The 23 Best Hangover Foods (2024)

There is no magic food for a hangover cure. Hangover research is limited, but certain foods and drinks, like bananas, pickles, or coffee, may be able to help your symptoms.

A hangover is your body’s reaction to drinking too much alcohol.

Symptoms include fatigue, nausea, headache, sensitivity to light, dehydration, or dizziness that lasts several hours.

Research on hangovers is limited, and the exact processes behind them are poorly understood.

It’s thought that the body experiences specific hormonal and immune responses during a hangover that trigger different symptoms (1, 2).

While there is no known cure for hangovers, several foods and drinks may alleviate symptoms.

Here are the 23 best foods and beverages to help ease a hangover.

Many fruits and vegetables are rich in nutrients and natural sugars. These healthful foods may help reduce hangover symptoms.

1. Bananas

Alcohol blocks the production of a hormone that helps your body hold on to water, leading to dehydration and the loss of electrolytes like potassium and sodium (3, 4).

Bananas are especially rich in potassium and can help replenish your body’s stores. One medium banana contains 9% of the daily value (DV) for potassium (5).

2. Watermelon

Since headache associated with a hangover is usually due to dehydration and decreased blood flow to the brain, eating watermelon may help (6, 7).

Watermelon is rich in L-citrulline, a nutrient that may increase blood flow (8).

What’s more, its high water content can help you rehydrate.

3. Blueberries

Blueberries are rich in nutrients that fight inflammation in your body, which comes in handy if you have a hangover (9).

An older study of 20 men found that blood levels of various inflammatory compounds increased after alcohol consumption (10).

Thus, eating blueberries after having too much to drink may help fight related inflammation.

4. Oranges

Oranges are rich in vitamin C, which may prevent your body from losing glutathione.

Glutathione is an antioxidant that helps rid your body of alcohol and decreases during alcohol consumption (11, 12).

Eating oranges may give you the vitamin C you need to keep glutathione levels stable and reduce hangover symptoms (13, 14).

5. Pickles

Pickles are high in sodium, an electrolyte that excessive drinking depletes.

Eating pickles or drinking their brine may help boost your sodium levels and overcome your hangover.

One dill pickle spear contains about 12% of the DV for sodium. Even better, 2 ounces (60 ml) of pickle juice provides about 16% of the DV (15, 16).

Keep in mind that the sodium content of pickles may vary by brand.

6. Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes contain several nutrients that may help you get over a hangover faster.

One cup (200 grams) of cooked sweet potato has over 200% of the DV for vitamin A, 13% for magnesium, and 20% for potassium (17).

Vitamin A may help fight the inflammation associated with hangovers, while magnesium and potassium are needed to replace what’s lost during alcohol consumption (18, 19, 20).

7. Spinach

Spinach is rich in folate, a nutrient that diminishes due to heavy drinking.

A 2002 review of the research found that alcohol impairs folate absorption, and chronic alcohol intake can lead to deficiency (21).

Eating spinach can help you maintain adequate folate levels after drinking alcohol. One cup (180 grams) of cooked spinach provides 66% of the DV (22).

8. Avocado

Eating avocados after a night of heavy drinking can help raise low potassium levels from alcohol consumption and dehydration.

In fact, one avocado (136 grams) packs 15% of the DV for this mineral (23).

What’s more, research shows that avocados contain compounds that protect against liver injury. Since drinking in excess takes a toll on your liver, avocados may be especially beneficial for hangovers (24).

9. Asparagus

Asparagus packs certain compounds that may provide hangover relief.

According to one test-tube study, asparagus extracts more than doubled the effectiveness of certain enzymes that help break down alcohol, and also protected liver cells from damage (25).

Though there is currently no research on the effect of asparagus on hangovers in humans, eating this vegetable may be worth a try.

The protein and healthful fats in many meat and fish products may help with a hangover.

10. Meat

Meat and other high-protein foods may help your body better handle a hangover.

Research shows that alcohol prevents your body from absorbing certain amino acids. In fact, chronic alcohol consumption can lead to amino acid deficiencies (26, 27).

Your body breaks down protein into amino acids, making it a good choice during a hangover.

Three ounces (85 grams) of beef have close to 22 grams of protein, while three ounces (85 grams) of chicken breast pack 24 grams (28, 29).

11. Chicken Noodle Soup

Chicken noodle soup is a popular remedy for the flu or common cold. However, it may also be helpful for hangovers.

Research shows that chicken noodle soup can help you rehydrate — mostly due to its high sodium content (30).

