ›

If you are unable to start Phase 3 in time to align with the last 30 days of your year anniversary with 75 HARD ... you have to restart the LIVEHARD program from Day 1 of 75 HARD. That also means if you mess up even once on Phase 3 ... you have to completely restart the LIVEHARD program.

What to do after a 75 Hard challenge? ›

For one, Phase 1 is the program that immediately follows 75 HARD. You must complete the 75 HARD program before moving on to Phase 1. Another important thing to know is that if you fail at any time throughout Phase 1, you have to restart on Day 1 of Phase 1.

Do you have to start phase 1 immediately after 75 Hard? ›

No, you are not required to start Phase 1 right after 75 HARD.

Do you have to take cold showers during 75 Hard? ›

The 3 extra tasks for 75 Hard Phase 1: 5-minute cold shower. 10 minutes of visualisation. 3 Power List items.

What happened to Andy Frisella? ›

After one of his bartending shifts, Andy got assaulted and was stabbed several times, eventually taken to the hospital, barely surviving the attack. Afterwards, Andy was left with some very visible scars on his face.

Does a walk count as a workout 75 Hard? ›

Here how 75 Hard works: For 75 days straight, you must: Exercise twice a day for 45 minutes each session. (Note: A walk counts.)

Does yoga count as a workout for 75 Hard? ›

The type of workout doesn't matter. You can run, lift weights, do a cross-training workout, go for a walk, or even do yoga. As long as you're getting up and getting your body moving with the intent to get better, it counts.

Is coffee allowed on 75 Hard? ›

Is coffee allowed? Yes, but be sure you account for any creamer/sugar you use. Liquid calories are still calories.

Can you have a cheat day on 75 Hard? ›

Pick a diet to follow, with no alcohol or cheat meals.

You must choose a diet based on your goals and stick to it. But there's a second caveat to the rule: No cheat meals and no alcohol. In a culture that depends on after-work drinks or wine once the kids are in bed, Frisella acknowledges the difficulty of this task.

Can you lose weight on the 75 hard challenge? ›

Yes! But trust me when I say the physical changes you see on the outside are a FRACTION of the results you can earn by completing 75 HARD." Frisella lost weight by going from 310 pounds in 2016 to 260 in 2018.

Can you drink flavored water on 75 Hard? ›

The water must be plain, unflavored and non-carbonated. You're welcome to drink those separately as long as they are in line with your diet, but they would not count towards your daily water intake.

Do you get rest days on 75 Hard? ›

At the same time, there's no built-in rest period — no time to recover — for two and a half months. For 75 days straight, participants must work out every single day. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends 30 minutes of moderate activity five days a week, Hummer-Bair said.

Can you have protein powder on 75 Hard? ›

Staying hydrated is paramount during the 75 Hard challenge.

Additionally, consider incorporating supplements like multivitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, and protein powders if your nutritional needs require supplementation.

Do you have to workout every day on 75 Hard? ›

75 Hard requires six commitments you must complete every day for 75 days. Two 45-minute workouts. One must be outside. Adhering to a diet.

How many phases are in the live hard program? ›

Live Hard is a mental toughness program created by Andy Frisella designed to turn you into the best version of yourself. It is comprised of four different phases: 75 Hard, Phase 1, Phase 2, Phase 3, each done with zero compromise.

What is phase 3 of 75 Hard? ›

Phase 3 builds off of the lessons learned and dues paid during 75 Hard, Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the program. It is also the final phase of the Live Hard program. Finish it and you complete it. Every day for 30 days you do these 10 tasks with zero compromise.

Does Andy Frisella have a degree? ›

I am a college drop out. Most people don't realize that. We started our business 20 years ago when I was 19.

What are the 5 critical tasks of 75 Hard? ›

For 75 consecutive days, 75 Hard participants must do the following every day, according to the program's welcome email:
  • Follow a diet. ...
  • Complete two 45-minute workouts, one of which must be outdoors.
  • Take a progress picture.
  • Drink 1 gallon of water.
  • Read 10 pages of a book (audiobooks not included).
Apr 29, 2024


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