One cup (240 grams) of chicken noodle soup provides 32% of the DV for sodium (31).

12. Salmon

Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids that are excellent at decreasing inflammation in your body (32).

Since drinking alcohol can increase the number of compounds that cause inflammation, eating salmon or other fatty fish may be a good way to ease hangover symptoms (33).

13. Eggs

Eggs are rich in cysteine, an amino acid that your body uses to produce the antioxidant glutathione (34).

Drinking alcohol decreases the body’s stores of glutathione. Without it, your body has difficulty breaking down the toxic byproducts of alcohol metabolism (35, 36).

Eating cysteine-rich eggs is a great way to increase glutathione in your body and possibly improve hangover symptoms.

Below are some other foods that may help with a hangover.

14. Oatmeal

Oatmeal contains complex carbohydrates that provide a slow and steady release of sugar into the bloodstream. This may help with hangover symptoms.

One older study found that eating a breakfast full of complex carbs instead of refined sugars led to improved mood and fewer feelings of fatigue (37).

However, the study participants were healthy men who hadn’t been consuming alcohol, so it’s unclear whether results would be the same in people experiencing hangover symptoms.

Still, it’s possible that reaching for oatmeal after a night of heavy drinking could help with hangover-related fatigue or low blood sugar.

15. Ginger

Extensive research supports the use of ginger as an effective remedy for nausea (38, 39, 40).

The anti-nausea effects of ginger make it a possible treatment for the stomach upset associated with hangovers.

16. Honey

Because of its high fructose content, honey may improve hangover symptoms. Depending on the type, it can be between 21% and 43% fructose, depending on the type (41).

While research on this subject is limited, fructose may help rid your body of alcohol more quickly (42, 43).

One study of 50 adults found that honey increased the rate of alcohol elimination by up to 32.4% (44).

Despite its ability to increase the speed at which your body gets rid of alcohol, fructose did not appear to reduce the intensity of hangover symptoms in another study (45).

Nevertheless, people should not rule out honey and other high-fructose foods as a possible way to feel better after drinking too much.

17. Crackers

Crackers contain fast-acting carbs that can increase your blood sugar during a hangover and improve related symptoms.

When the liver processes alcohol, it no longer focuses on regulating blood sugar. This is why low blood sugar can result from excessive drinking, especially in people with diabetes. Eating carbs increases blood sugar (46, 47).

Five saltine crackers (15 grams) contain approximately 11 grams of carbs (48).

18. Nuts

Due to their high magnesium content, nuts may be a solution to your hangover.

Excessive alcohol consumption can deplete magnesium in your cells. As a result, refilling magnesium stores may help treat symptoms (49, 50).

One ounce (28 grams) of almonds packs close to 20% of the DV for magnesium (51).

The below drinks may help to reduce hangover symptoms.

19. Water

Drinking water is one of the most important things you can do with a hangover.

Since alcohol is a diuretic, it makes you pee more frequently and increases water loss. Water can replenish these lost fluids (52).

20. Tomato Juice

Tomato juice may be another good beverage to drink with a hangover.

Research shows that tomatoes contain compounds that protect against liver injury. Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to liver damage, so tomatoes could theoretically help reduce the effects of drinking alcohol (53, 54, 55).

21. Green Tea

Green tea may help fight hangovers, too.

One study found that compounds in green tea significantly decreased blood alcohol concentration in rats. Additional research shows similar effects in mice fed green tea extracts (56, 57).

While researchers have only assessed these effects in animals, the effectiveness of green tea in improving hangover symptoms may translate to humans.

22. Coconut Water

Since hydration is such an important part of hangover recovery, drinking coconut water may facilitate getting over a hangover.

Coconut water contains lots of electrolytes. One cup (240 ml) of coconut water has 11% and 13% of the DVs for sodium and potassium, respectively (58).

As a result, research has shown that coconut water is just as effective as traditional sports drinks for rehydration (59, 60).

23. Coffee

Lastly, coffee may be beneficial for beating a hangover.

Some studies link coffee consumption to decreased inflammation, but the research is mixed. Therefore, drinking a cup of joe after a night of heavy drinking may or may not fight inflammation from a hangover (61, 62, 63).

However, if you’re looking to improve your hangover fatigue and become more alert, coffee is a good choice (64).

While there is no magical cure for a hangover, several foods and drinks may help you feel better.

The best way to prevent a hangover is to avoid alcohol altogether or to drink it in moderation.

Read this article in Spanish.

The 23 Best Hangover Foods (2024)


What is the best food to stop a hangover? ›

Meat and fish
  • Meat. Meat and other high-protein foods may help your body better handle a hangover. ...
  • Chicken Noodle Soup. Chicken noodle soup is a popular remedy for the flu or common cold. ...
  • Salmon. Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids that are excellent at decreasing inflammation in your body ( 32 ). ...
  • Eggs.
Feb 23, 2023

What is the number one hangover food? ›

Chicken noodle soup

Chicken noodle soup is the perfect hangover cure! With its high sodium and electrolyte content, it can help increase hydration. Plus, it's packed with good carbs and maybe some veggies and protein so makes for a balanced meal.

What is the best breakfast for a hangover? ›

Shapiro recommends maintaining a balance of carbs, protein and fat to prevent further blood sugar drops and spikes, and replenishing lost nutrients, electrolytes and B-vitamins. Some options: Two eggs with whole wheat toast and a side of fruit or avocado toast (for the potassium)

Are bananas good for a hangover? ›

Bananas are full of potassium which is something your body will be lacking after frequent urination and they also have a lot of vitamin B6 which is proven to help reduce hangover symptoms.

What removes hangover fast? ›

  1. Fill your water bottle. Sip water or fruit juice to prevent dehydration. ...
  2. Have a snack. Bland foods, such as toast and crackers, may boost your blood sugar and settle your stomach. ...
  3. Take a pain reliever. A standard dose of a pain reliever you can buy without a prescription may ease a headache. ...
  4. Go back to bed.

What drink kills hangover? ›

What drink helps with a hangover? Water. It's close at hand and helps relieve dehydration. You also can try electrolyte-rich sports drinks, juice, broth, and other liquids that your stomach can tolerate.

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High-protein foods, rich in amino acids may also help settle a pounding head and unsettled stomach. Eggs, lean meats, cheese and peanut butter are all good options.

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"The combination of sugar, caffeine, fluid, fizz and cold gives people the impression that their hangover is better," she explains. "It is a fluid so will solve your thirst to a certain extent, but it does not contain much in the way of electrolytes; minerals that aid rehydration.

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When you're low on potassium, you may shake and feel weak. Sound familiar? A banana can boost those levels where they need to be. As for eggs, they're high in vitamin B, which will help reduce your hangover symptoms.

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Take antacids to help settle your stomach. Try aspirin or other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen or naproxen. NSAIDs are the best hangover medicine to ease aches and pains. But use them sparingly since they can upset your digestive system.

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“This is what we call the 'BRAT' diet,” says Zumpano. “Bananas, rice, applesauce and toast.” These plain foods are easy for your body to digest and are often recommended when someone isn't feeling well, specifically with an upset stomach, diarrhea and nausea, or having trouble eating or keeping food down.

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It's worth swerving refined carbs and sugary foods pre-drinking such as white bread, white pasta, sweets and fizzy soft drinks. This is because they digest very quickly, meaning that the alcohol you consume will be absorbed into your blood rapidly.

What foods actually help a hangover? ›

Because bananas are rich in potassium and gentle on the stomach, they can be great hangover helpers. They might help balance electrolytes without adding to queasiness. No bananas around? Try other high-potassium foods include avocado, yogurt, and dried fruit.

Are mashed potatoes good for hangovers? ›

For those of us who don't have the luxury of going to Nicoletti's house for a hangover brunch, there's still a way to cure your hangover. “Grease and carbs seem to be the ultimate cure, and potatoes in any form,” Nicoletti says. “If you can get all three in there, the holy trinity, you're gonna be OK.”

How do you 100% prevent a hangover? ›

Obviously, the only sure way to avoid a hangover is to not drink alcohol. But if you are going to indulge, Tabakoff says the tried-and-true advice — eat something before you drink, and while you drink, makes good sense. "Food is very good for the purpose of slowing the absorption of alcohol," he says.

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Eating a nutritious meal before drinking alcohol can help you avoid a hangover or getting too drunk. Foods high in protein and healthy fats, like yogurt and salmon, can help slow alcohol absorption. Avocados and bananas also contain plenty of potassium, which you might lose after drinking.

What fast food to eat when hungover? ›

Fast Food That'll Cure Your Hangover Quick
  • McDonald's Egg McMuffin. This thing is the beacon of hangover hope. ...
  • Taco Bell's Crunchwrap Supreme. ...
  • KFC's Classic Chicken Sandwich. ...
  • Wendy's Baconator. ...
  • Sonic's Cinnabon Cinnasnacks. ...
  • Arby's Beef 'N Cheddar. ...
  • Dunkin' Coffee and Donut.
Mar 20, 2024


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